Wednesday, May 10, 2023

finding it difficult to eat 1200 cals a day

5'4 woman / cw 125 pounds / gw 115 pounds

hi y'all! I'm trying lose a relatively small amount of weight after gaining about 5 pounds over the course of the last year. I've always floated between 115 and 130 and never in my life have I successfully lost weight intentionally. Sometimes it just falls off if I'm particularly active, other times it just creeps up.

rn I am struggling with eating just 1200 cals a day. I'm just so hungry if I eat anything less than like 1400 and frankly I just don't know how or where else to cut calories. I only drink water and unsweetened green tea. Every morning I make a smoothie (which is v high calories at 520 calories) but it fills me up for the whole day as it has protein powder, yogurt, milk, spinach, walnuts, and a bunch of fruit. And then I have no snacks and dinner is almost always homemade and healthy.

Like yesterday I was so disheartened because all I had was my smoothie and dinner which was a little bit of rice and veggies and tofu and my total caloric intake was still a little over 1400. I just feel like if I ate any less I would have no energy at all. I'm generally a pretty active person and that's important to me.

I guess my other problem is I like to cook good meals. So like I check out that sub 1200isplenty and the way they cook is just not something I want to do. Like sorry but I'm gonna use olive oil ahahahaha. But also I recognize that type of choice is holding me back. I just don't want to have a miserable relationship with food.

Here's my question. Everyone says don't eat back your calories after exercise!! it'll sabotage your weight loss!! you overestimate what you burn!! so am I meant to be eating 1200 calories a day regardless of my activity level? If I do an hour of yoga and go for a run and burn roughly 200-300 calories, should I allow myself to eat 1400 calories that day? If I walk for an hour should I mark that in my calorie tracker? (I use MyFitnessPal).

If anyone has any other suggestions for me, please let me know! I'm thinking the key will be portion sizes at dinner, just trying to get used to eating a little less of whatever dinner I've made each night.

And then what do y'all think? is exercise the cheat code? should I allow myself to creep up to 1400 calories if I'm active that particular day?

thanks y'all!

submitted by /u/yesiwillyes222
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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