Saturday, March 4, 2023

Old guy loses his luggage

My weight loss story is unremarkable compared to many on this subreddit (23kg or 50lbs down in 2 years) but, as an old guy (62), I thought it worth posting because it may give encouragement to fellow oldies who may think that weight loss is something that only youngsters can do.

In Spring of 2021 I weighed 91.6 Kg (202lbs) which, for someone who is only 170cm (5ft 7) tall, is a lot and put me in the ‘obese’ BMI category. I’d like to blame that on WFH during the pandemic but, the truth is, I was nearly that heavy in early 2020. (I’d started a diet at the beginning of 2020, it was going great, but lockdown killed it). My goal weight when I started my diet was 70kg. Today I am 68.4kg (151lbs) and I’m happy to say that I have a healthy BMI.

I'm not one to count calories. My method is simply to give up the 'fun' foods: Biscuits, cakes, chocolate, ice cream, alcohol (I find it easier to quit completely rather than cut down). Then I cut back on basic carbs (potatoes, pasta, rice). One thing I can't cut back is bread - that's my kryptonite - but having discovered how much sugar there is in breakfast cereal I don't feel so bad about eating my home-made bread for breakfast - that satisfies my carb craving for the day. I eat a lot of porridge (oatmeal) - not for breakfast but as an evening meal now and again in the winter - it’s hot and filling.

Exercise is just walking every day and lifting weights. I log my weight in a spreadsheet weekly (more recently, daily).

There were ups and downs along the way. I eased off my diet last Summer and some weight went back on. But I didn’t beat myself up over it and got back to my diet in the autumn.

I find it helpful to try to visualise the weight I’ve lost. One of the joys of the metric system is that units of measure can be easily translated between different quantities. One litre of water weighs one kilogramme. I have a bucket that holds nine litres of water and it’s heavy when full. When I was 18kg down I thought “I was walking everywhere carrying two buckets of water? - how did I manage?”.

23kg is the baggage allowance for British Airways economy class. When last I flew I remember thinking how heavy my suitcase was. I am no longer carrying a heavy suitcase on my shoulders wherever I go.

Another tip is to buy clothes to fit your target weight. As well as weighing 70kg I wanted a waistline of 34 inches or less. In 2021 I bought a pair of 34 inch waist jeans - I couldn’t get close to doing up the top button at the time but a few weeks ago I got them out of my cupboard - and they fit!

I’ve lost weight before only for it to creep back on. The difference now is that I’m retired so I can focus more on my health. Also, I know that I must weigh myself daily and log my weight for the rest of my life (yes, daily because then it’s a routine as much as brushing your teeth).

I’m happy with my weight now but it would be nice to lose a little more fat around my middle - 65kg would be great but, at my age, weight loss around my face makes me look more haggard! I visited my sister recently and she told me to stop dieting because my face looks gaunt (it doesn’t but she is used to seeing fat me). We’ll see.

tl;dr: You’re never too old to lose weight.

submitted by /u/BrianLikesCheese
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss sucks sometimes

I was always fat and criminally unattractive growing up, truth be told I thought I’d die fat. I am 6’1 and about 4 years ago I weighed 240 pounds. After deciding it was about time to make a change, I cut down to about 180 running 2 miles daily, and watching what I was eating. I was in the gym consistently for about a year and a half, bulking up to 200 pounds before cutting to 170. I felt great, had abs, was relatively strong, you would assume all was well. But some part of me always thought when I finally figured all this out I would be stunningly attractive and it was incredibly disappointing for this not to be the case. I couldn’t help but feel like I’ve been cheated in a way. A big proponent to all this was I began losing weight at 17, and finished this journey of sorts at 20. Being an Arab male, we are particularly prone to balding, and I was not an exception. Honest to god it felt like a cruel joke, I looked like shit. Thankfully my derm helped me sort this out a bit, and I would say I’m relatively good looking now. There’s not really a point to this post, just felt like throwing it out there.

submitted by /u/Anon196972
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm overeating and gaining weight back and I'm so upset with myself ...

As the title states, I have been recently overeating. I'm not sure why honestly. I haven't been under anymore stress than usual. I have had random bouts of depression, but I was also still actively losing weight then too. I'm extremely disappointed in myself, I can feel and see my love handles and gut coming back, I can feel the weight coming back on and I'm not sure how to stop it. I look in the mirror at myself and I just feel a mixture of anger, rage, and sadness that I've let myself put on weight again. Albeit, not much weight, maybe like a few pounds, but still. I think the thing that scares me the most is that I haven't had a chance to weigh myself. I have a scale in the bathroom, but it tells me I still weigh the same which is highly doubtful at this point. I just hope that maybe when I go to the doctor next it's less than I'm thinking.

