Saturday, May 28, 2022

I think I hate noom

Started noom about 3 weeks ago after getting weighed at the doctors office and a bit of a come to jesus moment. I'm 5'2" and 180. I put on roughly 40lbs between the March lockdowns and now. Went from a very active job to inactivity and now I'm in a fairly inactive job.

So I started noom because several friends had success with it. I would say this is my first time calorie counting/ monitoring movement for weight loss but not my first time doing it. I've done it while going through mental health issues to make sure I'm getting enough nutrition and not just lying on the sofa for 3 weeks....

I think that makes a lot of the articles kind of useless because I walked in knowing water and unprocessed foods are good for you. And that restaurant portion sizes are ridiculous in the US. And moving more is good... etc. I just feel like it's almost always talking down to me and making me feel bad if I eat too many "red" foods (like sunflower seeds and peanut butter...). Anyone feel similarly or is there something I'm missing?

submitted by /u/cold_toes_poe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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