Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Welp... I'm back to where I started...

A year ago was the end of my weight loss journey. I went from 235 pounds to 180. In my mind I did it in a healthy way. Calorie counting and lots of exercise. Towards the end I went through a lot of things. Loss of a friend, being human/labor trafficked. Moving across country and living in dads garage, loss of multiple pets at once, loss of home etc. Mental health has been bad but I can only blame myself for letting myself go again. A year later and I am pretty sure I am back at around my starting weight. I know I can do this because I've done it before. I just hope this time life is a lot easier on me. I tend to binge eat when I am stressed and I've been through so much of it. My main motivation is hearing kind words from people and being encouraged to do good for myself. I used to love coming to Reddit to tell everyone updates on how my weight loss journey was going and I was proud every pound I lost. Hopefully in about a month I will be able to post atleast some progress. My ultimate first goal is getting back down to 180. Then one day 140

submitted by /u/bananabear666
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss advice needed.

Hey I’m a 15 y/o male who used to be into combat sports and basketball. I am 6’2 and around 220 pounds, and have a fair amount of fat all over my body. I am looking to lose some weight, but don’t have access to any gyms around me, and don’t own any weights or equipment, other then a punching bag and a treadmill. Would it be possible for me to slim down to around to around 195 with just my punching bag, treadmill, and body weight exercises? If anyone has an answer, any tips or plans, please drop them below. Thanks.

submitted by /u/top144td
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to deal with sad / negative thoughts ?

I’ve just recently begun my weight loss journey and I intend to lose about 100pounds . I often face negative/sad thoughts about my situation and most of these thoughts are “if I had started earlier , I would have lose a lot of weight by now”

Over the past 2years I’ve planned many times to start losing weight but I never actually went through with it and instead just started recently about a week ago.

And because of this, I keep thinking “if I started 2 years ago, I’d be happier now” or if I started 6 months ago, I’d be way slimmer than what I am now” I keep feeling guilty about all of the missed opportunities I had previously to start losing weight and as a result, it demotivates me.

Has anyone experienced this? Are there ways to feel better?

submitted by /u/throwaway12335142
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I just keep gaining weight the more I try to lose

32f currently 154; was 130 , average 143 mostly. Past 4 years have been absolutely horrid but all I can think about is my lack of self worth and confidence. I haven’t worn jeans in 4 years. This past year I read every book, blog and article about weight loss almost every single day. Tried the hard75, tried reverse dieting and tried adding cardio and recently proactively weightlifting 5 days a week. After 30 days of consistent weight lifting I found out I went from 143 to 154. Went to the doctor and my weight was indeed 154.

No thyroid issue but I’m consistently having high blood pressure (lots of stress in my life). They haven’t put me on medication for this. I am vegetarian and eat lots of fresh vegetables and measure out all my oil/butter. Currently eating 1600-1800 cals.

I’m so tired of this roller coaster of every day I can’t lose a pound, I just end up gaining a pound. It feels like the harder I try the harder I fail.

My goal was originally 143 to 130. I had 3 months to do it when I set that goal. Now I’m almost 2 months in and I’ve gained 13 pounds. I don’t look all that different from before and after photos that I can see.

I really need my confidence back. Any helpful advice?? *Currently weighing and tracking all food intake.

submitted by /u/iambatgirl1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

getting discouraged even while actively losing weight

this post is gonna be a lot of whining and self pity so pls don’t feel bad if you don’t want to read me being annoying

f 19 5’5.25 (yes it counts >:[ ) 271 lbs

i lost 100 lbs a couple years ago and got down to the bottom end of a healthy bmi, was gonna get to like 115 and tone. then pandemic hit and i gained it all back along with 50 more lbs. i know it’s mainly my fault and the pandemic isn’t an excuse. with online school and staying at home i overate every day and the pounds just packed on.

at the beginning of last month i weighed 287 lbs and had enough, i began to calorie count like i always used to and i’ve lost 16 lbs, with majority of it if not all being water weight.

obviously i know bc i’m a higher weight that weight loss isn’t going to make me look different for a while, the paper towel effect etc etc etc but i look even WORSE. i swear my double chin has gotten bigger and my stomach looks bigger too. i feel so frustrated,

and i tried to exercise today, i used to be able to exercise for over an hour straight and barely break a sweat. i lasted 9 minutes of light cardio and i had to stop bc i was going to pass out. 9!!! i’ve completely ruined my stamina when i used to be in such good shape.

and my friends and family tell me oh it’s fine, you’ve lost weight before you’ll lose it again. but i won’t be even near where i was for another 2 years. i feel pathetic and ashamed, everyone was so proud of me for losing weight and now i look even worse. my friends say they aren’t embarrassed to be seen with me but i know they are.

i’ve stopped eating fast food because i was addicted to it and would eat it at least once a day. i’m eating healthy and in a deficit. i KNOW the weight loss is going to continue but it’s hard being so big and i’m going to continue looking like this for at least another 100 lbs so at least another year. it’s hard not to feel hopeless. i genuinely think my weight is making me extremely depressed.

i just needed to rant. i have no one to rant to bc again whenever i mention it they just say i’ll lose weight like i did before 😞 i’m just rlly depressed and need this off my chest.

submitted by /u/crackerjoint
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is it this straightforward - just a calorie deficit over time? Where’s the catch??

