Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Time to take a break?

Hello all. I've started my weight loss journey this year, and in the roughly 4-5 months since I've started, I've lost about 6kg, which is great! I am very happy, I've never looked this good, and I've been putting on some muscle.

However, I've been stuck at the same weight for about 2 weeks now. I've been tracking calories using Macro Factor, and it estimates my current calorie deficit at ~ 500kcal per day (Maintenance is about 2000kcal, I am currently on about 1500). I've been working out 3 times a week, and I am feeling like upping that to a 4.

Should I stick to it and see if I lose a bit more? Take a break and do 1-2 weeks of maintenance? I still would like to lose another 6-8kgs, as my ideal weight is somewhere around 72kg.

submitted by /u/FasterThenDoom
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Longterm Cardio Activities

Hi all, 20m. 6’4 115kg (GW: 97.5kg) I’m looking for suggestions of a cardio intensive activity to pick up 2-3x a week.

I am currently lifting 6x a week and I’m lacking in the cardio department although I’m very active otherwise (10-15k steps daily average).

I’m a full time college student and only have the discipline and money to pick up one thing. I’m mainly looking for something that won’t interfere too much with my lifting, help with a stronger, healthy heart, and build confidence within myself and obviously help accelerate sustainable weight loss.

My current thoughts were BJJ (but I’m honestly nervous and afraid to get choked out a lot), Boxing (terrified of head trauma), running (done it before but always found it boring), swimming, dancing or skateboarding. Any more suggestions or thoughts? Thanks!

submitted by /u/Jibbyie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Sorry man, we are not the same.

I need some advice/ I just want to rant

So a little over a year ago I was 280 Lbs. I am 22m 5'11. Very large for my frame. Since then, I have lost over 65 lbs and gained a significant amount of muscle. I am finally at a point where I'm getting more tone in my physique and I feel AWESOME.

I have a friend who I have known for about 5 years now. Last year, we were both rather large. He was 6'4" 340. Together, we decided to make a change. He was good about it for a couple months. Maybe lost 20 pounds or so. But after that, he stopped eating well and hitting the gym while I continued.

Keep in mind, we live a few hours away from each other now. So, I couldn't hold him as accountable as I wouldve liked to. He kind of went silent talking about the weight loss while I shared my success with the group. They were all super proud of me and when I see them, they all say I'm looking "absolutely jacked" now. It feels awesome because I have always been on the bigger side, never as big as I was when I started this journey. But, bigger than i shouldve been nonetheless.

I have hit the gym 5-6 days per week, every week, for over a year. Today I ate my usual 2 pounds of chicken and good GOD am I sick of chicken (lol). But as of now, my friend has lost the same amount of weight as me.

"HOW?" You may ask. "Didn't he stop eating right and working out?" Yes. That is still true. But 3 months ago, he mysteriously got an Ozempic prescription. He had a routine doctor visit and the doc apparently said "you should probably start taking thos it will help." Whatever that means. I theorize that he was pre diabetic, but he won't disclose that with the friend group. But a doctor wouldn't prescribe that for nothing would he?

He still doesn't go to the gym or really eat right, but just melts weight away. That would be fine, as I obviously don't want him to be diabetic. HOWEVER, he starts comparing us and talking about how far we have come, etc. NO. NO.NO. NO. NOOOO.

I GRINDED and GRINDED. Days I was sick, I still went to gym. I would be DOG TIRED from work, and I still figure out a way to work out, avoid the junk food even when I don't want to cook. Be at Uni all day, and still find time in between classes to run 3 miles. I cannot STAND it. I have bit my tongue the whole time, lightly cheering him on. Maybe I came here for encouragement because I am weak and just can't be happy for him. I'm almost jealous he can just stick himself with a needle and have no issues losing weight. I don't know what to do.

TLDR: My good friend gets extra help with weight loss from a drug, and compares how our journues are the same.

submitted by /u/KNGSlick
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm -75 lbs

First, let me say that I'm not advising or suggesting that anyone do what I'm doing. I'm just so excited to be losing this stubborn weight & being able to develop for myself a plan of maintenance even before I hit my ultimate goal. On top of that, my neighbors notice the weight loss & congratulate me but my family pretends to not notice, even though we all live together.

On 25 Jun 22, I weighed 294.4 Today, 104 days later my weight is 220.

I eat every 72 hours. During that 72 hour period, if I feel weak (which is rare), I take a bit of salt & potassium & my energy level is back in a matter of minutes.

When I do eat, I eat whatever I want. What happened over a couple of consecutive 72 hour periods of not eating, my capacity decreased & I simply couldn't eat the same amount of food anymore.

