Sunday, January 16, 2022

Want a weight loss partner

Sooooooo hey, the heading says it all. Well I'm trying to resume my weight loss journey, this time in a better and different way. I'm 22F, 173cm and 191lbs(86kg) my goal weight is 60kg. PS: I don't know how you guys set it by your names lol. Anyway I'm searching for a weight loss buddy🥺 and a friend too😬 so please if you're trying to lose weight... let's do this😌

Last time I posted this the bot said it was too little so now I'm thinking of how to make this long enough and I'm out of ideas, lmao I hope this is enough now..

Ehhh, if it's not enough then here's a joke to make it up lol

"Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field."

submitted by /u/Any_Nerve_2631
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, January 15, 2022

I miss being 275 lbs. / Fitness goals for this year.

Currently at 301.8 for two days.

This would be so much easier if I was at my normal weight and hadn’t gained so much. It would be quicker to lose weight. I’m hoping by April I will be back down to 280 lbs, Which is about 8 lbs a month and I lost a steady 7 lbs in 2 months in November/December. So I think if I try harder with my diet and exercise I should be able to lose faster. I don’t want to have another slow year and stick to my weight loss goals. My plan is to keep up with meal prepping for as long as it takes. Starting with 5 days a week until I feel ready to manage 7 days. I’d like a free day on Sunday to have one meal if I’m craving something. I’m lucky enough to have weather in the 30s/40s right now in January so I will make it to the gym soon on the bus instead of only working out at home. I would like to reach 3-5 days for the gym as well once I get used to taking the bus again. I used to go 6 days a week years ago lol I would be there for hours. At that time I was maybe 265 lbs and I looked amazing from doing the bike for 45+ minutes, So I definitely need to add more cardio while I’m at the gym and stay longer. When I have a ride there I usually only have 30 minutes, So I need to go on my own time. Monday is a holiday so I will have to take the bus, and I’m exited to get back to the gym for an hour! I’m rambling now, But I hope this helps speed up my progress.

I would go tomorrow but it’s a Sunday! Should I still make myself go? Edit: I’m way too exited for the gym so I may go tomorrow.

submitted by /u/AquaStardust
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Face transformation after weight loss


35lbs lost, most of it happened in 1 year and have been maintaining pretty consistently for 1 year.

Biggest change was focusing on my health above anything. Mental and physical. Started off SUPER small, ie walking 2 minutes a day, then 5, 10, 20. Then started adding 30 seconds of jogging.

In terms of diet I used to eat pizza, cheez its, pasta everyday. Hardly any veggies. I started by ADDING food rather than taking away. Ie for dinner instead of just pizza and pasta, I’d add a side salad. Then slowly started cutting down the amount of pasta, then eventually cut out pizza once I started to really enjoy my salad.

Now it’s really easy to maintain. I run for 1-2 hours when I feel like it, don’t crave junk except on special occasions, etc.

submitted by /u/iamtheblooper
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

(F50 280 - 801 = 199) Hit my weight loss goal - still obese

EDIT title - obviously I didn’t lose 801 pounds LOL. Meant to say 81.

Okay I know this is controversial and might even piss some people off.

Today, after something like seven and a half months of CICO and increasing exercise, I finally hit my goal of being under 200 lbs. 199.2 this morning. That’s a weight loss of a nice round 80 lbs from my highest recorded weight, maybe more since I avoided scales like the plague and don’t know what my start weight was.

Since I’m only 5’3.5”, that still gives me a BMI well into the obese range. I don’t care. I’m lighter and more agile than I’ve been in ten years. This weight feels sustainable to me. I’m pretty sure I can maintain this weight. I can do things that make me happy at this weight, like dance and go on long hikes. I like the way my clothes fit, and I can find cute things to wear in this size. My husband likes the way my body looks and feels at this weight.

For me, 200 lbs is a weight that is compatible with being active and healthy. I still have goals, they just are not scale related goals. My next goal is to be able to run a mile without stopping to walk. After that I’ll set another non-weight-related goal. Who knows - in pursuit of those goals I may actually lose more weight. If so, great!!

Today I’m so happy and proud of myself. Losing 80 pounds through diet and exercise is a big deal. I did it. Yay me!!!

submitted by /u/aimeed72
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Should I eat Pizza ?

Ok hear me out! I started my weight loss journey again yesterday and today I ate absolutely healthy just fruits and vegetables within my calorie limit, I just walked 14,678 steps and did workout but I have been waiting all the last week to eat this pizza. When the new year started I wanted to eat pizza, satisfy my cravings and move on but I denied myself as there was too much unhealthy stuff cooked in my house and I didn't want to add on that but last week my cousins told me that they are coming over on Sunday and we are gonna do movie and pizza night. At first I was fine and I thought that it's okay I am not gonna eat that pizza no matter what happens but at times when I was doing some other activity pizza would suddenly come into my mind and I would crave it and then deny myself but today I was completely torn and I kept thinking about it constantly now I can't even fall asleep cuz I want to eat that pizza. So what should I do?

submitted by /u/PsychologicalRun289
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Calculating calories in homemade beef jerky?

I’m preparing to make some jerky for an upcoming camping trip, and want to actually get the calories on it right. The last time I made jerky, I just used someone else’s “homemade beef jerky” entry from the Lose It database… and while that definitely helped with weight loss (they somehow had eighty calories per half ounce serving), I’d like to be more accurate this time.

I’m pretty sure that changing the amount of water in something doesn’t affect the calories; like, when calculating the calories in pasta, you go by how much it weighs dry, right? So, when creating the recipe in my calorie counting app, I should input the wet weight of the beef, and then list the total recipe weight based on how much it all weighs dry?

I’m also a little confused about calories in a marinade. I’ve heard, at some point, that you only count the calories of the oil used… but the meat absorbs more of the liquid than the oil, and sugar should be taken into account too, right? But then this is jerky, with the goal being to remove as much liquid from the meat as possible, so how does that affect things?

For the first time since I started counting calories, I feel completely out of my depth. Thanks for taking the time to read this, any advice would be greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/Chesu
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, January 14, 2022

Proud of my wife

The pandemic has hit us all hard and all of us have dealt with it in different ways. In January of 2021, I decided to lose the weight I had gained from COVID quarantine and began calorie counting in a spreadsheet. My wife elected to join me in my weight loss journey and we counted our calories together. Through all the measuring of calories in (we didn't bother with calories out) and keeping to our daily limits, we were able to lose a considerable amount of weight. My wife is now down 50 lbs from her starting weight of 210 and is getting ever closer to her goal of 140! I am so proud of her and I want the whole world to know it. For Christmas, I gave her money for a whole new wardrobe (I am not a fashionable person lol) because her clothes don't fit. We are now entering 2022 and back at the calorie counting once more. This year we will make our goal weights, I have no doubt!

submitted by /u/Overlord_756
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from loseit - Lose the Fat