Monday, January 17, 2022

Between me and my sister, every weight loss mistake you can make

I have lost weight at least 3 times. 20 lbs, gained back. 30 lbs, gained back. 20 lbs, gained back. 20 lbs, back. CICO most times, keto once. My sister has mostly gained weight and stayed very overweight for years.

In 2020 we said enough is enough and started a photo album together with our starting weight and appearance. I went on to lose 20 lbs and gain it back. She stayed the same.

We’re trying again now in 2022 and I’m so frustrated because I do actually feel like for once I might be on a sustainable track and I might have learned from my failures, my sister is doing the exact opposite.

I have reflected on what went wrong and read so many of the personal journeys on here. I want to make an adjustment to my habits, focus on protein, fiber, and foods that make me feel good. I’m not going to cut anything out or fast (not knocking those methods, just hasn’t stuck for me). I want to lose at a slow pace eating 1800 cal a day. I never want to go to 1200 a day.

I have separate fitness goals, but if they are unsustainable I’ll switch to walking and focus on staying with eating habits first.

My sister on the other hand, so far…has gone to the gym a ton and didn’t track her eating and complained she didn’t lose a pound- instead she gained 5 lbs. Now she signed up for noom which apparently told her to eat 1300 calories a day. 1300! I mean yeah she’ll lose weight, but currently she’s eating twice that. That’s going to be really, really difficult to stick to. I think she has binge eating and binge drinking problems as well and I don’t know how to help her with those.

Ultimately we’re both just starting so I don’t have a right to say “I’m doing this better than her”. Remove the beam from my eye right? But it sucks to see her do things I’ve done in the past and that I couldn’t stick to.

submitted by /u/furikakebabe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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