Friday, April 22, 2022

I'm a 6ft 1 260-270lb 36yr old male. I have a few questions about weight loss as I'm new to it.

I have a very active job, I work at Walmart in the produce section. Im constantly lifting up 20-50lb cases of potatoes, vegetables, bananas. I usually hit 8 to 10k steps a day along with all the heavy lifting. I have heard your body gets used to this and dosnt really count as exercise, is this true?

I am trying to eat healthier as I am a emotional eater and always jump to junk food to make me feel better. I have no idea what my calorie intake was before but it must have been enormous. I would drink 6 or 7 mt dews every day. Pasta, pizza,donuts were my staple diet. I've lowered my calorie intake to 1500 the last couple days eating mostly healthy foods. My question is I keep feeling tired and somewhat dizzy. Will this go away once my body stops being addicted to all the sugar?

I have a lot of muscle and im chubby but I wouldn't say im fat. When looking up my bmi it says 260 is obese and that I should be around 180 to 200. Thats seems really low. I was 200lbs growing up and almost to thin. Whats a good way to set a target healthy weight for myself.

Thank you for anyone who reads or answers.

submitted by /u/Tall_Organization_41
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm really bummed that my pregnancy has put me off track with my fitness and weight loss goals.

So I'm 7 months pregnant. Right before my pregnancy started I was 10lbs away from my weight loss goal and I was seeing some really good progress in my fitness level. I felt good about my journey and motivated enough that I was already planing my "what next" after I'd hit my goals. Throughout my pregnancy I've tried as best I can with keeping, at least, some slimmer of the lifestyle that got me so close to my goals. And I am still exercising and eating healthy regularly. Just not as much as I'd like. And ofc I knew I would gain weight during the pregnancy and go through other changes as well. But its been like the difference between "knowing", and it actually happening has thrown me so off balance that I'm struggling to maintain my goals. Not only that but the fact that this is just the pregnancy, that after this comes a lifetime of motherhood. My motivation is on the shitter. I feel like if I can't handle the pregnancy + work + life + fitness and juggle all that, then how am I gonna be able to add motherhood to all that ?

submitted by /u/Vequinha
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do you cope with people around you still stuck in eating habits you no longer can or want to share in?

I come from an absurd foodie family. They are OBSESSED with food, it is all they talk about. The family Whatsapp is 90% food pictures and long, involved descriptions of dishes and flavors and wines and desserts. Most of them drink too much. They all eat unhealthily. They are expecting me somehow to continue to be involved in this and I gamely will share what I cooked myself for a healthy meal on occasion but just feel put off by the behavior in general and also a bit miffed that I can no longer feel "normal" around them. I also have health issues that require me to eat a certain way on top of trying to lose some weight, so it's a double whammy of "I can't do that anymore". I don't know how to relate to them. We have no other common interests. Whenever the family spend time together it's ALL about food. We never DO anything. It's all food and drinking. Every single get-together. And most of the conversation around the table is also about food. The meal that's being eaten right then and there, meals from the past we've had togethere, where everyone's been out to eat at a restaurant, where people buy their speciality groceries, what they're cooking, what they had for the office holiday party like it is... to me, insane, but it literally is all about food. Not being able to join in with at least the eating of the food is making me feel like I don't belong in my family anymore, and I just need some tips. How do you get them to talk about something else? How do I get them to understand that I don't share their obsessive interest in food anymore but am prioritizing my health? What can you try to do socially with overweight, exercise-averse "foodies" that doesn't turn into a food orgie or hours-long talk about food? And how do you stick to your guns and not feel left out in social situations?

Tl;dr - My family is obsessed with food. I can no longer participate due to health issues and weight loss. Causing a bit of a disconnect, not sure what to do.

submitted by /u/Crafty_Inevitable_22
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, April 21, 2022

how many pounds away are you from your goal weight and what are your rewards?

i'm 15lbs away from my first goal weight which i think will take me about 3 months. how long do you think it'll take you or maybe you're not thinking about that? i'm hoping it'll be faster but a part of me knows that it's unrealistic. slow weight loss is also more sustainable. i'm just looking forward to being able to wear the clothes i want and the day i can work on maintenance. my rewards are listening to a song i like and wearing a top with spaghetti straps outside for the first time in my life.

i decided my first goal weight based on the bmi system because i just wanted to be at a normal bmi. i'm interested in hearing everyone talk about their goal weight, their thoughts on the journey to getting there and if there's anything you want to do. i've been feeling mentally exhausted and would just like to enjoy a cosy chat with you all.

submitted by /u/magicsuns
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Will walking 10k a day help with weight loss during a plateau?

Hello everyone! I recently hit a big plateau in my weight loss and have been struggling to lose weight even though I’ve been eating 1200-1400 calories a day as per usual. I don’t want to lower my calorie intake as it’s already quite low for me (F/5’9”) so I started walking 10k steps a day— usually it ends up being me pacing in my house at 100bpm in circles bc my neighborhood isn’t the safest to walk around and I have had some weird experiences walking out there (like someone trying to convince me to sit in their car 😅😅😅) so I can only really walk indoors. Will walking 10k steps in circles indoors at that pace help kickstart my weight loss back up and actually burn calories? I don’t wanna waste my time if the calories burned doing this are not worth much. If I am burning even anywhere between 250-400 more calories in a day without having to cut back on my 1300~ calorie daily diet, that would be incredible. Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/noblesse-oblige-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

i feel so hungry - i don’t know what to eat??

25f, CW: 195 GW: 136 5’3”

in the morning, i eat 2 eggs, 2 pieces of bacon, and some toast.

lunch, i’ll have a turkey sandwich or a large cobb salad

for dinner, i’ll have a veggie wrap w/ steak, or rice/potatoes, chicken, and about 3 servings of veggies.

my workout consists of spin 3-4x a week for 45 minutes. i bike about 12 miles each time and push a lot of gear. my watch calculates burning 500 calories.

i just feel SO hungry though. it would be different if i felt a little hungry, but i feel so hungry im going to pass out. even after eating sometimes. i try to fight through it but see no progress on my weight loss.

today, i ate 3/4 of a small pizza for lunch instead (idk the calories) today i didn’t count. i try to stay between 1200-1400 calories a day when im counting.

submitted by /u/SweateeSocks
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to prioritize your health/ weight loss goals?

I can have the best intentions and aspirations to want to regularly exercise, but work and taking care of my family end up always becoming my default. I end up having all my energy given to work and family that by the end of the day, I'm depleted and just can't even consider exercise. In the morning, I feel too tired to exercise or if I sleep in a bit then it's time to get the kids fed and ready for school. And to be honest, I sometimes think maybe I use that as an excuse to not work out and I just don't get why I do this? It's like I'm fighting against myself and putting myself at the bottom. My brain can't compartmentalize work and I feel as though I have to get to work tasks no matter what (an internally driven pressure).

Any insight or tips? Every time I read these awesome success stories, or progress pics posts, people post about their diet and exercise programs as credit for their change. I know what needs to be done, I know it's very important, but I just can't do it. I wish I could be even partially as driven towards my fitness/ health goals as I am about work.

Thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/tnmur
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from loseit - Lose the Fat