Sunday, July 31, 2022

I finally weighed in the "healthy" range!

Today, I reached one of my main weight loss goals, which was to get myself into a healthy weight range for my age/height. This is my first time being in this range since I first gained weight 7 years ago.

Last September, I weighed around 172. My highest ever was probably 174-178. I started one of those fitness challenges and lost maybe 5 pounds. It didnt go super well (bc it was unsustainable).

At the end of March I was 164, and decided to really focus on losing weight, but in the "easiest" way possible. I joined a gym and put really low expectations on myself. The goal was to go 3 days a week, for 30 minutes, and walking on the treadmill was totally acceptable. I knew this was the only way I would ever build the habit of going to the gym regularly. I gradually started lifting weights and walking/running and sometimes going to the gym 4 or 5 times a week.

I also started counting calories bc my portion control just doesnt exist. I found out my calories for maintenance and weight loss then tried to be within that range everyday.

I watched a shit ton of youtube videos on the subject bc that helped keep me motivated.

Today, I weighed in just under 150 lbs. My original GW was 145, but once I hit that Im going to shoot for 135 and try to build more muscle.

I lost 14 pounds in the last 4 months, and 22 pounds in the last 10. It was hard to see the progress until I remeasured myself and saw I lost INCHES since last September. I still had days I ate way too much food or drank too much alcohol or didnt move enough, but ultimately that slow progress was still there.

I know BMI isn't the best indicator of health, but I am proud of myself nonetheless. I feel so capable to be able to continue my journey of getting fit and healthy.

submitted by /u/Sufficient_Cow2382
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Being told to eat more

I feel depressed & defeated, nothing works with me.

TW: undereating

I need help & genuine advice so pls don't shun me.

170cm, 21F, 190lbs. I have been eating 1000 calories since last year. First I started with homemade/prepackaged salads(no protein bc it was a pain to cook), they were 500 cal, I would eat them after work 6pm(omad) & be full. There were times I went out with friends or eat my mom's food 1-2 times couple month but I never binged. I gave up on carbs and oil. My parents blamed that my activity level has gone down in the pandemic. Despite regularly eating (overestimated)1000 calories below my Tdee my weight didn't budge, I was fatigued & constipated but I blamed it on lack of sleep. Last yr my weight was stuck on 185 but it went down to 176 when I didn't eat anything for a couple weekends & working 6 hrs on busy drive thru but ofc not eating anything would give me a crazy headache so when I would be on my normal routine it would climb back up.

This yr I blamed my failure on consuming no protein, I even had a bald spot, so I bought 160 cal premier shakes, I stopped eating salads since they're not nutritious enough to be my omad. These day s I like greek yogurt bowl. I bought a scale & logged my food regularly which come to almost 1000 cal. I no longer am constipated & my bald spot fixed itself.

Here the important part, even though I consume less than my tdee my body has become used to it. I don't feel hungry even at the drastic deficit, even if I go out my appetite is way lower than it used to be. I feel disgusted by oily & sugary foods. I like to cook & film videos but I don't bc if I cook it i'll have to eat it, my groceries rott as I don't end up using them, I'm satiated with bell pepper slices & hummus which is barely 200 cal. Dieting has changed me in so many ways, these feel like positive changes but a. I can't/don't eat enough b. I don't lose weight which is an oxymoron i know. I had 2 premier shakes today, 320 calories, do I wanna eat more? no.

People always tell me to eat more I argue why don't I lose when I'm on a deficit, they just end up making me feel bad about myself. I can't do intensive workout my nasal passage is only 25% open, anything other than walking & dancing gives me headaches like my brain isn't getting enough oxygen or I'm panting from my mouth like a cow. Other people talk about hidden calories, seriously how much can a bowl of yogurt or salad (omad) can be 2000 cal.

Are there any illnesses that prevent weight loss? My mom tells me to do remedies, cumin water, lemon water, I don't believe those. We're both witnesses to each others lifestyle, she works 50 hrs standing, does housework for 5 ppl, she eats more than me but nothing unhealthy but still overweight.

My patience it running out although I'm not a quitter, tracking calories, working out, learning about my tdee has made me bitter bc I can see ppl eat more than me & while moving less. Shaming has made me more of aware of my appearance, what others see is a fat person with no self control but inside I'm a girl who barely eats enough to survive, how dare people tell me to eat more, how dare people tell me to eat less, they don't know what I'm going through.

