Saturday, August 6, 2022

I’m traveling and I ate 4000 calories! But I finally feel like I’m going to be OK

I’ll “bounce back” tomorrow and eat back to my 1700-1800 calorie goal, but damn its crazy how much traveling calories add up! Had a “normal” breakfast of oatmeal and coffee, but lunch + dinner was just too much, plus we had cake, some sodas, some juices we wanted to finish in the fridge. This also included some celebratory alcohol. Also, we had food included on one of the flights so free food = more calories.

Today felt so relaxing however, and it was nice to not worry about exercising, weight loss or anything else, but eating like I did today isn’t sustainable. Not only did I track and see how much calories I ate, but I feel my stomach is sore, I look bad in the mirror and just generally feel sluggish.

I’ve never been a “binge” eater, I’m actually the opposite where I would fear eating anything would make me “fat”. Now I know I can do this one day, track it, accept it and move on tomorrow. Also, going to enjoy my traveling with no guilt and know what every LBS get added to the scale is temporary.

30F 5’6 SW:180lbs CW 172LBS GW 145lbs… but let’s see what happens after the vacation

submitted by /u/Spiritual-Ad-8787
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, August 5, 2022

Non scale victory!

I've been on a weight loss journey for over 100 days.

Just today I finished a week long camping vacation with my husband and children. Where I not only rode my bike for the first time in a year and didn't have to walk it up a hill, I also went on a hike (while it was tiring and I was winded, I didn't need to stop for breaks and it felt good). And lastly, on the way home we stopped at a store and I bought a pair of workout shorts. I picked out a 1x and I usually a 2-3x. They fit wonderfully and even felt a loose (like I could have gone a size down.)

Words can't describe how amazing I felt this last week. Doing things I would have trouble doing. Wearing clothes I wouldn't normally wear because I'm not comfortable.

submitted by /u/AuthorBrittaniRose
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I started committing to my calorie goal 100%, and I'm feeling really great about it.

I've never had problems with a low calorie lifestyle. My main problem is that I'm a "pleasure eater". I eat to feel good, and I enjoy food too much. A good healthy meal satisfies me, but sometime I crave fast food more. I overeat for the sole reason that I want to taste different kinds of food in one sitting. Sometimes I eat a whole meal, then I realise that's not what I wanted to eat, it didn't fulfill me so I go eat again. That's pretty much the whole reason I'm still overweight.

I slowly relapsed into this life after a very shitty month 2 years ago. So now, it's especially hard to unlearn all of this. I had a 21 day streak this year but after that I just stopped and started eating a lot again

I'm also a very competitive person. I make a challenge out of everything, even weight loss. I always try to undershoot my daily calorie goal by a couple of hundred kcals, just because I like the feeling of accomplishment when I see the "360 calories remaining" text before going to sleep. This worked well before, but I still need some time before I can comfortably do that again.

I've been dieting again for a bit over 2 weeks now and it's been a lot more inconsistent than before. But that made me think about my cravings, and how I approach this whole thing. I hate that I relapsed. I could pretty much almost be at my goal weight by now. So I had to find a way to keep everything at bay. I'm bad at self control, so instead, I found a way to just "moderately" give into these food cravings

Instead of being proud of myself for eating less, and losing weight faster, I'm using my leftover calories to treat myself. I'll have some extra fries with my lunch, I'll go eat an ice cream if I want to etc... This is the second day I left my room at midnight to eat a piece of toast with cheese. And I'm still on track, and still not going over my daily goal. I'm 5 kilos down already.

This might not be the most effective (or healthy) way to lose weight, but sometimes you need to make some sacrifices. I don't always have to overachieve, sometimes I can sit back and be fine with what I'm given. I might have to do something about this later, when I'm thinner, but if this stops me from relapsing again after 21 days, then I've no problem with doing it for now.

submitted by /u/Szabi90000
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

This is harder than quitting smoking.

I’ve always saw my accomplishment of quitting smoking, after years and years of doing it, as the hardest thing I’ve done.

But this past week…of being consistent and disciplined in all things food AND no alcohol is like 5 “I need a cig” stress days in 20 hrs 7 days a week.

EVEN SEEING gains in total weight loss which I thought would motivate me entirely is not enough. It’s a constant promise to myself that today I’m going to commit to it.

submitted by /u/Fia546
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Never realized how many calories I was actually eating..

