Saturday, January 29, 2022

Restaurant hesitation

Hello r/loseit community! I'm very new into my CICO approach to weightloss (10 days in). I've been eating a lot healthier and less than I have been thanks to tracking my food (I'm already about 8 lbs down from when I started).

Well, my friend invited me out to a Mexican restaurant tomorrow and while I do want to go out and enjoy myself, I don't want to ruin my whole day by eating restaurant food and potentially going over my calories (I did look up the menu online and couldn't find any nutritional information to preplan my order), but I also don't want be the one person who just orders a salad and nothing else (plus I wouldn't be happy with that anyway).

So I'm asking for new people and veterans into their weight loss journey/lifestyle, what do you do when eating out? Do you just go all day without eating and the restaurant food is all you have? Do you throw caution to the wind and enjoy yourself and worry about it tomorrow? Are you the salad orderer at a restaurant?

Any advice is appreciated!

submitted by /u/blue_arr0w
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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