If you know Cole Robinson, you know about the snake diet. I had to modify his plan to make it work for me. I eat carbs & whatever else I want. I've learned that my body can lose weight if I pay attention to when I eat rather than what I eat.

I've been a vegetarian for 8 years so my diet is loaded w/fruit & veg, but when I want cheese pizza or snacks I have them; the only limitation is that fast for 72 hours.

After I eat after the 72 hours, I immediately start my fasting clock. It takes me 15-30 minutes to eat, and then the clock starts for the next 72 hour period.

I've lost 75 lbs in 102 days. From the start (25 Jun) I've documented my weight by vid & posted to YouTube.

Going forward, my plan is to keep doing 72's until I get to 199lbs. Once there, I plan to reduce the fasting to 48 hours. This will give me more strength to lift weights a few times a week to tone things up, while also working to reduce my weight by another 50 lbs (GW is 150).

The last 70 lbs will come off slower than the first 75, but I'm ok with that because I'll be lifting weights & feeling stronger.

Ultimately, being fasting focused will just be a part of my lifestyle. Once I reach my goal weight I will continue to fast for 20-24 hours a day.

I'm excited to have something that works for me that isn't a cookie cutter one size fits all. I have a tailored plan that is doable & sustainable for me, and I hope my confidence in myself grows as I reach each milestone.

If you're interested in seeing my daily weigh-ins from 294.4 lbs back in June, to 220 lbs today, you'll find me on YouTube as Snake Diet Fat Pig.

Again, I'm not asking, advising, or suggesting that anyone else do this. I know the idea of fasting is a turn off for some. I'm just looking to share my excitement as I reach my goals doing what works for me.

Thank you guys for reading this.

submitted by /u/Coffee_Ordinary
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tips for healthy weight loss

Hello everyone,

I'm new to r/loseit but I really need some advice! I have been struggling with weight loss and binge eating for 3 years now and I don't seem to tackle it very well.

Some background info, I was always atheletic and fit since little, very sporty as well. Ever since senior year in high school, stress crashed me. I started binge eating/stress eating and feeling extremely guilty and bad afterwards, and would try to do extreme stuff to make up for it (for example, overexercising, extreme dieting etc). These eventually lead to more stress and more binging. I have gained 26 kg in the past 3 years. I have no idea how to healthily lose weight as I was never unfit in my life, I desperately want to be fit again because I am a horse rider and rider's fitness is very important.

I seem to have a fixed mindset of binging now, every time I feel hungry or want to stress eat I always make excuses. In a sense that "I will start dieting TOMORROW, so I need to eat as much as I can today before I start dieting!"

I was wondering if I could get some advice here, people with similar experience or people who have good tips, what do you think?

Thank you so much for reading and I wish you all a wonderful day.

submitted by /u/kbearelly
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

lost 100lbs and have regained 15 of it in the 1.5 years of "maintenance". today is the day I lose that 15 again.

I lost 100lbs doing keto and I also got very active towards the end of the weight loss and that has helped me not regain so much weight after reintroducing carbs.

I'm trying to do this weight loss/maintenance thing with carbs becuase even though I feel physically and mentally incredibly with keto, it is too socially hard for me.

My current plan is to prioritize protein, eat 1500 calories weekdays and 3000 calories weekends to lose 0.5 to 1lb per week for the next 4 months. I run 3 days a week (long runs on the weekend) and I cycle to work on occasion. I'm going to reintroduce starting strength for weight training and just prioritize form and actually doing it but not necessarily adding weight.

I'm 5'8 165lbs currently. At 148lbs dehydrated I basically had abs and I'd love to get there again before a vacation early next year and have a good routine that I can actually maintain.

I guess I'm just looking for advice for sticking to especially the resistance training, I know it's good for me, I do actually sometimes enjoy it but after 5 years of trying I've never consistently lifted for more than maybe 5 months straight. I've been running for 2 years now, cycling even longer, never have issues sticking to it but I just can't keep lifting going.

submitted by /u/scaphoids1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I wish I could Bottle Motivation From Day 1 and Use It Later

I always self-sabotage and quit whenever I have embarked on a weight loss journey in the past.

I started again yesterday with a gym membership and healthy food plan. I'm even considering personal training, although it's a budget buster.

I'm 100% committed to success, but I'm also terrified that I'll quit again in a couple of weeks like I always do.

I wish I could literally save today's motivation in a bottle and just drink a little sip every Sunday.

submitted by /u/PaulPryJr
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from loseit - Lose the Fat