Just want to make sure I’m not missing something. I’m female, 219lbs, 5’5”, highest weight was at the end of February at 239. My TDEE right now is 2900 including lifting weights 3-4x/wk and breastfeeding. I lost 20 pounds quickly and easily around 1750 calories a day without feeling deprived or hungry, in the timeframe that works out to exactly the TDEE/deficit I was charting.

I bumped my calories up to 1900/day, since that’ll put me at 2 lbs of weight loss per week rather than the 2.5 I was accidentally at (bringing me now to a 7000 calorie deficit weekly). At my goal weight of 139, my TDEE will be 2300, assuming I’m still lifting and breastfeeding.

Can I just… eat like I am now, and not change anything, till I hit my goal weight? Is it that easy?

I know the deficit will get smaller (1000/day now, closer to 400/day at goal), so the fat will come off slower. But is there anything more complicated I’m not factoring in? Or is it as simple as a long-term consistent calorie deficit (with reasonably healthy foods, movement, and high protein intake - all of which I’ve got on lock right now)? I’m sorry if this is silly; I get too far into my head and tend to overcomplicate things. But this seems… surprisingly simple. Not necessarily easy, but simple. WHAT AM I MISSING.

submitted by /u/trottinghobbit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Positive vent post about weight loss without food restrictions

(Sorry about the format I’m a mobile user) This isn’t advice, but I wanted to share this small victory for me. I had been trying to lose weight for a long time but I’m just not the kind of person who sets a health goal and sticks to it. I was 260 pounds a pretty short time ago, I’m 5’5 so the way I carried the weight made me me really insecure. I tried diets, I would impulsively eat a lot of calories and just eat more to hide my guilt. Habits of writing it off as a cheat day, then starting the next day strong just for it to repeat again later. I couldn’t stick to anything, and it made me feel horrible. My eating habits weren’t just a chest snack, I’m talking giant plates of food that I would eat and then make another one like 2 hours later. I’m only 19 and this habit started when I was around 12, in the 5th grade I already weighed 160 pounds and I was so insanely miserable. My gym teacher weighed us, told me I was much heavier than my peers and urged me to lose weight. I guess I didn’t think of myself as truly obese because my family has always been overweight so it was just normal to be served 2-3 adult sized portions of unhealthy foods twice a day. Fast forward to last April when I started HRT, my doctor warned me I would most likely gain weight from being on testosterone because I’d be hungrier. It triggered some kind of acceptance and weight loss was just on the back burner for the time being. I started eating when I wanted to and didn’t make myself feel bad about it. This progressed into me eating when I felt hungry, and I didn’t feel like I needed to finish whole plates to cram in all the calories I could before I “started over” the next day. I wanted to try new food, so I did. I started eating healthier foods simply because I liked how eating it wasn’t making me sweat from being so full. I go in for a checkup in July and the scale says 235, I ask them to try again because I wasn’t thinking that my habits were changing. This caused a hiccup because after seeing results I started viewing this behavior as a diet. Which caused me to bring binging back into my life for a few weeks. At my next appointment I had gained 10lbs back and then the “give up” thing happened again. But the more I practiced freedom with my eating, the more weight MELTED off of me. My lab work showed my organs getting healthier and healthier, and my doctor was thoroughly impressed. Her first thought was to test my thyroid because I told her I wasn’t trying to lose weight, but when that turned up normal she was very happy about my weight loss. I got weighed on the 25th of last month, 199lbs. Since I started, my bmi has gone from 41 to 33. For the first time since 6-7th grade I weigh less than 200 pounds, I went from 2xl t shirts to large t shirts. My confidence is through the roof, sure I’m still insecure about certain parts of myself but there’s so much less shame with how I interact with people around me. I wouldn’t order food with people if we went to like Taco Bell or McDonald’s because I felt shameful and judged for not only ordering my food, but eating it in front of other people. I eat now, I have dinner with family members and take what I’m hungry for and eat it in front of them. When I started my job, he gave me an appropriately sized shirt that I was sure wouldn’t fit and it was a little bit big. As of right now the only thing I can say makes me extremely insecure is the weight I carry in my arms, because to me they look giant. I’m sorry that this post was so long I needed somewhere to talk about it.

submitted by /u/Muddyperspect
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from loseit - Lose the Fat