Friday, September 2, 2022

I lost 25 pounds without even knowing it.

I have struggled with weight loss for the last three or four years. I always told myself that if I ever hit 250, that would be it, and I would hunker down and lose weight. Well, 250 came and went, and eventually at my heaviest I was 262 pounds. That was about 6 months ago.

A lot has happened since then in my life. For one, I was brutally dumped at the beginning of March. It was wildly unexpected, and tore me to pieces. The next two months were terrible. I binged, I spent far too much on takeout and delivery, and I was miserable. My pants got tight, I hated how I looked. I stopped taking care of myself entirely.

Then, something changed. I can’t pinpoint what or when, but sometime around June I just decided enough was enough. It wasn’t that I was overweight or binging but rather I was poor and didn’t need to spend money like that. I started taking my antidepressants again and for the first time ever, I felt they were truly working.

Since then I’ve taken my antidepressants regularly, have been taking multivitamins since I’m well aware my diet is not quiet nutritious even still, and I’ve been taking my dog out for longer walks, for his sake rather than mine.

I started liking what I saw in the mirror. I noticed my pants feeling a bit too loose— I even have to wash them twice as often as I used to so they’ll shrink a bit. I’m at the point now where I’ll need to buy a belt soon.

Two days ago, I decided I’d weigh myself before I took a shower. I felt thinner, but I couldn’t say for sure. I had a thought in the back of my mind saying “Stop it, you haven’t lost any weight. Put the scale away.” But I persisted. I stripped down and, even though I had already had a meal that day, decided it was time.

  1. I blinked. What? That’s a number I hadn’t seen since before the pandemic. Could I really have lost over 25 pounds? Without even truly attempting to?

I checked again today. This time before a meal, and sure enough— 235.

This really inspired me. It made me feel amazing. For years I’d been trying to just reach 240, and I somehow stumbled into it. Ultimately I blame my antidepressants. They’ve helped so much. I’m not chasing the dopamine from food quite so much. Also, being poor helped.

Which sounds absurd, I know. But it’s true. I had to get clever with food. Thing is, I know myself. I know that if I buy a bunch of healthy stuff I’ll eat my favorites and leave the rest to rot. There are some foods, I’ve found, that I would rather go hungry than eat. Broccoli, I’m looking at you.

So my diet is leagues away from being extraordinary. Most days I’ll eat a totino’s party pizza for breakfast, then have another TV dinner for, well, dinner. Lunch I’ll occasionally have ramen at work. I’m satisfied, though I’m sure my sodium levels are through the roof.

Anyway, I just wanted to share. I don’t have anyone else to talk to about my weight loss, so this is nice. Thanks for listening.

EDIT: I wanted to add that I am 6’ tall, Female, and my goal weight is 180 in the end, though it’s not a hard set goal.

submitted by /u/TheWalkingCliche
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV! Someone noticed how much my figure has changed (although my weight hasn’t).

Today, a relative of mine stopped by for a quick visit. I haven’t seen her in many months and was quite (pleasantly) surprised by her reaction to my appearance..

One of the first things she said was how “skinny mini” I am. She almost seemed not to believe it when I told her I actually hadn’t lost any weight at all; I weigh the same as I had when she last saw me. She kept repeating how different I looked, and how my whole body (torso, legs) seemed longer - like I was taller too!

Now as a nearly 5’3” woman, I can guarantee you no one has ever told me I look “tall” before lol. At least not as an adult!

But the real reason I’m writing this post as a NSV is because it’s true that my weight hasn’t changed for a while and that I’m still a ways off from reaching my GW.

I’ve still been trying to lose weight this whole time though, and have actually been feeling very frustrated and bad about myself / how I look… Sure, I’ve lost weight since my original SW, but I still feel fat sometimes. I still feel “too big” sometimes.

And no, I am not suffering from an eating disorder or anything like that - I am still at a relatively high BMI. But I am no longer obese! My body DOES look very different. I’m at the lowest weight I’ve ever been at in at least 8 years or so, and that’s a huge accomplishment!

I think it can be hard sometimes during a weight loss journey to remember to pay attention to the bigger picture - to give yourself enough credit for how far you’ve come and how much you’ve truly accomplished. Sometimes we can get too caught up focusing on hitting those goal weights, or on how we want our body to look in the end, to really appreciate how much better we’re doing exactly where we already are.

So realizing that today was a big NSV for me. I had been feeling so bad about myself for plateauing , when really I’ve been doing better than I have in years! I’m tons healthier - in my weight, my lifestyle habits, diet and activity level. Even if I haven’t reached my GW yet.

