Monday, May 22, 2023

Unexplained NSV

SW: 235lbs CW: 185lbs GW: 150lbs 36F 5'3"

So I started my weight loss at the end of August last year, wearing a size 20 in jeans. At 50lbs lost, I bought size 14 jeans. My weight has been stubbornly stuck at 185lbs for months now. But suddenly my size 14 jeans are big on me. The legs and the waist are much looser. I know that jeans relax over time with wear, but this is a lot looser than that. I'm tempted to go to Walmart and try on some size 12 jeans now.

How did I drop a pants size without the scale changing? I would think that maybe I lost some weight, but added muscle, but honestly I've not been doing much exercise lately because of headache issues and having a broken tailbone. And even when I do exercise, it's just light walking on a treadmill.

I'm not at all mad about losing a pants size, of course, but I'm just puzzled about how it happened. Any ideas?

submitted by /u/MotherOfDogs1872
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Newbie here! Where should I start in my weight loss journey?

Prefacing with: if you’re going to comment something rude/unhelpful save it. Thank you.

I’m 23F, 5’3, CW: 195lbs, GW: 150lbs

Some backstory: I work with children so I do a lot of moving throughout the day, but I’ve noticed running around with them outside lately I’m much more tired than I’ve ever been after 15 minutes of cardio.

I have to pack breakfast and lunch for work so KIND bars, the occasional fast food breakfast sandwich, and meal prepping are my go to. Once I’m home for the night I’m practically sedentary and on and off snacking on crap until I go to bed.

I go out and eat and drinking heavily maybe twice a month. I don’t eat dairy, red meat, or peanuts but I want to find a sustainable diet that keeps me from snacking so much.

I’ve looked into calorie deficits as a way to ease into adjusting better dietary habits, but I don’t know how to calculate it or what weight loss tips and tricks work more for women vs men.

I know I should also be moving more but I don’t want to overwhelm myself with changes and not stick with them so I figured food first might be the best way to go?

I know this is all over the place and nobody is going to hand me a cure all regimen but I am truly just looking for any guidance as to where to start!!! I know it’ll take time and patience and I want to try to be as healthy as possible about it so any information, ideas, recommendations, etc. would be greatly appreciated! 🙂

submitted by /u/idk-what-to-choose
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Restarting my weight loss journey

I’ve been wanting to lose weight for a couple of years now with me gaining some weight in lockdown and during the pandemic, and overall desire to be a healthier person. I decided to kick that into high gear with the turn of the new year in January.

I wasn’t noticing any results so I decided to suspend my weight loss journey in April. I want to restart my journey, and just want some basic tips to remember. I tried counting calories, but it wasn’t really helping. I’m not sure if I was doing it correctly. I’m really trying hard not to focus on how fast this journey takes, but how I can make it more sustainable process.

I feel like I eat pretty healthy, I work out regularly, I drink a good amount of water, but I want to kick my soda habit completely, and I’m just not sure how.

What are some tips I can have in my back pocket to make this process and journey easier? What made your weight loss journey easier to stick with?

submitted by /u/Hipcheckhamhuis
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anyone else dealing with weight loss *aging* you?

Many people here look younger (!!!) after weight loss, but I'm curious if anyone else has dealt with looking older?

I had a 'baby face' up until 26. Losing weight caused me to lose the fat in my cheeks, which has seemingly aged me a bit. Almost overnight I felt like I went from looking 19 to my actual age of 27. Even my friends and co-workers have mentioned it. (Nicely, of course)

I suppose this is the appeal of face fillers? Curious if anyone else here is in the same boat? I love being a size small now, but miss being carded all the time 😅

my face gains

submitted by /u/Spirited_Cookie9524
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss and panic attacks / anxiety


29yo male here. I've recently been cutting my calories hard (from around 3000kcal to 2000kcal / day), and I've been losing about 1kg of weight per week. So, I've been starving myself somewhat, arguably excessively.