I think the main reason I've started overeating and putting on weight again is because I let myself get too comfortable with my weight loss, stopped counting my calories as often, and haven't been exercising as much. Just hoping maybe someone else can relate. :/

submitted by /u/honey-bliss
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, March 3, 2023

Seeking weight loss advice! At a plateau

Hi everyone! I’ve been lurking here for a few months but wanted to finally post to seek advice from those in the process of losing weight who have seen some success. I’m in my late 20s and have gained weight in the past two years to put me at about 20 lbs over my goal weight where I feel happy and healthy (~135 lbs). I’d lost a few lbs and I’m currently at around 148-149 lbs, but it seems like my weight loss has stalled in the past couple weeks. I had been losing steadily around 0.25-0.5 lbs per week and I was happy with that pace, but now am feeling dejected that the mild progress has stopped. I’m counting calories on Noom, burning probably around an average of 500-700 calories a day with workouts (typically stair climbing, dumbbell exercises, and walking), and eat around 1900 calories a day. This had been helping me lose, but I’m wondering if it’s time to cut calories down a bit more. I typically find I get considerably hungry below that and I’m more prone to craving fast food and junk food at night, plus I’ve always had a difficult relationship with food and my weight and have dealt with a lot of disordered eating in my teens, so I’m wary on dipping calories too low. Any advice appreciated. :) thank you!

submitted by /u/dietschmiet
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I have never considered dancing before in my life

29M SW:310 CW:275 GW:240

I've been either obese or extremely overweight my entire life but the last few months I've been getting really into fitness and weight loss, I'm playing ring fit a lot, I worked out at the gym 3 days a week but switched to a PPL 6 day a week routine and have been building nice muscle, and yesterday I noticed my belly shaking is reduced by A LOT when I do certain exercises I used to be embarrassed about and I'm feeling really confident in myself

I totally forgot that my wife loves dancing but kinda gave it up after we had kids, didn't have the time and I probably wasn't much of a help since I was always too embarrassed about my body to even try. But I was talking to her about bodyweight fitness and the sports I want to try and I mentioned hiking and rock climbing and swimming and she asked if I would be interested in dancing and you know what.... I never considered it a possibility but damn it sounds fun and I want to make a fool of myself while finally trying to learn!

It gets better everyone! Sticking to health and fitness has a lot of good benefits! I'm finding new ones all the time!

submitted by /u/Dazzling_Rhubarb
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

they fit?!?!?

About a year ago, I bought some new clothes online from a plus sized shop. I already had a pair of pants from there so I bought a different cut in the same size (2 pairs)

I got them in and they were impossibly tight. I could barely button them. But because of the sale they were having and the rewards system, a return was basically pointless. Whatever. Gave a pair to my mom and threw the others in my drawer telling myself "maybe someday id lose weight".

I have some kind of curse where whenever I hold onto something thinking "it'll fit again someday" I gain MORE weight. And that's what happened October last year I weighed in at 250lbs.

Mid-January rolled around and I decided I'd give weight loss another shot. I told myself it's be different this time and I wouldn't stress over losing like I have in the past. I'll keep a goal calorie range, treat myself to a cheat day once a week (sometimes twice), and just try to make better choices overall (goodbye rockstar punched and code red).

This morning I stepped on the scale and I'm down 30 POUNDS since I started (possibly more; I used the October weigh in as my start since I didn't have a scale at the time, but I'm positive I gained more between October and January due to the holidays).

Feeling proud, I started getting dressed for work and saw the sale pants sitting in the drawer. Figured I'd test my luck.

GUYS.....THEY FIT!!!! they went on as smooth as warm butter on toast and buttoned EASILY. I almost need a BELT with them!

I've still got a long way to go on my journey; my goal was 100lbs in a year to my "goal weight" which will still put me overweight, but I haven't weighed 150 since my college days. But today, I'm celebrating this little win!

submitted by /u/lurker0277
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Am I overreacting?

Ok, so I could just be super sensitive because of how insecure I am over my weight. Please chime in and let me know.

There's this girl who is in the same group workout I go to. She's done amazing with her weight loss, I've tried talking to her privately about what she's doing to drop weight so fast but, she's pretty much given me vague answers so I stopped asking.

Tonight she came up to me in the gym infrint of everyone while we were getting our dumbbells and said...

"Hey I have a bunch of clothes that are way to big for me now since I've been losing so much weight, would you want them"

I felt my face get hot with embarrassment, and my eyes fill up with tears. I was so embarrassed and keep wondering how could she not have known that might be hurtful? She could have asked me privately.

Idk it's stuck in my mind and I keep thinking about it. Can't get it out of my head....

submitted by /u/shay42190
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from loseit - Lose the Fat