Monday, February 28, 2022

Mid 40s tall dude (6’5”) joining you all on the journey…

This pandemic hey? Jeeeeeeez. Put on more weight than I’d realised. Said, probably, most people in the last 6 months.

Have just committed to this weight loss journey and I have a question (below)… but first, my story in a nutshell, for context (and in case it inspires anyone in a similar position):

As the title says, I’m a guy who somehow is now in his mid-40s. How did that happen? 6’5”… and I’ve always liked to think of myself as relatively fit and healthy, as I used to do plenty of physical activities every week, but the pandemic put an end to most (or, all) of them, soooo… here we are. Weighed myself about 10 days ago and was quite upset. 115kgs - when I used to be a lot closer to 100. Also attempted to take a pic of myself. That didn’t go well. Gave me the kick I needed to find you guys!

I’ve already taken steps to get back to healthy activities - screw you, pandemic! - I’m playing tennis every week (as well as golf which I already play regularly, going to the driving range every week over winter).

But that alone isn’t enough, I realised. So I downloaded the LoseIt app and told it to take my money. Set my ‘not overly aggresive’ target as 99.9kgs which it said would be about 15 weeks (I’m not overthinking this right now, and I’m happy to do this sustainably, i.e. 1kg/week or so).

So a week ago I started tracking calories. I thought this was going to be a REAL pain… but… it’s really not!

I just completed my first week, and I’m already down 0.9kg!

My first question, for anyone who might know: is there a list of ‘least calorific to most calorific, by weight’ foods somewhere, as an easy reference/inspiration for “oh, I could add that to my meal planning!”? I realise I need inspiration, and variety, or I’ll get bored and lose willpower. I just started scanning r/volumeeating and am already getting some ideas, but a big list somewhere would be great, if it exists?

I noticed, for example (since I started looking at and actually READING labels on foods) that orzo is half the calories by weight vs other pasta!? What’s that about? So I had that for lunch today and will have it again as it satisfies my pasta cravings and is half the calories. Yes please.

Are there any other great examples of less-calorific options that I can browse for inspiration?

Thanks for reading and I hope your journey is going well too!

submitted by /u/davenewt
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Advice or tips

(26 F) I’ve lost about 50lbs since giving birth in December, I’m down to 200lbs and I can’t even remember the last time I was at this weight 😭

I’m not gonna lie, I do kinda blame some of the weight loss on some unfortunate series of events since I had my daughter but it has made me want to change my life style which ultimately has always been a struggle for me.

But could anyone give tips or advice for continuing my journey, since I’ve stalled at 200 and haven’t seen anymore movement in the last week with my weight.

I currently drink about 8-10 glasses of water a day. Cut out caffeine all together(was addicted to Diet Coke lol), cut back on sweets drastically, and stopped eating out.

Anymore tips would be seriously appreciated!

submitted by /u/therareoneee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Struggling Weight loss

So I've been trying to lose weight but also doing alot of weight training.. I've counted calories, been really strict with what I eat, do cardio after my workouts, try to eat less but to no avail I've stayed at 260.. I was trying to stay at 2k calories a day since my maintenence is 2800. I don't really understand what I'm doing wrong, and I'm also diabetic so I don't know if that plays a factor in it as well? Anyone had any similar issues or can shed some light on what I can do?

submitted by /u/Personal-Stable1591
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

100 Lb Weight loss, Reflections after a year of maintenance.

TL:DR: Feb 2020, January 1 2021, Feb 2022 33 Year old Male 310+ (wasn't touching a scale then lol) to 204.4 to 205.0

March 2020 just as the Pandemic was declared, but before the lock down was ordered where I live my wife became symptomatic with Covid. I'd been ignoring very minor symptoms (headache/sore throat) because guidance at the time said they weren't.

She got better, she got worse, then she stayed worse. We were both heavy, and fairly young, she was 30, I was 33. This disease for old people put her on her back for 6 weeks with a few 'should we call an ambulance' moments. At the same time work fell apart (I work in aerospace) so I dove face first into fitness and weight loss.

We got a water rower and I would religiously do 30 minutes on it every day, sweat through my shirt. I also went on a pretty extreme diet/fasting plan. I wouldn't recommend what I did as generalizable so I'm inclined to avoid too much detail.

I dropped maybe 5-6lbs before I started dieting, the typical weight reduction you expect from exercise alone, and starting in late June I started dropping 3.8lbs a week like clockwork. By January I had lost 100lbs.

