Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Is it this straightforward - just a calorie deficit over time? Where’s the catch??

Just want to make sure I’m not missing something. I’m female, 219lbs, 5’5”, highest weight was at the end of February at 239. My TDEE right now is 2900 including lifting weights 3-4x/wk and breastfeeding. I lost 20 pounds quickly and easily around 1750 calories a day without feeling deprived or hungry, in the timeframe that works out to exactly the TDEE/deficit I was charting.

I bumped my calories up to 1900/day, since that’ll put me at 2 lbs of weight loss per week rather than the 2.5 I was accidentally at (bringing me now to a 7000 calorie deficit weekly). At my goal weight of 139, my TDEE will be 2300, assuming I’m still lifting and breastfeeding.

Can I just… eat like I am now, and not change anything, till I hit my goal weight? Is it that easy?

I know the deficit will get smaller (1000/day now, closer to 400/day at goal), so the fat will come off slower. But is there anything more complicated I’m not factoring in? Or is it as simple as a long-term consistent calorie deficit (with reasonably healthy foods, movement, and high protein intake - all of which I’ve got on lock right now)? I’m sorry if this is silly; I get too far into my head and tend to overcomplicate things. But this seems… surprisingly simple. Not necessarily easy, but simple. WHAT AM I MISSING.

submitted by /u/trottinghobbit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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