Monday, January 23, 2023

6 Strength Training Tips for Beginners

Combining strength training with cardiovascular exercise can give your weight loss a powerful boost: In a study where scientists tracked people who did cardio work, strength work or both, the combo group didn’t just lose weight, but they gained muscle—which burns more calories when you’re doing nothing. Body fat doesn’t do that!

And once you’ve lost weight, strength training can help you keep it off: In one study, men who trained with weights for 20 minutes per day had less age-related belly fat gain compared to other men who just did cardio exercise each day.

Strength training also does amazing things for your body, mind and quality of life: According to the American Heart Association, strength training can lower your heart disease risk, improve your heart function, and boost your “psychosocial well-being.” Training your muscles can also improve how your brain works, how productive you are at work, and help you sleep better.

The best part: You don’t need equipment, tons of exercises, or a boatload of information to get started. If you’re new to strength training—or haven’t done it in a long, long time—follow these six tips to safely start getting strong.

1. Warm up!

walking warm up

First thing’s first: A short warmup can help prevent injury. it lubricates your joints with synovial fluid, a kind of “oil” that increases their range of motion. It gets your heart rate up and your blood moving. And it prepares your body and mind for the movements you’re about to do.

That doesn’t mean stretching: The static stretches we learned in elementary school gym class can actually reduce exercise performance and stability during your workout. In one study, people who did static stretches felt 22 percent less stable during a leg workout, and they were able to lift less weight than they normally could.

Instead of stretching, perform a brisk, three to five minute warm up. Walk at an accelerated pace, swing your arms and legs through their full ranges of motion, and do some light calisthenics like jumping jacks, high knee marches and side shuffles. You’re warmed up when you’re literally warm—your heart rate will increase, increasing the temperature of your body and muscles. Then you’re ready for strength training.

 2. Do workouts with multi-joint movements.

step up exercise

There are hundreds of strength exercises that can increase strength and build muscle. But you don’t need to do them all! Performing movements that use more than one joint at a time—like squats, which bend your hips, knees and ankles, or pushups, which use your elbows, shoulders and wrists—lets you train more muscles at the same time, making your workout more efficient.

Start with these five moves: They’ll strengthen almost every muscle in your body, get your heart pumping and improve your balance.

Exercise 1 – Pushup:

  1. Assume a classic pushup position, with hands directly beneath your shoulders, your body forming a straight line from head to heels.
  2. Maintain this rigid body line as you bend your elbows to lower your chest towards the floor.
  3. Press back to start, maintaining the straight body line.

Exercise 2 – Air Squat:

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointed slightly out from parallel.
  2. Push your hips back to initiate the squat.
  3. Bend your knees to descend until your thighs are at least parallel to the floor, keeping your chest up and your weight on your heels.
  4. Keep the weight of your body in your heels and press back to standing.

Exercise 3 – Waiter’s Bow

  1. Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent.
  2. Push your hips back like you’re opening a door behind you with your butt. This starts the hip hinge.
  3. Keep pushing your hips back so that your back remains flat until it is nearly parallel to the floor.
  4. Squeeze your butt to return to standing. Repeat.

Exercise 4 – Lateral Step-up:

  1. Stand with a stair or sturdy chair to your right.
  2. Lift your right leg up and place it on the step or chair.
  3. Stand up on the stair or chair by pressing through your right leg until your right knee is straight, and your left foot meets your right.
  4. Carefully step back down. Do all of your repetitions on this side, then switch sides and repeat.

Exercise 5 – Wall Stickup:

  1. Stand facing away from a wall, with your feet about 6 inches away from the wall. Your head, upper back and butt should all be in contact with the wall—and they should stay in contact with it throughout the exercise. Put your arms straight up overhead, with the backs of your hands, elbows and forearms in contact with the wall.
  2. Now slide your arms down the wall by bending your elbows, keeping your hands, forearms and shoulders in contact with the wall. Keep lowering until your elbows come as close as you can bring them to your sides. (You should feel a strong contraction between your shoulder blades.)
  3. Pause, then slide your arms back up the wall until your arms are overhead.

3. Every exercise can be made easier. Do the version that works best for you.

elevated push up

You may not be able to do a squat or a pushup right now—and that’s OK! Struggling through an exercise that you can’t really do because you’re “supposed” to do that move is a recipe for injury. So don’t do it! Almost every exercise, whether it’s one of these five, or any of the other million ways to move your body, can be made easier. Do the version of an exercise that you can perform with perfect form while still feeling a small challenge.

Here’s a way to make four of the five exercises above a little easier. As you feel stronger over time, you can progress to the original instructions.

For the pushup: Start elevated. Put your hands on the second or third step of a staircase. Everything else is the same: hands should be directly beneath your shoulders, your body forming a straight line from head to heels. Just bend your elbows to lower your chest until it touches the step, instead of the ground.

