Saturday, May 27, 2023

It's more than dieting for me -- it's rehab.

73 year old male, about 5’ 9”. When COVID got well underway, my wife and I quit going to the gym, which we’d been doing about 3 times a week for 12 years. A couple years ago, I developed SI joint instability, which took away my ability to walk very fast or for very far. I put on roughly 25 pounds and lost a lot of strength. I hit bottom on the only day this winter I went skiing (downhill). The first run was sketchy. I stopped several times to catch my breath. It was in the mid 40, and at that temp, if you’re skiing defensively, you’re also pushing lots of snow. My thighs went quickly up in flames.

The second run felt better, and I thought that by the third run, I’d be back on my game. Halfway down the hill on run three, I fell, probably because my legs were shot. I tried to get up using the polls, but quickly gave up on that. Too heavy and no strength. Next, I tried to point my skis downhill and slide off into a stand. I used to be able to do that. But not now. I was about to remove my skis when a guy, probably in his 50s, stopped and offered a hand. He was a big guy, but he couldn’t get me up. Another large guy then skied up behind me offering to assist. It was now a rescue operation, and other skiers were stopping to watch the show. They finally managed to right me and skied off together, having bonded I suppose over their successful joint mission. I skied down carefully to the lodge, dressed, and stumbled to the parking lot, wishing I had a donkey to carry my gear.

That was it. I resolved to get my ass back into shape. I’m not thinking of it as losing weight as much as being in rehab. I’m back to the gym 3 times a week, gradually building up my walking stamina (aided by a BOA SI belt) and watching what I eat. Here’s a graph of the progress to date of my weight loss.

submitted by /u/StandardDeviation
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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