Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Feeling terrible

I really want to kick start my weight loss journey everyday but somehow or another I find a way to ruin it.

Just today, I had a healthy smoothie for breakfast and had a healthy lunch too. I felt really good about it but I was feeling a little hungry and just consumed a whole milkshake packed with calories and ate a whole bag of chips. I feel terrible about it.

Because of this I feel that today has been wasted and I’ll continue to eat unhealthily for the rest of the day before trying again tomorrow. This has happened so many times over the last few weeks :( I feel so angry and disappointed in myself

submitted by /u/throwaway12335142
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Tuesday, April 26, 2022

what doctor can I see too help me with weight loss?

I have been struggling to lose weight extremely badly for over 5 months. I count all my calories gram by gram on a kitchen scale and journal everything i eat. I have been on a 2100 calories a day diet for the last 5 months and i workout 3-4 times a week. (Im a 6'1 male age 32) And yes. I count my calories correctly. And i haven't been able to lose weight in this whole time. I have been stuck going up and down from 258 pounds to 253 pounds non stop and i can't do this anymore.
I need medical professional help. But all the weight loss clinics i look up near me is some scammy bs about B12 injections and weightloss pills.

submitted by /u/Altruistic-Contest89
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Failure is not the opposite of success

I've been trying to get more active this past month after years of neglected mental health and so far I've lost 5 lb but this past week has been a struggle working on impulse eating, I'll do fine and then feel bored and eat whatever fried food my mom made, but instead of beating myself up over it I'm reminded of the healthy habits I'm implementing despite those days I eat more calories. I go for walks everyday, I am now at least aware of the caloric implications of food and try to be mindful of portions, and I actively want to be healthier. So if eating at maintenance calories is what it takes to be building lifelong healthy habits, I'm okay with a slower weight loss and you should be too, be proud of yourself for at least wanting to be healthier. Humans always do this thing where we ignore the good things we do in favour of focusing on our faults, but we shouldn't be outside of using them as lessons on how to better change our behaviour, so don't be afraid to pat yourself on the back for those habits you're building despite any hiccups, especially if you're doing this alone like I am we need to be our own biggest supporters.

submitted by /u/fishdeath
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What Was Your Weight Loss "Aha!" Moment?

Hi. Just looking for some inspiration. Been a long time since I posted to an online community like this, so please take it easy. I'm f, 34, and 280 lbs, which-since I've lost about 5 lbs-is the heaviest I've ever been. No kids, just got into a deep depression in my early 20s and lost control of my healthy eating habits and spiraled ever since - was thin all my life up until then and never had food issues before. After years of only semi-trying to gain control of my eating and diet, I finally feel like I am getting there with a goal of at least 40-60 lbs by end of year. I am doing ADF, reducing sugar and ultimately I am looking to clean eat and add protein to help strengthen myself and my body while losing weight. My biggest issue though is my mental. No matter what, I just can't seem to "turn on" the switch that keeps me motivated for weight loss. So, I am hoping to hear from others who struggled until they finally had that breakthrough. I.e. sometimes I've seen people say "When I saw myself in that picture" or "When I couldn't fit in that chair I knew I had to make a change." So please tell me: What is your weight loss why? (And mind if I borrow it :)

submitted by /u/Onlythingsilove
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

He is only making it worse and I cannot escape

I (24F) am back living at my mom's house with her and my step dad. My step dad is really, really bad about policing what other people are eating. He says it's just "because he cares", but his remarks often come off as condescending and full of judgment.

I am 240lbs and T2 diabetic as a result, just as background info. My mom has also struggled greatly with weight gain/loss and emotional eating, so she gets it. And she's also had a lot of success with weight loss, so she knows how to do it as well.

Tonight during dinner was really rough. My mom was finishing up her food but decided to give me her extra rice. My step dad snapped at her and said that I can't eat rice because I'm diabetic. I had just eaten exactly the same meal of tacos with a side of rice (which he prepared, no less). It didn't seem like a big deal to finish off hers so it wouldn't go to waste. But he claimed that I was now eating a second meal, and therefore should not be allowed to eat anything else for the rest of the night. My mom yelled at him that he should stop caring so much about what other people eat since it's not his body, and only I can change things. He said that he "has to" because he's the "only one here who cares."

He doesn't believe me when I say that telling me that I'm going to go into a diabetic coma/get toes chopped off/that I shouldn't eat all that, only makes me want to eat 1000x more! He says "oh, bullsh*t" or "that's just a copout." He has never struggled with trying to lose weight or having a food addiction. So he doesn't get it, at all.

I guess I just needed to vent. I am really so sick of hearing this from him every day. He thinks he's helping, is making it worse, and doesn't believe it when he's told that he's making it worse. I cannot escape it and it almost makes me wish that I'd go into a coma just to not have to hear it anymore..
Has anyone else experienced something like this in their household?

submitted by /u/Stormwolf1O1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Raw or cooked?

Do you guys weigh your meat raw or cooked? I’ve been looking for an answer as to what the nutrition label is actually about and i’ve not really gotten a clear answer.

If you’re supposed to weigh meat raw then that would explain why my weight loss is slower than i calculated that it should be. I could be underestimating my calories by around 20% every time i eat meat (which is fairly often).

Anything would help, thanks.

submitted by /u/Signal_Equipment3537
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

3 days a week exercise - weight loss?

Ok so I’m setting myself a schedule..

Basically I need to do 4 things: - Practice Piano - Draw - Read - Exercise

So I’m gonna pair them up, exercise and piano for 3 days then art and read for 3 days. (Sunday off to chill and take care of my pets)

Now my question is, should I exercise 3 days in a row? Or every other day?

Is one way better than the other? Or does it really not matter.

I’d rather do it all in one chunk together then have a few days off, but will it be better if it’s every other day because that will be quite hard for me.

3 days on, 4 days off every week.

Often on Friday or Saturday I will go out shopping which involves a lot of walking so I guess that will also be like half a work out.

submitted by /u/anon-gerbil
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