Monday, January 17, 2022

Between me and my sister, every weight loss mistake you can make

I have lost weight at least 3 times. 20 lbs, gained back. 30 lbs, gained back. 20 lbs, gained back. 20 lbs, back. CICO most times, keto once. My sister has mostly gained weight and stayed very overweight for years.

In 2020 we said enough is enough and started a photo album together with our starting weight and appearance. I went on to lose 20 lbs and gain it back. She stayed the same.

We’re trying again now in 2022 and I’m so frustrated because I do actually feel like for once I might be on a sustainable track and I might have learned from my failures, my sister is doing the exact opposite.

I have reflected on what went wrong and read so many of the personal journeys on here. I want to make an adjustment to my habits, focus on protein, fiber, and foods that make me feel good. I’m not going to cut anything out or fast (not knocking those methods, just hasn’t stuck for me). I want to lose at a slow pace eating 1800 cal a day. I never want to go to 1200 a day.

I have separate fitness goals, but if they are unsustainable I’ll switch to walking and focus on staying with eating habits first.

My sister on the other hand, so far…has gone to the gym a ton and didn’t track her eating and complained she didn’t lose a pound- instead she gained 5 lbs. Now she signed up for noom which apparently told her to eat 1300 calories a day. 1300! I mean yeah she’ll lose weight, but currently she’s eating twice that. That’s going to be really, really difficult to stick to. I think she has binge eating and binge drinking problems as well and I don’t know how to help her with those.

Ultimately we’re both just starting so I don’t have a right to say “I’m doing this better than her”. Remove the beam from my eye right? But it sucks to see her do things I’ve done in the past and that I couldn’t stick to.

submitted by /u/furikakebabe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally beat my weight plateau!

TW: eating disorder

I was officially diagnosed with BED three-ish months ago but have been struggling with it for many many years. I’ve been absolutely out of control for a few years now, binge eating basically every single night for the last few years with a few days here and there when I didn’t binge.

But as of today I am one week binge free!!! I’ve been stuck in a major plateau for 6 months now because of binging and losing and gaining the same 5 pounds over and over. I was eating probably 2000 extra calories a night on top of whatever calories I consumed during the day. I weighed myself this morning and to my absolute shock I am down 3 pounds from my lowest weight of my plateau!

The weight loss is great but my NSV have been even greater. My heartburn has decreased significantly, I have more energy during the day, and I’m not waking up severely nauseous.

I’ve been pretty quiet about my binging so I didn’t really have anywhere to share this and just had to get it out somewhere. My momentum is up and I’m well on my way to my first weight loss goal. I hope to be 6 more pounds down by mid February.

Stats if anyone is curious: Height: 5’7” SW: between 224-227 CW: 221 GW by mid February: 215 Official GW: 170(ish)

submitted by /u/blah_fkin_blah
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

TDEE Adjustments?

Hey all. So I’m not new to TDEE, but definitely would like some feedback. I’m 39F, 5’5 and currently sitting at 168.6lbs, down from 190, at the end of August.I’ve been all the weights over the years and my happy weight and size seems to fall between 150-158pbs. I’m also very…shall we say top heavy and the tissue is dense. It’s not a spot I lose much fat from, so plays into my higher weight. I’m currently a size 27/28 (true 6 in the US.) Workouts are reformer Pilates 4-5 days a week, 3 mile walk 4-5 days a week, and weights 2-3 days a week, for 45 minutes to an hour. I work from home, but max 20 hours a week sitting for that. I also live in a home with 4 flights of stairs, that I chase my puppy up and down-lol!

When I calculated my initial TDEE, at 190 (I used light exercise) it put me at 1614 cals. I bumped it down to 1600 even and I track (weighing food) via MFP. I do not eat back workout calories. That’s gotten me from the 190 to where I am stalled.

I’ve been stalled on weight loss since November. Enjoyed the holidays of course, but still tracked and didn’t gain, but didn’t lose. I also just bought a peloton and plan to add that onto my current workout plan at 3-4 days a week (my walks will still happen, as I walk to Pilates.)

My question for y’all -in recalculating my TDEE for my current weight…does it make sense for me to bump myself to moderate exercise? I don’t want to be under eating, with the additional cardio, but still want to healthily lose those last 10-15lbs. Thanks for the input!

submitted by /u/Slg0519
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, January 16, 2022

M [22] I’m 6’0 tall and recently went from 228 to 209 pounds since July. Looking for advice about losing more weight from here!

Title is pretty self explanatory, I recently have had a bit of weight loss, but I’m still wanting to lose more weight. I’m having difficulty breaking past the 209 pound barrier, does anyone have any advice? I’ve been stuck there two weeks. I’ve been tracking calories and even have recently reduced intake slightly to still no avail.

Again, I am 6’0 tall and currently 209 pounds after cutting down from almost 230. I’ve been running on the treadmill recently to help keep myself in deficit, any other advice?

submitted by /u/Dc533333
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m so sensitive about my weight, how can I toughen up?

I think I have just gotten stuck in this mindset ever since gaining weight that I can just pretend it never happened and lose it before anyone notices. (cut to ten years later) It’s so embarrassing for me. I admire heavier people who are able to openly talk about weight loss efforts or make jokes about being heavier. But for me if it is recognized in conversation I feel humiliated and want to go hide and cry. I know that it’s plain to others and I’m not hiding anything. I don’t want to talk about it with friends and family but I had a recent conversation where my dad (who has also lost a lot of weight) said I had a few extra pounds but still seemed healthy and now I’m spiraling in low self esteem and sadness. I don’t think he was being particularly rude and I wish I could just respond in my heart with, “yeah that’s true… I’m trying to lose weight and it’s a struggle.” But again, feelings of humiliation, sadness, self loathing. Can anyone relate? I just want to quietly lose the weight on my own and never have to discuss it with anyone on any level…

submitted by /u/TwilightZone2019
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Carbs and Hunger

I came on here to ask about carbs and hunger and how carbs affect satisfaction.

I’ve done low carb and it really works but it’s always been in the context of CICO. I know CICO is all that really matters when it comes to weight loss but what I’m wondering about is staying power. Lately with low carb I just always feel this desire to eat more after. Like I just had a 3 egg omelette with half an avocado and while I’m “full” I still have cravings for more. However, the other night I had some homemade lentil soup and some rice for less calories and felt completely done afterwards. This always happens when I have some carbs but it confuses me because I thought carbs cause hunger. I’m a bit nervous to incorporate them on a more daily basis but I think it actually might help me eat less without thinking about it.

What’s your opinion on low carb and hunger?

submitted by /u/Spicyshakshukaaa
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anyone lose over 150lb naturally?

F24. SW: 398lb, CW: 274.6lb, GW: 175

I have lost over 120lb naturally with diet and exercise. I’ve done this in the past 15 months. I’m starting to hit that stage of weight loss where I’m not losing consistently and it’s become extremely slow. I calculated that my tdee is 2400 and I eat 1750. Technically I should be losing a little more than 1lb weekly but it hasn’t been consistent. So to those of you who lost over 150lb, did u lose the weight in one go? Was it in phases with diet breaks? I’m thinking about going on a diet break to eat in maintenance but what’s keeping me back is that I’m going to be traveling to see family I haven’t seen in 5 years so I want to be as small as I can. I’m conflicted lol. What was everyone’s journey looking like? I still need to lose 100lb ugh

submitted by /u/zahimahi97
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from loseit - Lose the Fat