Turned my focus to maintenance for a year, slowly weight crept on due to strength training and general lack of precision in my dieting (I was monitoring, my rule was once I started being above 220 with consistency I'd do a cut down, I got there right around Christmas so I waited till after New Years for obvious reasons.

I switched to a more conventional diet model, started tracking, eating normal meal times, pulled my calories down and have slowly moved to maintenance.

Not perfect but you can see the slight regain in the right.

What I've learned:

  • For someone who's always been heavy you might need vigilance always. Don't just jump back to 'normal' structure maintenance.
    • Remember everyone's getting fat, so it's not like you're missing out on a mysterious ability to just 'do whatever' and not get fat. That thought used to torture me, but especially this past two years has shown that almost no one can just 'do whatever' without gaining weight.
  • It helps to be working towards something fitness-wise. Not always be losing weight, but have something to orient your physical and dietary activities towards. I'm ending a weight loss cycle and will turn my focus more to strength development.
  • Loose skin sucks and fucks with your head
  • I didn't know what I was capable of, both in terms of rapid weight loss and maintenance but physical capacity. Go back two years and tell me I'd run 6 miles one morning just to see if I could and I'd assume you were high. I'm a big framed asthmatic, even if I lost weight that'd be awful.
  • Embrace the difficult. Is it harder to make tasty meals without throwing sugar and fat in them? Yes, can it be done? also yes.
  • Pain in exercise is inevitable, right now my right trap hurts, a couple weeks ago I pulled something dead lifting, and now when I rack my squats it can trigger. So I'm going to train around it, avoid heavy squats and deadlifts, perhaps do something different until I'm desensitized to the pressure. My non-exercising friends are also in pain, their backs hurt, hips, knees etc. Pain is unescapable, and the pain of fitness hurts less than the pain of ill health.

Hope someone finds this helpful.

submitted by /u/MikeET86
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, February 27, 2022

A message to every single person looking for the best way to lose weight!

Firstly, it's probably a good idea to outline what a fad diet actually is. When I talk about fad diets, I'm talking about Huel, Slimming World, keto, fasting, and all of these other diets that people will promote as the "best way to lose weight".

To put it simply, it's all BS! The one thing that every single one of these 'diets' will have in common is that they put the individual in a calorie deficit. This meaning that the individual will burn more calories than they consume on a day to day basis, resulting in weight loss.

Whether this is done by removing meals (such as with intermittent fasting), by removing entire food groups (such as with keto), and so on, all diets will put the individual into this calorie deficit.

So what actually is the best way to lose weight? It is which ever way allows you to most easily stick to a calorie deficit, so find what works FOR YOU!

submitted by /u/FreemanFitness
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’ve gained 20lbs after new relationship - break up and my 70lb weight loss has gone to 50lbs.

I feel so discouraged. I’m 19, started going to university. I go to the gym about 5 days a week, deadlifting, benching and squatting- while nine yards, with a plan from an old coach as well. What i’m trying to say is the exercise part is okay. I’m 180lbs, 5’1 and a girl.

I have my calories set at 1850 right now. I get 10k steps in almost everyday because i have to walk everywhere, and then am at the gym for 1-2 hours. The problem is, I keep going over my calorie limit, and my weight is just staying there. I’m so frustrated. At my smallest, maybe 6 months ago, i was at 160.

I stopped counting calories because i got so restrictive, i was at around 1500 a day :( (with lifting 2-3 times a week) I stopped counting a year ago. I’m frustrated because i maintained 160 for a while without counting, and now i’m trying to count again and i can’t go a day without eating at least 2000. Any advice? I’ve been feeling so fat and icky, it’s made me SO depressed, i even picked up old habits.

submitted by /u/Festivearea2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Building muscle; after or during weightloss? (19M)

Hello everyone!

In the last 5 months I've lost 40lbs. Went from 255 to 215. I'm 5'11 so my goal is to be about 175lbs. So still a bit to go, slowly but surely.

My current strategy has been to eat one meal a day (mostly OMAD) and then some days I eat 2 meals and do 16:8 IF. I combined this with cardio, Running for about 45 minutes.

Yes the weight has gone off — but I realized I am very weak in terms of muscle.

Lots of people think that I should be building muscle as well, but I don't know how to go about. Best to do it now or later? I'd personally prefer after the weight loss, as I usually have problems focusing on more than one thing, I think I'll end up getting tired of the process.

What do u guys think? Could it be beneficial to prevent loose skin too?

submitted by /u/SkaChang
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from loseit - Lose the Fat