For the squat: Grab a chair. Start with it behind you, and do everything else the same: Push your hips back to initiate the squat, and control your descent until you’re seated. Stand back up, and repeat.

For the waiter’s bow: Just hinge. Imagine you’re holding groceries in front of you, and you need to close a car door behind you using your butt. Bump your butt back to “close the door,” then squeeze your butt to stand back up.

For the lateral step-up: Use a lower step or chair.

4. Your body weight is great as resistance.

squat exercise

One thing you’ll notice about those five moves: there’s no weights or machines needed. External resistance—from barbells, dumbbells, resistance bands or machines—is a great way to add a challenge, but you can build lots of strength and muscle with moves that only use your bodyweight.

Performing moves without weight also prepares you to eventually use external resistance. So if you love doing squats, for instance, and want to progress to doing them with weight, you’ll have lots of practice doing them without any weight … in a way that’s safe, and performed with perfect form.

5. Two sessions per week is perfect.

exercise on calendar

You don’t have to strength train every day: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week, and two strength training sessions. Studies back this up as a muscle- and strength-building strategy: In 2016 research review, scientists found that training a muscle group twice per week was better for building muscle than training it one day per week, even if the amount of exercise repetitions done were the same. What that means: Doing 20 pushups twice per week is better than doing 40 pushups once per week.

How much should you do in each of those two weekly sessions? Scientists have found that performing 10-20 “working sets” with a muscle group each week is associated with building maximum strength and muscle. A “working set” means performing enough repetitions of an exercise in each set so that you can only do a few more repetitions. So if you can do eight elevated pushups in a row, a working set would be around five elevated pushups.

Perform five sets of each exercise in this way—leaving a few repetitions in the tank—in each session, resting at least one minute between sets. Do that—five sets of each move—twice per week.

6. Try to do a little more every time, or every week.

push up strength exercise at home

If you do five pushups in every session forever, eventually those five pushups won’t challenge you any more. One of the keys to getting stronger is an idea called “progressive overload,” which basically just means doing more over time.

Keep track of how many repetitions of your exercises you do, and try to do just a tiny bit more each week—that could mean just one more squat or one more elevated pushup each week. If you did five sets of five squats last week, for example, try to do four sets of five and one set of six this week. This type of progression will ensure that your strength training sessions continue to train your strength—meaning you’re getting stronger over time.

*Always speak with your healthcare provider before starting a new exercise routine.

The post 6 Strength Training Tips for Beginners appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Sorry to ask, but starvation mode isn't real, right? Then what in the depths of hell is wrong with me?

So... I got two answers in the ED sub I like to post in but I thought you guys could have some more answers as most science subs don't allow medical advice. At least that's what I think judging by the massive amounts of posts with the term "starvation mode" in them here

TW for pretty low cal counts and ED and suicidal thoughts

So, I'm 16FTM. 169 cm, CW 58/59 kg, LW 49 GW 50 (don't worry, my weigh-in lady didn't worry when I was 49 kg so 50 is safe!).

Sometime in September last year my weight loss suddenly stopped and my weight started going up. I was eating an average of 600 calories a day back then. Everyone was so happy with the fact I was gaining that they didn't even bother to ask me if I was eating more, so I was at a loss. No one would give me answers, no one would believe me. Everyone just thought I was accidentally counting my intake as 1500 calories less than what I was eating, and well, I wasn't. My daily menu included 15 g of ham and cherry tomatoes for breakfast, whatever we had at home for dinner (<400 cals) and 25% on a pint of diet ice cream, with maybe a couple rice cakes. Does that sound like a 1 pound a week weight gain plan to you?

I was torn. I cried and cried, until after two months I had had enough. I started eating more both with the hope of being able to lose weight again and out of anger towards my school nurses, school doctor (they didn't listen) and therapist (she congratulated me on my weight gain without any questions while I was crying in front of her). Well, unlike their predictions, I gained weight. A lot of weight. While eating my maintenance.

I wanted to continue eating more until the weight gain stopped and well, it did last week. But... I'm now 59 kg. I've gained a kilo a week almost every week for the last two months. I want to cry all the time. I can't shower, sit or put my binder on without thinking about slicing the fat off my body. I'm suicidal again. The ED thoughts are louder. I hate my life.

The worst thing is, according to my school nurse, the reason for the weight gain is the malnourishment. My thyroid is fine, there are no signs of PCOS. Just the previous starving. That's pretty much the definition of starvation mode, but every single time someone even mentions starvation mode in here or any other sub, the top comment is "SM is a myth". I don't know what to believe anymore. So, thoughts?

Thanks to anyone who answers. I'm really confused right now. I've stopped eating lunch again because I hate my current body. I'm pretty sure this will lead to a relapse and honestly, I don't care. I want my 50 kg body back.

submitted by /u/trans_fats_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, January 22, 2023

90-Day Caloric Deficit

Day #22

I am down to 186 from last week’s 188.6! I was very stoked to find out I only lost 2 pounds this last week - over 3 and I would’ve started to worry (2lbs is safest I’ve heard for muscle retention). I’ve found 4 very cool things that have started to happen from weight loss that I HAVE to share!

1 - getting up from bed or getting into bed is a heck of a lot easier. I don’t grunt as much like I used to or lose my breath, and I can get out really quick in a moments notice and not stumble or lose balance.

2 - showering is easier as well! More turn radius, and a subtlety noticeable decrease in surface area, which makes for a faster shower.

3 - literally no more indigestion or GI issues! And not as much heartburn either, maybe once every 2 weeks, if that.

4 - and probably my favorite, I fit into my old black cargos I bought two years back. I haven’t worn these since my first date with my now fiancé.

Good luck to you out there on your journey! Know that I am going through this difficult journey with you too, and I really want all of you to come with me :).

submitted by /u/Unlucky-Put3264
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Day 2/30 of my reset

F, 5’5. GW:

Happy day 2 or day XX to everyone. I didn’t weigh in this morning because I wasn’t home. Yesterday went great.

I unexpectedly ended up in a dessert bar and my past self would have been excited to try everything. New me got one scoop of vegan ice cream and took years to finish it. Met my step goal. Stuck to eating 1700 calories giving me a sizeable deficit.

Also had ONE drink out at the bar and NO snacks. Vodka soda how I love thee.

Anyways today has been great.

Food Log Breakfast/ I had a tiny piece of carrot cake from church and some unsweetened banana walnut bread. AM snack: bag of carrots for lunch Lunch: grilled veggie salad + black bean burger with GF bun and more grilled veggies. PM Snack: seaweed, green apple. Dinner: protein powder “nice cream” (blended with ice to make it thicker).

So far I’m at 1,729 calories. Going to hop on the treadmill for a bit, put away some laundry, prep, log, and pack my lunch for tomorrow.

How is your weight loss journey going today?

submitted by /u/Snowy16000
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSVs from losing 8 pounds

A month ago I was 230 pounds and weight loss seemed hopeless. I am 5 9 and I had back pain which made Excercise difficult. The idea of having to wait a year to see results.

Now I am 222 and although 8 pounds barely makes a dent in my weight I am starting to feel the benefits. My back pain is improving, It's easier to get up the stairs now too. I do have knee pain from tendinitis but that is improving slowly.

My clothes are fitting looser too. I still size 40 pants but they are loose enough I need to wear a belt now.

The time did not seem that long either. I have a long way to go but I do feel better along the way. Hope this inspires discouraged people.

submitted by /u/carpingallthemdiems2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finding weight loss AND maintenance impossible without nicotine

I’ve quit for a month now, and I have no reason to restart vaping/smoking until I think about weight gain. I am gaining weight slowly but surely because my appetite and literal hunger levels are so much bigger.

I’m regaining the weight I lost whilst smoking and its making me feel terrible. I don’t want to restart for obvious health reasons but things feel like they are getting out of hand.

I know I need to learn to live nicotine free and have a healthy diet. Tons of people do it, so maybe I’ve messed up dopamine in my brain or something?? When I was smoking I could eat and drink whatever, feel stuffed, and still lose weight. I felt like I was on cloud nine :(((

submitted by /u/kokobeanie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I somehow ended up on the 'wrong' side of TikTok. A fair warning to others.

Disclaimer: discussion of misusing medications. Please remove if necessary.

I mostly use TikTok for gym routines and healthy meal ideas. Lately I've been getting more and more Mounjaro/Wegovy/Ozempic related content on my FYP. I'm all for people (safely) using medication to aid in weight loss. Especially those who are diabetic, insulin resistant, or significantly overweight.

However. I've been seeing some creators using these medicines when their starting weight was well within a healthy range. Many viewers will comment, "But you're thin already" "Why are you using this?" "You look amazing, why is this necessary?" To which the creators often reply, "I need to lose 5, 10, 20 pounds." They also share compounding pharmacies with their followers who want to use these medications, but can't get a prescription from their doctor because of their low BMI.

I'm not here to start any debates, but I am genuinely concerned how 'normal' people (non-celebrities) improperly using these medications will impact vulnerable groups. 10 years ago at the height of my eating disorder, I would've panicked seeing these videos.

If you see any of these videos pop up on your FYP, please report them.

submitted by /u/Forsaken-Problem6758
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from loseit - Lose the Fat