It’s my hope that by sharing this with y’all, it could remind someone else who needs it to take a moment to reframe their perspective and celebrate a NSV of their own :)

submitted by /u/xcarkbs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

VR Fitness?

This is my first post here, and I was hoping you guys had some opinions on VR Fitness? I tried the gym and was bored out of my mind. It was so hard to make myself go and finish my exercise. However, I saw an ad for Supernatural, which is a fitness program that I tried on the Oculus and it's so much fun. I went from trying to make myself exercise for 30 min, 3 times a week (I was starting out slow, because I'm only at the beginning of my weight loss journey) and now I exercise every day for a minimum of 35 min. I feel like I'm getting a good full body workout. I definitely work up a sweat and my heart rate usually stays around 120-150 the entire time. I was just wondering if anyone else had any experience with it and if it was decent substitute for the treadmill or elliptical. Thank you!

submitted by /u/Jess_in_Neverland
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I am not losing weight despite my efforts and I want to cry

Hello guys,
I'm a woman who started her weight loss journey. I am 25 and 168 cm.
I initially weighted 81kg (178lbs) and I reduces my daily calories intake to 1450 in order to lose 500 calories per day. I also started Chloe Ting two weeks shred challenge et I started to walk more.
I am slowly losing my motivation because it's been almost two weeks since the beginning of the workout (and almost 3 weeks since I started paying attention to what I eat) but I am still not losing weight.
Worse ! I gained some and I am now 81.8 kg...I also feel bloated and not at all like this routine changed anything in my.body.
And I just want to cry.
Any advice ? I know it could be water retention but shouldn't it go away after 2 weeks ?
Thanks a lot in advance everyone ❤️

submitted by /u/GlitteringBasil4671
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Question from a 500lb boomer.

Hi guys. Long time lurker. M 34 y/o 6'2" starting weight 500lbs current weight is 399lbs.

Has anyone heard or seen any stories of people losing a massive amount of weight, getting skin reduction surgery, and then being able to have visible abs? Is it even possible to have visible abs after skin reduction surgery?

I know weight loss is about getting healthier, I love my current meal plan/exercise regimen and will continue whether or not I will ever have visible abs or not. It's just something I'd like to be able to do once just to say I could do it.

Edit: Goal weight somewhere around 200lbs

submitted by /u/Mr_Nightshifter
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

living with being fat while losing weight slowly - need advice

I am on a weight loss plan to lose a pound a week so I don't yo-yo again. I am 5'9, 223 and 30% body fat so I am going to be fat for a while. How do I deal with..

  1. Patience-not feeling guilty /bad about myself for being fat. I am on the right track, but when it takes so long to see results it is discouraging

2.heat tolerance - I am extremely sensitive to heat. I start to sweat if it gets above 72 degrees. My core always feels hot. I put an ice pack on my belly for an hour and the skin will feel numb but my core feels warm.

  1. Exercising/moving around- I sweat/get hot a lot more and have to take more breaks. It's harder to move around with carrying the extra weight/dealing with chub rub. It have a lot more trouble bending over ( I can't touch/see my toes). My body giggles a lot now too/especially when I drive.

Make no mistake - I don't want to be fat. But I have a long way to go.

submitted by /u/takeabullet4ubabe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I finally did it. I went for a morning walk. You should too.

28M here. I’ve been calorie counting for about 10 months now. Lifting weights for about 8.

I’ve dropped from 123kgs to 95kg and put on about 4kg of lean mass. As great as this achievement is, I am aiming for 90kg and this is where cutting seems to be getting harder as the body fat gets low.

My PT has told me time and time again to increase my daily step count but I simply lack the discipline as I’m not good with mornings.

Funnily enough, when I mentioned this to my counsellor, she suggested to wake up early and go for a walk, as the morning sun can reset your circadian rhythm which will allow for better melatonin production and natural sleep, which in turn helps to shred those stubborn kg’s and is generally great for your health and well-being.

Today, I finally did it. I woke up, ripped myself out of bad no matter how badly I wanted to sleep more. And I have to tell you. The feeling is insanely good. I got to work energised, elated, moving about with a lot more purpose and determination in my step. And I’ve already added 3000 steps to my day before it’s started.

To anyone out there feeling like they’re struggling with their weight loss, just start going for morning walks! TRUST ME.

Peace & Love 💛

submitted by /u/TheRealLylatDrift
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from loseit - Lose the Fat