People say this isn't sustainable, I say do I not deserve a little bit of hope? Why does other people's cabbage soup diets work, why not me? can I atleast lose the starting 5 lbs? I can't eat more bc this dieting has killed my appetite, I'll throw up, I'll waste food! I just want it to work.

submitted by /u/ToothAny78
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Hoping to lose 20-23 lbs in the next 9 weeks. (M/34/213lbs)

I know that's quite a goal and requires a lot of work but I feel it's def achievable as long as I remain committed.

I'm 213 and want to get down to 190. I used to work out until I started my first year of teaching last year which threw me into a whirlwind of emotions and distracted me from working.

Hoping now to get back into. Only drinking water, doing 2hrs of walking/speedwalking after work.

Any good recommendations or hints that could be helpful? I know I gotta cut out the sweets and no junk food which i'm committed to. I do wanna have a little fruit juice from time to time but high level of sugar might be good for weight loss right?

submitted by /u/KevTravels
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What Weight Loss Habits Helped You?

I'm someone who's been trying to lose weight for quite a while but nothing seems to be working. I'm working out regularly for 2 hours a day (erging, running, swimming, tennis, HIIT), on a diet, and drinking 3 liters of water a day. (Here's what I'm doing.) I know I should probably consult someone other than Reddit, but I just want to see what worked for y'all and try and find out what I'm doing wrong. I'm not going to immediately follow and do whatever you say, as no body is alike, but I just want to compare. If that makes sense..? Comments are very appreciated.

submitted by /u/AccomplishedWear1659
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

feel so demotivated

Around 1,200 calories a day. Consists of 70% veg and then 2 peices of fish and sometimes 100g of rice or golden rice. Hell, i go as far as to eat 1 or 2 lines of chocolate a day, a bar lasts me a week when usually id eat 2-3 bars in a day. I eat out 1 a week now instead of 3. I have nearly completely cut out fries except for said takeouts. I walk so much more than i use to, i even have a job that has me walk like mad (waitressing) i get like 12,000 steps a day usually now, maybe more if i walk home from college (2 miles, hour walk) I've been going to the gym for 1 hour a day, 3/4 days a week, i start with 15 minutes of cardio then do maybe 5-10 minutes on weight machines.

Today i got back from the gym, arms killing and so tired and i did my weekly weigh in

Are you fucking kidding me... I feel, so damn demotivated. The app i have to track my weight tells me that after all of this, for a month. I've GAINED an average kg. My worst fear in my weight loss journey is the idea that im just physically unable to lose weight and even after I've been trying so hard the only compliment ive managed to get i "oh you lost some weight round your face" and thats it, while i have the scales telling me that nothings happened. It feels so demotivating..

17/06 - 80kg 07/07 - 79.9kg 17/7 - 78.3kg 23/07 - 78.2kg 27/07 - 78.6kg 31/07 - 79.6kg.

Average change - +1kg.

submitted by /u/Squishyncolly
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss journey starts tomorrow.

My diet begins tomorrow! Tips?

So I'm starting my diet and exercise routine tomorrow so that I can lose some weight. I don't intend to calorie count due to prior ED and OCD issues but I will be eating smaller portions and healthier with about 30 minutes of exercise everyday or at least 5 days of the week using Ringfit Adventure and other workouts on YouTube.

I'm 27 and I think I'm around 80kg at 5ft 1in so I absolutely need to lose some weight but I've been worried about it kicking off my old ED issues. I have a bad relationship with food sadly. I don't usually eat snacks, candy etc but I work on my pc at home and am sat down most of the day so I'm a little lost on where to start in all honesty haha.

I've seen loads of different opinions on what is best for different people. Some say counting calories is the right thing to do, others not at all so I'm a bit confused haha. Anyone have any tips? 🥰🥰

submitted by /u/nanakuro35
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I desperately need weight loss advice

I am a 5’5, 20 year old female and I currently weigh 240 pounds. As a child I was pretty skinny and had no problems with my weight. I do have PCOS which contributes to my weight issues. I previously weighed around 200-250 pounds when I was 15 but was able to lose most of it over the span of 2 years in a lockdown facility but as soon as I left the facility, I started gaining my weight back rapidly due to poor dietary choices. I’m hoping to lose 80-90 pounds to put myself at a healthy bmi but I have no idea how to go about it. I would greatly appreciate any advice on diet and workout methods. I’m have no idea what workouts I should do, how often I should work out, how long I should work out, etc. I have no idea how much I should eat or what I should eat. Please help

submitted by /u/SugarCoatedKittyCat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat