Friday, May 20, 2022

My mom keeps making fun of me about gaining weight back

Sorry if this post doesn't exactly fit here but I felt like I had to get this off my my mind. Basically to sum it up over the last year I lost a ton of weight, I went from obese to now slightly below my bmi and I'm currently now trying to build up muscle. So I have been eating more than I normally have been for awhile. Im still a little insecure about my body and am a little nervous about gaining more weight back. For some quick info about my mom she is obese and a heavy smoker, but to be fair most of my immediate family is. Anyways my house has a rule where we only eat in the kitchen or the dining area as to not attract bugs and stuff. So whenever I'm eating in the kitchen my mom is almost always there and she keeps commenting on how much I eat now, saying stuff like "Wow, I thought you were on a diet, back to your old ways again?", "You're eating enough for two grown men", "I'm glad I kept all your big clothes, you may need them if you keep eating like that". Now slot of what she says just isn't true, I have drastically changed the kind of food that I eat, and track all my calories using myfitness pal. I workout about 4 - 5 times a week and try to eat 1600 calories a day. But because I still have an appetite I try to eat foods that will fill me up, like I'll eat about half a pound of chicken a day, with rice and broccoli, and I love eating sweet potatoes. When I tried to explain this to her she just says "I know what I see" and "I can see is you eating four meals a day". I try to ignore her comments for the most part but it really irritates me, and makes me feel insecure about what I'm eating and how much even though I keep track of what I eat. She especially gives me a hard time whenever I treat myself to the occasional food I bring from my job (I work at a restaurant), or when bring any kind of sweets home (which I try not to do often.) That leads to today, I was at the store when I saw these huge ice cream sandwiches that was basically ice cream sandwiched between two giant chocolate chip cookies. I was weak and couldn't resist, I bought one and went home to eat it. As you can imagine when my mom got a glimpse of what I was eating she went off with her snide remarks about how I was back to my old ways and I was going to get fat from it. I was already really upset at myself for giving into my cravings, and she was just adding onto it. I snapped and told her "Would you please just shut up and mind your own business?!" She was furious at me and we started arguing for almost an hour. She basically said that I should never tell her to shut up, everything that happens in her house is her business, and that as an adult I should learn to ignore people and keep my mouth shut of someone says something I don't like. I was made to apologize and she's still angry at me and cussing me out under her breath. I'm just so frustrated right now, yeah I could have worded what I said better, or just kept ignoring her but she just pushed me. And now she's on the phone with some of my other family members talking like "You wouldn't believe what he said to me, he needs to watch his mouth, he's so disrespectful, how dare he talk to me like that in my home, etc." I'm just so frustrated right now and I wanted to let this out somewhere. Again sorry if this post doesn't exactly belong here, but maybe someone here can relate to anything I said, about dealing with weight loss and gaining. But thanks for reading if you read this far, typing this out makes me feel better soemwhat.

submitted by /u/gettinfitguy007
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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