18, 5’4 64 in CW: 200 GW:140 SW:210 LW:180

First time poster, long time lurker. I started my journey in June 2020, and successfully lost 30 lbs from 210-180. I gained about 20 lbs back from that from life hitting me hard. Moving, breakup, death, grieving, job loss. Whatever. No excuses. I never really counted calories correctly and I just guessed what I was eating. I never realized how many calories were really in everything…….. I would get Starbucks every single day and not even write it down bc it’s “just a drink” well that drink is 400 calories apparently! I was so appalled that my weight loss was so slow and I would just regain! Why is there so many cals in everything?!? When I lost 30 lbs my family started commenting on how I lost “too much weight” and ultimately led to me believing them and stopping calorie counting. Me and my bf go out to eat when we’re together (long distance) and I just binge. There’s no excuse. It’s just a binge. I’m starting to count calories again and this time I’m doing it correctly. I’m not under eating and I’m not over eating. I got this (:

submitted by /u/gymdoes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing the weight made me realize how lonely I was because of it.

Hi there everyone. I’ve been using this sub since I started my weight loss journey on March 18th of this year. So far as of today I went from 285 to 227.6 so about a 57.5 pound loss so far!

I wanted to share my thoughts as maybe it will help motivate somebody to get started or keep at it. I think the biggest change I’ve noticed for myself aside from needing new clothes and feeling healthier physically, was the realization that for the last 6-7 years I was terribly lonely.

Now I’m not saying you need to lose weight or be at a certain weight to find love or a relationship/companionship, but in my case it all stemmed from not being comfortable or happy with myself and the way I looked. I never really gave a thought to being single for so long or not pursuing a woman because deep down I didn’t feel comfortable and wasn’t happy with myself, I lacked the confidence and because of that I didn’t feel like I was missing out on anything or anyone. How could I be with someone when I’m not happy with myself?

Fast forward to present day and just a couple weeks ago I realized how a lot of the being depressed and feeling like I didn’t need any support that way was because of the weight but I never clued in to it at that point. It was like my mind wouldn’t let me believe my weight was what was holding me back from so many things.

Now like many other stories I’ve read on here I don’t feel invisible to women anymore. They are actually interested in talking to me, approaching me first, getting more looks in public etc while it seems a shame to say it’s very true, but most of that goes hand in hand with being more confident in yourself because of losing the weight.

So if your struggling with your self image and worth lose the weight for you and only for you. Reach the weight you want to feel great about yourself and all the other benefits will come along with it! Sorry if this doesn’t make since to some people, I’ve just gotten a lot of inspiration and motivation from reading what other people on their journey have to say and wanted to put back into the community myself. Keep chugging along :)

submitted by /u/onionzoooka
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, August 4, 2022

My journey starts now!

I’m (39F 148 lbs / 4’11” *short-i know) starting my journey to weight loss. Background: Husband (45M) was obese at 290 pounds (5 feet 11 inches). Three years ago, he was diagnosed as being pre-diabetic. He said he wanted to get healthy for our kids. He’s now currently 164 pounds and maintaining it. He just up and did it. Day one. He watched his food intake for 6 months and then after that, started exercising. He joined the gym and everything. He still works out pretty much every day.

I wanted to join him on his weight loss journey too. I only lasted three weeks. I had a very stressful job and just could not keep up with his routine.

This year, I started a new job that’s less stressful, and as a bonus, I work from home 4 days a week. I have to work in my home office for 8 hours but with not having a commute anymore, I can now use that commute time as my walking time.

My husband and I will be empty nesters this Fall so I wanted us to have something that we can do together. I wanted to turn our two car garage / shop into a gym. The husband wholeheartedly agreed and was giddy about searching for different equipment that we can put in our garage. You would have thought I told him that we won the lotto.

Last week, we got our first gym equipment, a treadmill, and it came two days ago.

I used it today. I had no idea what a de-stresser walking was. Today, it showed that I walked 1.41 miles and it took 46 minutes. I know it’s slow but I’m actually proud that I did it. Boy, it was hot! The garage was probably not the most ideal place for a gym but it was the only place big enough to have big gym equipments.

He’s now looking to get a smith machine or whatever that is. I’m just perfectly content with this treadmill.

I am going to try super hard to stay on a routine. I’m finally motivated enough to do this longer than 3 weeks especially since building this home gym will be be such an expensive investment. As a former banker, I hate wasting money. lol!

Pray for me. That little bit of walking made me so sore but I’m determined to take it one day at a time.

submitted by /u/PartyKiwiGirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat