Thursday, October 14, 2021

Time to change things up and in need of some advice.

Howdy fellow Reddit enthusiasts.

I've been a Reddit goer for a very long time but just now but created an account to post this morning for the sole purpose of interacting on this subreddit. I feel like physically and especially mentally I am in serious need of making some long term changes to my body and am seeking out friendly advice, tips, suggestions, feedback, ect.

Here is some quick feedback on me and my current situation.

I am a 32-year old male and as of earlier this week I weighed 309 lbs.

I'm actually DOWN 25 lbs. from New Years Day earlier this year which I guess isn't bad considering my diet really isn't anything to write home about at this time. I'm on three "lifetime" medications at this time for my asthma (pet induced), Rheumatoid arthritis, and over active bladder (likely due to my weight and caffeine usage). This mixed with recently becoming a father has me thinking about my long term health and mortality more than ever before.

I've had success in the past losing weight when I've really put my mind and focus into the challenge.

Back in 2010 from May-Nov I lost 60 lbs., then in 2011-2012 from Sept-March I lost 55 lbs., and then in 2016 from May-September I lost 48 lbs. (for my wedding). Each time I did it I was exercising more and keeping my carbs and sugars low. My lowest weight as an adult is 272 lbs. (2012) and the highest weight I can ever remember being was 345 lbs. (2010). The problem is (as with most people) is that I go really hard for 5-6 months then mentally I get tired and physically I get comfortable and I fall back into my old habits.

During the week I do a pretty good job at keeping sugar and alcohol down and I go to the gym twice a week. It would be more except I have new-born twins at home and work 9am-5pm MON-FRI so my time is somewhat limited. When the weekends roll around I typically find myself enjoying beer and pizza as most stressed adults do. That's really where my problem lies. The weekends. I wouldn't say that I necessarily pig out, but I always find myself drinking beer and having pizza or something bad for dinner all three nights. It's a habit I have to break.

I really want to get into fasting, and then eventually keto, just to get started with my weight loss journey for the first 4-5 months. Seeing results early will help keep me motivated and I think if I can make healthy fasting a habit then my chances of sticking with it longer will increase. I've done a lot of fasting on and off this year and last, I even fasted for a full two months this year and even kept a log of my progress but eventually had a disruption in my routine and fell off.

So I guess what I'm looking for here are any tips, advice, or suggestions on how to get started or even some ways to get my brain to OBSESS over losing weight and getting healthy. The biggest challenge is always getting started and then sticking with it beyond the first month or so. For me to stick with this I'll need to OBSESS over it early and often.

Does anyone know any good podcasts, YouTube channels, or other things I can read or listen to that will help keep me motivated? (I know this subreddit is obviously one of them, I love reading the motivational posts about other people's success) and does anyone know of any actual appetite pills that WORK? I don't need a fat burner, more something that might assist me with fasting and to help curb cravings. When I lost weight for my wedding I used a pill called Brighter Day that actually really helped me out, but I think it's since been discontinued.

Any other energy and supplemental suggestions are welcome.

I really need to make some positive changes and work towards habit changes that I can stick with long term. Any feedback, tips, suggestions or ways to "OBSESS" over this would be appreciated.

Thank you all in advance.

submitted by /u/RustyCrusty73
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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