Saturday, February 18, 2023

Reverting to eating suboptimally after reaching GW. Any tips to help nail the maintenance phase as a lifestyle?

Context: I am 5’6 F and lost 42 lb over the past ~10 months, going from 162lb to 120lb. My goal wait initially was 125lb but somehow I’ve ended up at 120. This is despite the fact that I am not doing strict CICO anymore. For the loss phase, I ate a net of 1200-1400 calories for close to the initial 6 months and then 1400-1600 for the remainder. I also do some form of a workout (usually barre) at least 3 days a week.

Weight loss was an important goal but the overall thing I wanted to achieve was to get to a healthier self. I’m also hoping to start a family in the next few years so looking to minimise risk of developing any lifestyle diseases (which I was at risk of given my pre weight loss binge eating habits). I’m eating 2000-2200 calories since the past month and have not seen the scale budge either direction. I’m eating unhealthy. A chocolate mousse every day for the past week and hot chocolate twice a day before that for a week. This is in addition to my nutrition fuelling meals but ends up under 2200 cals still.

Question: The scale not budging doesn’t make sense to me. And goes against all the info I have on CICO which I practiced so religiously. And as a result, I’m afraid if I continue using the scale as my metric, I might be inviting back some of those lifestyle diseases due to unhealthy habits like daily sugar/ fat overdose. How does one embed the lifestyle and not get swayed by numbers solely?

submitted by /u/AlliterationManiac
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, February 17, 2023

Idiot telling me I've become 'healthier'.

SW:216 GW: 123 CW: 165 5 ft 4 inches

On mobile and wearing long nails. Sorry for my errors.

So, my (26f, indian) wedding events are starting from today. And I'm meeting relatives that I have not seen in years. Earlier this evening we checked into the hotel where my whole family is staying for 5 days for the celebrations.

What's the first thing that a male cousin (who btw I have only met twice so far, in my life) tells me?? "Oh you have become healthier. You are so much thinner in one of your Instagram pictures!"

If you have indian/asian relatives you'll know calling someone 'healthy' is just a not so subtle way of calling them fat!

I have been trying to lose weight sensibly and that in unfortunately means I have not been able to hit my weight loss goals for February

This thing has just completely thrown me. I mean who says something like that. Especially to someone who's getting married, stressed (somewhat visibly) and most importantly someone they don't even know??

I'm sorry for ranting. I just feel so lost and horribly disconnected from everything.

submitted by /u/Hauntedgooselover
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What if I’m not happy even after losing the weight?

I’ve lost 25lbs so far. I’ve been on this journey on and off for about 5 years, but this is the most I’ve lost and longest I’ve stuck to it. I have less than 60lbs to lose, but something has crossed my mind lately. What if after I lose the weight I’m not happy? I know the answer will be things about going to therapy, but unfortunately I can’t afford it. Right now, I’m not happy with myself and idk if I’ll ever be. Maybe I’m just ungrateful. Idk. Anyways, what steps can I do to help myself along this journey to improve my happiness atm and at the end of my weight loss journey? Thank you.

submitted by /u/-Yooniverse-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Why do strangers feel it’s appropriate to comment on others bodies?

I have been on the struggle bus with my weight loss journey the past 6 months. Ups and downs. Got back on good track this week with calorie deficit. Some customers (whom are both larger than me) asked me today when I’m due. Spoiler alert: not pregnant. I responded that “I’m not pregnant, but clearly very fat.” Did they apologize? No. One of the two proceeded to repeat multiple times that “I could’ve swore it!” Yeah, that makes it worse bitch. I am filled with rage, embarrassment and sadness. Please, help me harness these feelings into motivation towards my goals and not a reason to “chuck it in the fuck it bucket” and give up.

submitted by /u/CheapskateDesigner
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Age really does affect weight loss.

I used to always be a runner. Sometimes, I’d cut back on my mileage and increase more gym workouts, but it’s safe to say exercise has always been consistent with me. Eating well, and cooking is something I started once I moved out of my parent’s house at 18. For 14 years, I was relatively the same weight and wore the same size.

I moved to Texas and for some reason could not run like I used to. It trained safely in the heat to acclimate myself, but even during the winters, my fitness just wasn’t the same. I went the the gym but the results I used to achieve did not seem to show.

In 2022 I really noticed my body changing and that over the past 3 years, I’ve slowly been putting on weight (from 122 to 139 lbs). December, 2022 I joined OrangeTheory to switch things up. I felt like I was getting some amazing workouts in 4 days a week. I was mindful (as always) of my calories and macros. I’ve been using my fitness pal to track since 2014 with the exception of taking a few months off here and there. It’s a part of my lifestyle and helps to keep me accountable.

I haven’t lost one pound since joining OrangeTheory. I feel stronger and am hoping that the next InBody scan reveals muscle mass gain, but otherwise I haven’t seen significant changes like I’m used to.

I woefully flicked through pictures of me in 2017-2018 which revealed a slim, toned body that people used to compliment me on. I decided to check my My FitnessPal app to see if I was doing anything differently at the time. Nope - my macros and calories were relatively the same. My exercise routine wasn’t significantly different other than the fact that I did have more runs in as apposed to HIIT training, but was in the gym enough to have toned muscles. I’m sleeping much better these days, and am more consistent with my water consumption. I have a much healthier “adult” routine which I includes far less drinking.

I’m 34 now. Around the age of 32, I really started to notice a change in physic and difficulty in maintaining what I was used to. Genetically, my mom says this is around the time her body really changed, too. I think accepting that you can’t look 28 forever has been a hard pill to swallow. It’s not like I’m middle aged but I’m not very young anymore. I’m sure in ten years I’ll see pictures of the body I’m in now and wish I had appreciated it more. So, my goal now is to be grateful that o have my health and have worked hard my whole life to maintain it.

submitted by /u/FlightlessRobot
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I (40year old, 6’1” M) lost 65 lbs in less than a year. Went from 235lbs to 170lbs. Feel physically fantastic. Best health since high school. So why am I angry so much of the time?

The past couple months or so I haven’t felt depressed really.. just to quick to anger and I dwell on negative things far more than I used to. It only recently occurred to me that this could be due at least in part to the physical change of weight loss. FYI, I am now vegan and alcohol, caffeine and newly tobacco free as well, so a lot of change in the past year.

Is my temperament change a normal reaction to a physical change? Will I get used to it and level off back to my normal self eventually? I’m tired of having no patience and being angry so much of the time. Help!

submitted by /u/moochir
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, February 16, 2023

I would like a Fit Friend

I've fallen of the wagon this week. I've been sick these past few days and have also been really stressed, and I've rationalized to myself that I need to eat a lot in order to cure my cold and to deal with stress.

I think it might be worth trying to have a fit friend, who talks to me and checks in with me every now and then. I remember reading a weight loss study that said participants felt losing weight was easier when they had to report to someone. Currently, I just report to myself, my girlfriend and MyFitnessPal.

I would like to be friends on Discord. I also only want one friend just because I'm not good at developing a bunch of new relationships. Even if it's not fruitful, friends are still cool.

submitted by /u/No_Photograph
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from loseit - Lose the Fat