I've been doing this for 3 weeks now, and my lovely panic attacks have made a comeback after a few months long remission. They've been happening very often for the past week, about one every few days.

Has anyone here experienced this, and do you have advice on what to eat in particular? I've often been hungry during an anxiety attack, so I'd assume low blood sugar could be playing a part?


submitted by /u/WhileGoWonder
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

CICO Works! SW: 189kg (January 2021), CW/GW 79kg

CICO Works! SW 189kg (Jan. 2021) => CW/GW 79kg

I know it’s a bit random, but I hope I can help give some motivation to stick with it. I know it’s frustrating, but CICO works. Slow and steady wins the race. My highest weight was 189kg after I had my second baby. I lost 90kg with diet alone (lower carb, high protein), calorie counting at 1200 calories per day (I did some intermittent fasting off and on during this time). After 18 months, I started exercising and did slower loss while building muscle and lost 20 more kg (in this time I upped my calories gradually to 2.000 per day, still high protein). I am quite the gym rat now, but it’s a hobby, not punishment.

I am 38 years old and a mom of two - I feel so much better in my own skin and for my family!

I am 168cm tall, so my BMI says I am overweight, but my body fat percentage is 26% and I am super strong and super healthy. Earlier this week I actually had my first skin removal surgery (almost 2kg of skin removed).

Slow and steady wins the race. It won’t all be done tomorrow. I had periods where I focused on maintaining and then moving formed with more weight loss. But slow and steady wins the race.

Be well <3

submitted by /u/bardsong1719
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Having trouble with setting new goals (rant)

I am sorry but I am going to go on a rant right now. I saw a post on here and it got me down a mental spiral. At my highest I was 370 pounds and I looked like shit. Despite being a big living donut I was invisible to everyone and treated like shit. Yeah some people were cool with me calling me big boss etc but I still didn't have any peers who thought of me as an equal. So I lost weight hoping I would become attractive. I know everyone definition of attractive is subjective but I really thought it would be in my favor.

Too me I still feel the same and look the same. Obviously when I look at old pictures of myself I look different but it feels like it doesn't. In a way I am very disappointed with how I look, I thought I was going to look good. Like a human but I just look like me and well that fucking sucks. I know some replies are gonna be like "oh confidence blah and therapy" but I am already going to therapy. Nothing is enough honestly. I am yo yoing it tbh. I hit my goal I never thought of and I am under 200. But what now? I am close to normal bmi but what then? I am having trouble with my goals and just why. I really wanted to have sex. Who am I? Am I not unique?

I know people are gonna say don't seek validation from sex. But to me I think it means more. Having sex without paying for it means a lot. Too me it means like "I see you as a human and I recognize you. So lets do this action we are programmed to do" even if the sex sucks and nothing cums out of it. Que the lonely island song "I just had sex" I dont know. I realize there are more fat people out there who get sex and it's all on me. I do have confidence issues but honestly it only really comes out when I am alone or my mind is pondering. I make people laugh and all of my co workers genuinely enjoy me, if I wanted to I could make random peoples day but I don't see the point (that's a different issue but I am just highlighting I can and have in the past) I really want to add this for more context but I am also a victim of cocsa. So I think for me to have sex it will be a part of moving forward.

I guess in the end of this rant I am disappointed with how I turned out physically with the weight loss. Thought it was gonna shape me to look good but I think I still look like a bitch. All this weight for me too look like a bitch lol. And the thing is bitches get fucked but I don't smh. and I know someone is gonna say sex isn't everything well I am pretty sure they get sex or they are a coping virgin. Sorry if it sounds mean but...

What should my goals be? There are certain things like I wanna go to an amusement park and ride a coaster again. But life is annoying and everything is against me, I am not in a place to have fun & arts n crafts.

ALSO ONE LAST NSFW THING: People told me my pp was gonna get bigger. Well it didn't and that's something I have to live with -_-

submitted by /u/RockmanTooru
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from loseit - Lose the Fat