Thursday, May 11, 2023

Got the sweetest comment today on my weight loss

So I’m a high school teacher; sometimes it seems like every adult around me has commented on my weight loss- “Stop losing weight!”, “You’re too skinny, you need to stop!”, “You’re making us look bad,” etc etc (note: I’m not too skinny, it’s just the norm for people around here to be a bit chubby).

At times, it felt like my teenage students were the only respectful ones in school, as they never comment anything other than “You look very pretty today, Miss!” when I wear make up (not often) or if I have a new blouse.

Then today one of the math teachers, a nice older lady that I’ve never interacted much with, comes to line up behind me as we wait our turn for the only staff restroom in the building (😅).

She: You look like you’ve lost weight. Me: Yes, I have. She: Was it on purpose? Me: Yes, yes, it was. She: Oh, then good job, you look great! 🙂 Me: Oh thank you! 😊 thank you!

Then it was my turn to the restroom and then to rush to class.

But I feel that it was so sweet of her to ask that- no one else has asked me that, ever. “Was it on purpose?” She looked vaguely worried when she asked that, as if she was ready to help someway somehow if it wasn’t on purpose.

And idk, I know it’s not a big deal or a NSV or anything, but I wanted to share.

submitted by /u/Skadi_8922
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally reined in my runaway appetite!

I'm early in my weight loss endeavor and at the stage where I am making small changes I can sustain. For as long as I can remember, I have had an appetite that made me feel like I could eat my whole house. It was so hard to stop eating. I also have Hashimoto's thyroiditis and have been reading some medical studies that suggest patients who avoid wheat have better health outcomes. About a week ago on a whim, I decided to give up wheat to see if I noticed any changes in body inflammation. To my surprise, my appetite was suddenly much easier to control. I always thought my kryptonite was just all carbs in general, but it turns out, if I stop eating wheat, even if I am still eating potatoes and fruit, I can stick to CICO. Anyway, thought I'd share this in case it's helpful to anyone.

submitted by /u/I_use_the_wrong_fork
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Most Accurate Scales? Mechanical vs Electronic

Title says it all really. What are the most accurate body scales? Mechanical? Electronic? Body fat bluetooth?

I’ve been having a rough week with my weight loss not my actual lifestyle change/diet. I haven’t cheated, haven’t caved, still weighing all of my food, still doing 10,000 steps plus a day, still doing my calorie deficit, and my losses have been far less than usual, I’ve lost 20lbs well it was 21.6 but this week the scale kept creeping up and then down, then up, then down with the last 2lbs. I know it’s only a tiny difference and barely noticeable but it was like every day changing, one day xx:7.2lbs the next xx:9.0lbs (st is the xx number I’m not comfortable sharing yet) and I couldn’t work out why.

Turns out it’s the scales and my flooring. I weighed myself this morning all over my flat kitchen floor and it was reading differently in every place so it’s the scale and my floor.

I’m going to buy a new scale today, just so I have more than one and see if it’s my current scale with the floor that’s throwing it off.

What’s the most accurate scale? My partner says a mechanical one, not an electronic one? And that it would be best for our flooring. I’ve seen the ones that do body fat etc readings on Amazon but the reviews always throw me off. Primarily 5,4,3 star but the 2,1 stars all say it’s inaccurate which throws me off.

Not wanting to spend £100 on a scale either to be totally honest, I wouldn’t mind but my partners a saver not a spender - I’m the opposite 🌝

submitted by /u/SouthLondonLass
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Putting hobbies on hold until I lose weight.

Hey all. Me again.

I posted here a while back (it was a very negative post. I apologize.) But I mentioned one of my favorite hobbies was cosplay. I remember so many responses mentioned weight loss would help it. I'm not here to debate that. But ever since then I've just felt like I can't enjoy it anymore unless I lose weight. I have about 80 pounds left to lose. And in saddened by the thought that I can't do things I enjoy until I've lost the weight. (Which I'm aware is a ridiculous and silly thought.) Idunno. I guess I just need to hear an outside perspective on this. I've been going back and forth with myself on it for the past few weeks. I also haven't made anything new or even been inside my workshop in that time. Just a bit of support would be nice. Idunno.

submitted by /u/B4N3S4W
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Ready for a change

Looking for advice I am 3 weeks into a weight loss attempt. Crushed it for 6 months and lost about 50 lbs then life hit and I put 30 back on so I'm sitting at 220 and 40% BMI I have very low lean muscle mass at 130lbs. I am steady losing 2lbs a week currently and want to go harder for a few months to see how much weight I can lose (threw adding more cardio) as I feel I am not going to lose muscle mass as its so low and I lift consistently while taking in plenty of protein. Currently eating 2k calories 160g protein walking 15k steps 5 days a week 10k on weekends lifting 4-5 days a week.

submitted by /u/reeleststeel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do you deal with the regret of not losing weight earlier/fear that it's too late?

