Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Welp... I'm back to where I started...

A year ago was the end of my weight loss journey. I went from 235 pounds to 180. In my mind I did it in a healthy way. Calorie counting and lots of exercise. Towards the end I went through a lot of things. Loss of a friend, being human/labor trafficked. Moving across country and living in dads garage, loss of multiple pets at once, loss of home etc. Mental health has been bad but I can only blame myself for letting myself go again. A year later and I am pretty sure I am back at around my starting weight. I know I can do this because I've done it before. I just hope this time life is a lot easier on me. I tend to binge eat when I am stressed and I've been through so much of it. My main motivation is hearing kind words from people and being encouraged to do good for myself. I used to love coming to Reddit to tell everyone updates on how my weight loss journey was going and I was proud every pound I lost. Hopefully in about a month I will be able to post atleast some progress. My ultimate first goal is getting back down to 180. Then one day 140

submitted by /u/bananabear666
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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