Monday, January 17, 2022

Finally beat my weight plateau!

TW: eating disorder

I was officially diagnosed with BED three-ish months ago but have been struggling with it for many many years. I’ve been absolutely out of control for a few years now, binge eating basically every single night for the last few years with a few days here and there when I didn’t binge.

But as of today I am one week binge free!!! I’ve been stuck in a major plateau for 6 months now because of binging and losing and gaining the same 5 pounds over and over. I was eating probably 2000 extra calories a night on top of whatever calories I consumed during the day. I weighed myself this morning and to my absolute shock I am down 3 pounds from my lowest weight of my plateau!

The weight loss is great but my NSV have been even greater. My heartburn has decreased significantly, I have more energy during the day, and I’m not waking up severely nauseous.

I’ve been pretty quiet about my binging so I didn’t really have anywhere to share this and just had to get it out somewhere. My momentum is up and I’m well on my way to my first weight loss goal. I hope to be 6 more pounds down by mid February.

Stats if anyone is curious: Height: 5’7” SW: between 224-227 CW: 221 GW by mid February: 215 Official GW: 170(ish)

submitted by /u/blah_fkin_blah
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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