I didn't grow up fat. I was skinny or a normal weight until I was 17 or so. It was the late 00s, I got my own computer, smartphones were coming out, I stopped exercising and became sedentary. I was a nerdy kid and sucked at gym class and that took all the joy out of activity for me. Got to university and started comfort eating whatever and however much I wanted. Got on antidepressants and gained a good 40 lbs.

I spent my 20s not really caring that I was overweight. The pandemic hit, I started working from home, and like most people, that wasn't good for my eating or activity. Now I've hit my 30s and I'm thinking about mortality and I've started obsessing about my health. I've always had health anxiety. It was under control for a long time.

Anyway I went to my GP, he ran bloodwork and all was fine except for borderline cholesterol and slightly high ALT (liver enzyme). I had some fat on the liver noted when I had an ultrasound for a different reason 9 years ago (I also have PCOS, hooray) but nobody made a big deal about it and just said it was typical for my weight. Now I've spent a month absolutely freaking out over this, and it's pushed me into gear to get healthy. And it's working, I've lost 23 lbs since February. I'm not doing anything drastic, just watching how much I eat, cut out desserts and junk food other than once or twice a week, moving more, and added more fruit and veg.

But I'm dealing with these feelings of dread over the fact that I let myself get fat, and that I didn't deal with it years ago. I'm scared I've done too much damage to myself that can't be undone. I've been a picky eater all my life up until now and scared of what a lifetime of not very health eating has done, and even if I lose all this weight, can that be reversed?

I guess I'm thankful I caught it before developing diabetes or high blood pressure. My health anxiety is through the roof and I have no idea why I didn't focus on this earlier, knowing I worry about my health. I come from a family where a lot of my relatives are overweight and nobody really watches what they eat, but they've all largely avoided major health issues - my grandmother was a big woman and lived to 90 (though she did develop T2D in her 60s). So I guess I thought it didn't matter, when clearly it does. And that makes me worry that eventually the bottom will drop out beneath them, especially my dad.

I'm happy with the progress I'm making, but I also feel like I'm mourning my old self. I don't even crave sweets anymore (and actually enjoy my dinner salads!), but I miss being someone who just didn't think about it and ate three cookies at lunch and ice cream after dinner. I'm actually enjoying being more active, but hate that I have to think about it. I wish so much that I could go back to myself at 18 and just say, get on it now so you don't have to worry when you're older. When I go out and see skinny teens and 20-somethings I feel so angry at myself, and I was never really bothered by my weight before. It's not a looks thing for me, it's a "not having to worry about my health" thing. I'm scared I will feel this anxiety forever, or that if I snap out of it and stop worrying, I'll go back to my bad habits and gain it all back. (Of course all the articles about how nobody can sustain weight loss don't help.)

How do you get past these feelings? Any advice?

submitted by /u/Illustrious_Town_163
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

finding it difficult to eat 1200 cals a day

5'4 woman / cw 125 pounds / gw 115 pounds

hi y'all! I'm trying lose a relatively small amount of weight after gaining about 5 pounds over the course of the last year. I've always floated between 115 and 130 and never in my life have I successfully lost weight intentionally. Sometimes it just falls off if I'm particularly active, other times it just creeps up.

rn I am struggling with eating just 1200 cals a day. I'm just so hungry if I eat anything less than like 1400 and frankly I just don't know how or where else to cut calories. I only drink water and unsweetened green tea. Every morning I make a smoothie (which is v high calories at 520 calories) but it fills me up for the whole day as it has protein powder, yogurt, milk, spinach, walnuts, and a bunch of fruit. And then I have no snacks and dinner is almost always homemade and healthy.

Like yesterday I was so disheartened because all I had was my smoothie and dinner which was a little bit of rice and veggies and tofu and my total caloric intake was still a little over 1400. I just feel like if I ate any less I would have no energy at all. I'm generally a pretty active person and that's important to me.

I guess my other problem is I like to cook good meals. So like I check out that sub 1200isplenty and the way they cook is just not something I want to do. Like sorry but I'm gonna use olive oil ahahahaha. But also I recognize that type of choice is holding me back. I just don't want to have a miserable relationship with food.

Here's my question. Everyone says don't eat back your calories after exercise!! it'll sabotage your weight loss!! you overestimate what you burn!! so am I meant to be eating 1200 calories a day regardless of my activity level? If I do an hour of yoga and go for a run and burn roughly 200-300 calories, should I allow myself to eat 1400 calories that day? If I walk for an hour should I mark that in my calorie tracker? (I use MyFitnessPal).

If anyone has any other suggestions for me, please let me know! I'm thinking the key will be portion sizes at dinner, just trying to get used to eating a little less of whatever dinner I've made each night.

And then what do y'all think? is exercise the cheat code? should I allow myself to creep up to 1400 calories if I'm active that particular day?

thanks y'all!

submitted by /u/yesiwillyes222
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