Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Why am I so hard on myself with weight loss?

SW: 201 CW: 183 GW: 160-170? (28 Male, 6’)

I weighed 201lbs until last November after struggling to move from that number for a long time. Since then I’ve been losing 1-2 pounds per week. The last 5 days my weight was 182.8, 182.4, 182.0, 181.2 and today 183.

By all means I should be proud of my progress but I can’t help but feel mad at myself for going up 1.8lbs.

And that could be anything. I ate healthy yesterday on my rest day. I went hard on Monday in the gym and snowboarding for the first time to exercise new muscles. I also increased the weights on almost every excersize I do at the gym in the last week. That weight difference could very well be a combo of more muscle and sleight water retention from not having my 3L of water and sweating yesterday.

I don’t get why I am so hard on myself on days like today. I am doing great but can’t help but focus on the negatives.

Also to anyone saying my CW should be my GW - I still have a small pot belly and arm fat that should be gone by the 160 mark.

submitted by /u/oh_fuck_ya_bud
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: Finally figured out how to keep hunger cravings down!

There's been so many different pieces of advice for weight loss/muscle building around here, and so many of them have been helpful. But the one thing I couldn't figure out was how to keep myself from eating a bunch around noon/lunchtime. Usually the advice was centred around not binging around nighttime/late evening, which wasn't necessarily what I was looking for. I'm not a binge eater, and I don't really have a problem regulating at night.

It was just frustrating eating a bunch right around noon and then having to budget/plan for nighttime accounting for that. I tried several things, from fasting (isn't my thing, usually exacerbates my sense of cold, plus isn't super beneficial for me) to brushing my teeth (very odd thing to do around noon, I can't lie), and more. I never felt like throwing in the towel, but damn was it annoying.

But finally, I accidentally figured it out. A family member's birthday was a few days ago, so we had dinner and some dessert pretty late in the night. I usually didn't eat meals after 6pm, so it was unusual for me. I went to bed a few hours later, still full.

When I woke up, I ate breakfast like normal, but the feeling of fullness/not hunger carried over from last night, meaning when lunch came around, I wasn't really that hungry. At a small snack and carried on. I ate dinner like normal, had some snacks here and there like usual, and I was well under my calorie goal at the end of the day!

I tried it again the next day, eating a bowl of oatmeal before bed, and it happened again! Tried again the day after that. Same story. God, it's so nice just being able to have more flexibility in what I'm eating when I'm not eating whatever's in the fridge for lunch. It's given me more ideas on maintenance in the future, given my goal to lose is very little, without stressing about fitting in dinner or snacks.

Not a scale victory, but still a great feeling!

submitted by /u/jerseygrace
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to find consistency

I find in several facets of my life that some days I’m super motivated to reach my long term goals, and other days I would rather do what I want in the moment rather than remaining focused on what that action does to me long term.

Weight loss is one of the bigger examples of this in my life. I wonder if people have any tips on how to create an environment where you’re consistently motivated to reach your goals, whether that be weight loss or other things. Or perhaps, how to find discipline during the days where you just don’t have the wind in your sails.

submitted by /u/SADdog2020Pb
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


Hi everyone! I started my fitness/weight loss journey about a year ago. Ive lost some weight but mostly toned my body. I’m now at a point that i would like to thin down more than tone. Some would call it a “cut.” I’ve read that some vitamins help with gut health which then helps with weight loss. Wondering if anyone has an experience with vitamins for weight loss/gut health? If so what are the vitamins and no I’m not looking for a “quick fix”

submitted by /u/Wildflowers57
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Carbs/Drinking and weight loss?

Hey everyone, I’m new to this subreddit but I’ve began losing weight last August. I’m a 28 year old male and have been overweight for the majority of my life (since I was about 8 or 9 years old to be exact), mostly due to binge eating disorder. In August just a few days before my birthday I decided I was tired of being overweight and hating how my body looked, so I started seeing a medical weight loss doctor in my area. My results have been great so far, I started at 246 pounds and currently weigh 218 pounds, I could have lost more by now but I plateaued a bit over Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year’s, however I am now back on track. Since seeing my medical weight loss doctor I have been advised to stick to a high protein and low carb diet, counting my calories with MyFitnessPal, and have been taking prescribed Phentermine and Phendimetrazine everyday from the doctor to suppress my appetite. As of late I’ve been finding it very hard to consistently eat low carb meals every single day, maybe I’m just running out of ideas, but will eating things like bread and potatoes really slow my weight loss down like all the staff at the doctors office keep telling me? I had always thought it was just calories that counted. Also, is alcohol really as detrimental to weight loss as people say it is? I like to go out with friends and drink beers and have a good time, but I feel like this weight loss program I’m in is forcing me to be a hermit and stay home and have no life because drinking and going out to eat is often a social aspect of life for me as it is for many people. Sorry for such a long post but I would love to hear other thoughts on these topics as I bounce back from my plateau and keep moving down from 218 to my goal weight (190). Thanks everyone!

submitted by /u/mdez93
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Not losing, what can I do differently?

30F, current weight 195

I’ve always struggled with losing and keeping weight off. Obesity runs heavily in my family. I have hypothyroidism. Doing OMAD is one of the few things that consistently causes weight loss. I’ve recently started being very active and I want to be able to gain muscle.

For the past 3 weeks I’ve been going on walks and hitting 15k+ steps almost every day and training in martial arts 6 days a week, sometimes twice a day. I’ve been tracking what I eat and have been in 1K+ calorie deficit daily. I try to eat clean, I do drink protein shakes to help keep my protein intake up. I’ve lost nothing, and have actually gone up a couple lbs. could this be from muscle gain/inflammation or am I doing something that’s preventing losing fat? I know it’s early and this will take time, I’ve been through this many times before. I just want immediately make a change if I’m doing something wrong. I would greatly appreciate any pointers.

A typical day looks like:

145g carbs 86g fat 98g protein

submitted by /u/landsharkmaligator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

25/F - Do I focus on weight loss, and tone later? Or tone and cut at the same time?

I’ve been losing weight consistently since January 2nd and went from 138 to about 125 lbs. My goal weight is 115 by June.

I know toning could make me gain some muscle weight- but I’m not quite at the mental place to feel confident with that. But is there a better system to do this?

Rn I am cutting hard with diet and daily light cardio (like a 45 minute power walk). Should I strength train as well?

Thanks 💕

submitted by /u/lilapplecrumbs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat