Monday, May 23, 2022

Chronic illness and weight

So prior to last year I was quite fit and healthy, not perfect but I was a size 10 (Australian sizes), weighed around 55kg, ate plant based and minimal sugar and gluten, I jogged at least three times a week.. enjoyed my body and fitness.

Then last March I was vaccine injured and went into multi organ failure, a week in ICU and a month in hospital, I came out at 67kgs. I also developed a host of chronic health conditions that left me struggling with basic tasks like cooking, meal prep, and my health conditions meant I developed exercise intolerance (literally had allergic reactions to exercising).

It’s been 14 months now and I weigh 85kgs, I’m severely overweight, and I’m really struggling with my body image. I desperately want to lose the weight but I don’t know what I can do. I can manage very light and short periods of exercise (30 minutes three times a week is my limit, even then it’s slow walking and gentle Pilates) and it’s not helping with weight loss, but if I up it (amount or intensity) my body goes into a massive flare up and I can’t do anything for a week. Cooking has become incredibly hard, I struggle to follow steps in recipes, meal prepping, cooking, all of it is more than I can manage mentally and physically. I also have bad reactions to foods now and I’ve noticed that the biggest reactions are to fruit, legumes, gluten, and a lot of vegetables.. being vegan this makes it really hard to eat. I’ve been relying on plant based microwave meals and cereal that my body can tolerate but because I’m not burning the calories off they’re contributing to weight gain.

If I cut calories to an amount where I’d lose weight then my body can’t cope and I end up in a flare, if I eat the right amount to keep my chronic illnesses fairly stable then it’s adding to weight gain. One of my illnesses is also known to cause weight gain and obesity.

I’m so confused about what I can do and where I can start. Doctors all have different opinions, some have told me not to focus on the weight and just keep myself stable, others have said that I need to lose some because if I continue gaining then I risk more conditions being diagnosed. How would others manage this and start weight loss?

submitted by /u/agrinwithoutacat-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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