Saturday, November 5, 2022

I want to gain muscle- but cant fathom a caloric surplus

Ive recently been hitting the gym consistantly and doing lifting, strength training, etc. I want to build muscle and tone up so that eventually- i can burn more fat.

I am obese, 220lbs woman in my 20’s, and i have always struggled with weight loss. Ive found that going to the gym is one of my favorite passtimes, and i want to get more muscle.

The thing is, since i was a child ive had so much hurtful rhetoric that I truly only think the way to lose weight is be in a deficit (which, it is lol)

But to gain muscle, I need to eat more protein and calories to get that.

Has anyone else here gone from fat to toned and lost weight while keeping the muscle you gained?

submitted by /u/danedehotties
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to lose stubborn fat around waist

Long time lurker here - SW: 275 CW: 228 GW: 220. I feel pretty confident in my weight loss so far, it’s been about a year and it’s been really steady. I’m really struggling to feel confident in losing weight when the fat around my stomach and hips hangs around. I work out for about 30 minutes a day (breaking a sweat) and track my calories regularly. I feel like I’m pretty good at tracking the nutrients in detail, I usually aim for 35% carbs, 25% fat, 40% protein. I’ve gained muscle, and my upper body feels and looks better, but I’m still not confident because of my waist. I’d appreciate ideas or suggestions.

submitted by /u/maze_of_montresor
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

whats up with zero calorie drinks?

I don't really drink sodas ever, but i am obsessed with fizzy water and i usually flavor it myself and make no sugar lemonade or something of that sort.

I do however wanna try something like no calorie-no sugar coke.

Now ive read about zero calorie drinks and half the people are saying it's terrible for you and you shouldn't drink them while the other half says that in moderation it helps them a lot with their weight loss because they can stay on track easier.

Pros and cons of zero calorie drinks? Thoughts in general?
are they basically just as bad as regular sodas? can you gain weight in any way from drinking em?

submitted by /u/ScarySail1629
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm in a plateau any tips?


I have been on my weight loss journey since the middle of a holiday. I am 18 and 5'1f (short :( ). I started at 180 pounds and I'm currently at 149. During this whole time I've eaten 1,300 calories even though my TDEE was 1,700 at sedentary.

I've been on this plateau for maybe three weeks, which is really frustrating. I calculated my TDEE again and at sedentary it is 1,600 so I have less of a gap.

My fear is that I cannot do 1,200 calories. I love sweets and deserts and how I reward myself at the end of every day is 50-80 calories of junk. With the way I'm currently eating I don't know if I will have the budget for that.

I am not sedentary but I feel like I don't move enough to be considered active and if I'm not losing now at 1,300 even while active I feel the only way to lose is to cut back on calories. Usually I walk more than 25km a week. I only know this because of pokemon go which I can't have on me at my physically demanding job so it's a bit more than that.

I need advice from you wonderful people :)

submitted by /u/BellFirst9365
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight Loss Plateu

Hi everyone,

I was pregnant and gained 20kg. I was not able to exercise during my pregnancy. 9 months I slowly lost the weight with weight training at least 4 times a week if I get the chance. It’s a mix between gym & home. When I hit the gym I add a 30 minute walk if there is time.

I am stuck I am eating 1550 calories. I cannot shift the weight from 54kg-52kg. This is my personal goal. I eat healthy. I eat enough protein.

It’s been like this for 2 months. I don’t know what else to do.

The weather sucks so I cannot walk outside. I can’t be in the gym for hours due to work and baby. I don’t really want to lower my calories but I feel I may have to. I am stuck.

submitted by /u/popcornandchills
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, November 4, 2022

weight loss supplements - helpful, myth, or somewhere in between?

Have any of you tried them? Are there any you found to be helpful?

Most of the SuperProFatBurnMegaMaxNightShredDayShredXXX5000 type brands look ridiculous.

But, having hit a plateau in my weight loss journey, I'm willing to try anything at this point.

Has anyone tried more natural weight loss supplements like green tea extract, apple cider vinegar, cayenne pepper powder, probiotics, etc?

There's one called Alli that apparently prevents your body from absorbing some of the fat in your food - which makes the fat come out in the form of orange oil from your butt. That sounds terrifying but I would give it a shot?!

Has anyone found ANYTHING in a pill form that has helped you lose weight any quicker?

submitted by /u/la_california_guy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What tips or tricks have you used in terms of holding yourself accountable?

First time posting here but have been following for a while. I’m a 26 year old male, I’ve always struggled with my weight since I was a child. I played sports all my life through high school and could justify my size because I was a lineman in football and wrestled heavyweight in wrestling.

Once I got into college and wasn’t playing sports anymore and also struggled some with mental health, my weight skyrocketed. Since then, I’ve probably had a dozen failed attempts of losing weight. My highest being about 315 lbs my freshman year of college, and lowest being about 250 my senior year of college.

I’m 6’1 and I just stepped on the scale the other day and it said 304 lbs. I went and signed up at Planet Fitness last Sunday and got up at 5 am Monday morning to go workout and I went every morning this week and lost 5 pounds.

I want to keep this progress up and get down to a healthy weight and stay there, and I’m determined to do so but past attempts tell me it’s going to be very hard. Motivation to not only get to the gym but to workout hard when I get there, and the discipline to not fall back into my binge eating habits have and will always be the hardest part.

So, my long winded question is - how have you guys successfully held yourselves accountable? I’ve always been athletic and I know I’m capable, I just struggle with accountability and discipline.

I’ve honestly thought about maybe getting some sort of tattoo for every 10 pounds I lose or something like that, because it would be permanent and also a constant reminder to keep going. Also, it would look pretty silly of me to have tattoos for weight loss and then gain back the weight and have to explain that to someone who asks what they’re for, which would be motivating as well. I don’t have any tattoos currently but I’ve been wanting something for a while - I just haven’t been able to think of anything I want on my body that bad but this would definitely count.

Sorry for the long post. Thanks for reading if you read this far and thanks for your suggestions and help in advance.

submitted by /u/Swimming-Cream7389
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from loseit - Lose the Fat