Monday, January 17, 2022

TDEE Adjustments?

Hey all. So I’m not new to TDEE, but definitely would like some feedback. I’m 39F, 5’5 and currently sitting at 168.6lbs, down from 190, at the end of August.I’ve been all the weights over the years and my happy weight and size seems to fall between 150-158pbs. I’m also very…shall we say top heavy and the tissue is dense. It’s not a spot I lose much fat from, so plays into my higher weight. I’m currently a size 27/28 (true 6 in the US.) Workouts are reformer Pilates 4-5 days a week, 3 mile walk 4-5 days a week, and weights 2-3 days a week, for 45 minutes to an hour. I work from home, but max 20 hours a week sitting for that. I also live in a home with 4 flights of stairs, that I chase my puppy up and down-lol!

When I calculated my initial TDEE, at 190 (I used light exercise) it put me at 1614 cals. I bumped it down to 1600 even and I track (weighing food) via MFP. I do not eat back workout calories. That’s gotten me from the 190 to where I am stalled.

I’ve been stalled on weight loss since November. Enjoyed the holidays of course, but still tracked and didn’t gain, but didn’t lose. I also just bought a peloton and plan to add that onto my current workout plan at 3-4 days a week (my walks will still happen, as I walk to Pilates.)

My question for y’all -in recalculating my TDEE for my current weight…does it make sense for me to bump myself to moderate exercise? I don’t want to be under eating, with the additional cardio, but still want to healthily lose those last 10-15lbs. Thanks for the input!

submitted by /u/Slg0519
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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