Friday, January 21, 2022

Sometimes it's the little things about weight loss that drive me insane! Venting post.

So there's a lot about weight loss that can be challenging, but we all know what those things are. The counting, the weighing (of yourself and your food), the constant self-control. But sometimes the small things people do and say around me really drive me insane. Here's some examples of current and past stuff that just gets under my skin sometimes:

  1. When someone tries to encourage you to eat something that is a big diet no-no then when you say "I can't, I'm trying so hard to be good on my diet" and they say "oh, come on, just one meal won't kill you!" Well, it might not kill me, but it will cause me to lose the progress I've tried so hard all week to accomplish. I don't know about other people, but I weigh myself daily. I know, "they" say you should only weigh in weekly, but that doesn't work for me. I need to be accountable to myself every single freaking day. If not, my brain is really good at manipulating me to eat horrible at the start of the week cause "you have the rest of the week to make up for it!" I'm 44 years old, my metabolism is horrific. I have gained, and will gain, up to 4 pounds in a week when I'm not careful. I could very quickly be on My 600 Pound Life if I wasn't careful. So every day I have to be accountable, which means every day I have to diet. If I want to cheat, I have to really limit how often I do it and I'd rather it be done on my own terms. I've decided from now on when someone says this to me my new response will have to be "I really can't. I have hypertension so I have to be super careful about my diet." It's not a complete lie, my father takes meds for hypertension and my blood pressure is on the edge of normal and elevated.
  2. When someone notices you're losing weight then they ask you how you're doing it cause they'd like to lose a few pounds too. When you start to tell them about your diet and exercise routine they suddenly lose interest and say "well, I'm not going to do all THAT." What did you want me to say, that I eat whatever I want all day then take a magical pill before bed and PRESTO! Weight loss! This isn't a Dr. Who alternate universe!
  3. This one really gets to me cause I hear it often. When someone recognizes you're losing weight or you tell someone you've started a new diet, and they say "well, I hope you're doing it in a healthy way." Oh, you suddenly care about my health? After months of encouraging me and others around you to join you in eating take out every Friday for lunch, bringing in cookies and snacks for everyone, then making jokes about those who don't participate? You didn't seem to care too much about my health when I was eating the worst kinds of foods out there, but now you want me to be healthy about how I'm losing the weight?
submitted by /u/outtadalupe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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