Sunday, January 8, 2023

Is it sustainable to eat a really low calorie diet and train for a 5k?

Hi, I’m 5’6 and weigh 168lbs, and am 38lbs overweight. I used to love food, love eating & I would always graze even if I wasn’t hungry (which I know was bad). Due to some events last week, I no longer have an appetite, and I no longer derive any pleasure or happiness from eating. If I eat too much, I feel like I’m going to throw up. This past week I have unintentionally fasted for 40 straight hours, and consumed less than 700 calories each day. I also started running again.

I feel fine consuming less than 700 calories a day, but I also want to start training for a 5k that I signed up for which will be taking place in late March. I did some cardio and body weight exercises this week, and the DOMs aren’t bad but they’re there.

Next week I’ll be starting cardio 5x a week as well as a simple body weight circuit, and I wonder how much the low calorie intake will affect my progress both in terms of weight loss, cardiovascular endurance and muscle recovery.

I bought some supplements (protein, electrolytes, BCAAs & multi vitamin) and have been using Cronometer to monitor my daily intake of vitamins and minerals. In theory, as long as I get enough nutrients, is this 700 calories/day thing sustainable for a month or so? I’ve been shooting to eat at least 1000 but I’ve just been so repulsed by food lately..

I have an appointment with a nutritionist this month but I just wanna hear if anyone has been in my situation before. I guess my main goal this month is to lose weight first and foremost, and increase CV endurance and minimize muscle loss second (though I know at the deficit I’ve been at I’m bound to lose some). Will running and the body weight exercises help with that or just quicken my muscle loss? If I eat, should I focus on getting more protein than anything else? Would that help with muscle recovery? Should I just focus on losing weight with a calorie deficit through diet vs diet and exercise and start training for the 5k next month instead?

Any advice would be appreciated, thank you.

submitted by /u/annielikes
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Weight loss as A teen

How do I lose weight as a 14-year-old who my doctor said stopped growing? I’m 5’9 and I play tennis and do track. I mostly drink water. I feel like I’m gaining instead of losing. Also I do eat a lot of pasta and rice and when I eat snack i usually eat dipping dots, candy, or those chocolate belvita, and flavored pita chips. (not all of those together). Also I like eating oatmeal plain with sugar if that’s okay. Also I’m thinking of counting calories.

submitted by /u/Marichurro
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do you lose weight without slipping into unhealthy dieting habits?

The first time I've tried to lose weight was the most successful one. I sticked to my healthy calorie deficit, was consistent, and got the best results.

Then life happened and I gained some of weight back because of depression, and since then it's been a struggle to lose any. I set a goal and start sticking to my diet, and then I inevitably start feeling like it's too slow, so I restrict my calorie intake even more to speed up the results. It works for a month or two, and then I inevitably crash and gain all of the weight back.

I know what I need to do, and I know why my previous attempts failed. But I just can't help feeling like weight loss is too slow and I'm running out of time. I can't stand to stay in my fat body any second longer.

Does anyone else feel this way? Do you have any advice to overcome it?

submitted by /u/luxthebird
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, January 7, 2023

If CICO is the ultimate truth in weight loss, shouldn't one be able mathematically calculate and predict weight loss within normal fluxuations?

I am a VERY analytic person, to an extreme (one of my weaknesses, tbh), and I am also very overweight (~100lbs). I am on board with counting calories, scheduled regular exercise, etc, but I feel I should be able to calculate my calories in and calories out from both exercise and just daily living activity and come up with an expected weight loss per amount of time. However, I know that sometimes the body doesn't work as predicted, losing more than you should one week, less the next week, etc. It's this fact that makes me feel my over-analytic brain well not accept a "failing" week and I'll give up trying. I've done it with other things I've attempted in my life (saving money, career path decisions, etc,) and I'm afraid I'll do the same with weight loss. Can someone give me some advice on how to tell myself that in this case, it's okay to accept the unexpected?

submitted by /u/chrispdx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Time to say Good Bye to Burnout + depression weight gain from 2022

I (f25) have been on sick-leave all of 2022, due to clinical burnout, and in that time i suddenly went from walking 10-15k steps a day to being completely sedentary, comfort eating and gaining a sweet tooth (i never liked candy before, only baked goods) and drinking more alcohol than ever (it's honestly not that bad, i just almost never ever drank alcohol prior to this)

Now just the thought of leaving my apartment feels like such a HUGE step. I am tired. I am heavy. I feel sluggish and lethargic. And I want to be done feeling this way.

I went from 75kg (165 lbs) to somewhere around 92,6kg (204 lbs) in one year.
(but when i weighed myself this morning it was 94 kg :'( )

I am 185cm (6ft) tall.

Tomorrow, I'm going to sit down and make a plan for my weight loss.
I'm thinking about trying to commit to 10k steps a day to start with and eat about 1600 calories.

Am so excited to actually be a part of this wonderful sub and not just be a lurker <3
I posted BEFORE/START pics in r/loseweight if anyone is interested


submitted by /u/juicy_peach_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, January 6, 2023

There’s no one I feel safe taking about my milestone

I’ve been overweight/obese basically my whole life. I’m 29 and I’ve never really had any success ever in losing weight. I’d go like a week eating “healthy” and trying to work out and it would never stick.

In September I got new health insurance and was offered to join a weight loss program that gave you a free digital scale so said fuck it why not. I was not very happy to find out my initial weight clocked in at just shy of 423 pounds. Seeing that number really made me realize I need to make changes.

My progress has not been staggering, I’m not going to lie. The holidays in particular were an extremely stressful time for a multitude of reasons. But today I stepped on the scale and it was under 400. It took longer than I was hoping but it’s truly an accomplishment in my mind. I still have my moments of poor health choices but it’s a far cry from how I was even just a year ago. But I also feel like it’s not something I can go around celebrating with any of my friends or anything. So I just thought I’d post here. It’s a start. Here’s to getting it under 300 in 2023.

submitted by /u/bill_e_midnight
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m obese but my mom said she will disown me if I lose weight

I don’t know what to do :/ Sorry I don’t really know how to summarise everything but there’s another post on my account that explains it. I’m 5’4, 14 and 293lbs but basically my mom really does not approve of my weight loss.

Today she told me that if I really went ahead with this ‘fad’ and lost weight that she would disown me and I wouldn’t be her daughter. What the fuck??? What I do with this information should I just wait until I’m 18 to lose weight? I love my mom I would never want to hurt her but what do I do? I feel like I’m lying and going behind her back if I lose weight but at the same time being obese is affecting me so much.

My mom has always been so good to me but now she’s being so harsh about weight loss it’s so discouraging because I know I’m not supposed to be this size but I know I can’t upset my mom either

And I also told her about seeing a doctor. I told her I was having issues breathing (which is the truth) and she said I was lying and that she just thinks I’m saying this so I can see a doctor to lose weight. And I guess that is true but now I feel like I’m so stuck. I genuinely don’t think it’s normal for me to get as tired out as I do but now I can’t do anything about it? :/ And my dad agrees with my mom but refuses to get involved because he thinks it’s an issue for the women to solve so I can’t even try to convince him

I will still try and exercise and eat less where I can but this feels so wrong to be doing behind my mom’s back. I feel like I should just lose weight when I’m 18 instead but I don’t know if that’s a good idea?

submitted by /u/PlatypusDue8645
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