Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Market Research; Your experience with weight loss

Hi I am a Registered Dietitian and seeking insight with your personal weight loss experience. This research would help my colleague and I create a program tailored to the challenges surrounding weight loss. I appreciate any help you can provide to us!


What are the main struggles you deal with with being overweight?
How long have you been attempting to lose weight?
What would you say has been the most frustrating part about losing weight for you in particular?
How has not being able to lose weight impacted your life over the past 6 to 12 months?
What have you tried in the past to lose weight? What are the biggest barriers?
What do you feel like you need in order to overcome these barriers with weight loss?
Let's say you were able to finally figure out sustainable and healthy weight loss..what would that do for you? How would your life look different than it is right now?
Do you feel like there's anything holding you back at this point from solving the problem on your own?
If you feel comfortable to do so, please share your current height and weight?

Thanks again!!

submitted by /u/luciperasso
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Dealing with being cold all the time from weight loss.

A little background I am 29m 5'9 192 pounds. I am down from my starting weight of 230 11 months ago (yay!) and my high blood pressure and fatty liver are gone. My constant back pain is rare now and my knee pain is gone. I can also see my toes.

All great things! However I am starting to get really cold a lot of the time. I work outside and it's been getting in the upper 20's - low 40's. I wear a fleece sweater under a raincoat, fleece lined pants, latex gloves under regular gloves and I am still freezing.

My core is the warmest part of my body, but my legs, toes face and hands are super cold.

We are going to get rain in the mid to upper 30's soon.

What should I wear that will keep me warm?

submitted by /u/YardsLastName
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: 50 lbs later, running is FREAKISHLY easy!

I lost 50 lbs in 4.5 months (230 to 180 lbs - I am female, 5'8") - my GW is 140 but at least I'm more than halfway there!

Wanted to share this NSV: I started off my WL journey by jogging a half mile every night. I could do it, but it was brutal. I felt like I was dying and I stopped after about 2 weeks because I hated it so much. I focused on other, more palatable forms of exercise, like swimming, instead (but mostly lost the weight through my diet).

Well, last tonight I decided to try running again - I planned to do the half mile again... Only to find I was absolutely FLYING through it with no effort and I was enjoying it so I kept going until I was tired. I ended up running 3 miles (5km!) with zero training - and I'm barely sore today!

I was worried that my weight loss isn't noticeable yet/it's all in my head, but this was such a profoundly obvious change. It's NOT just the number on the scale - I really have gotten fitter and healthier in a big way! 🥰

submitted by /u/Beneficial-Bug5913
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feeling imposter syndrome after weight loss

I’m using imposter syndrome loosely, idk if this is the right context so I apologize if it’s not.

I’ve always been a thicker girl and very curvy with full features (hips, legs, butt, and bust) so I didn’t realize I was overweight. I thought it was just my genetics, which I understand fat distribution is, but I stupidly thought I’d keep my curves at any weight.

I’ve lost a good 15% of my body weight in the last few months and have lost a lot of my butt and bust. I definitely look more proportional for my size but idk how to get over knowing my biggest assets and best features. What are they now?

No disrespect to anyone who is thin but I’ve never had this type of body and idk what to do really. It doesn’t feel normal or like it’s mine. Pants can flatten my butt, I have to wear super push up bras to have cleavage, and everyone keeps fucking picking me up like I’m a kid.

I do like the weight loss and my body type now but I also don’t feel as comfortable. Idk how to act in this new body or how others perceive me. How can I quicken the process of feeling like this body is mine? Has anyone ever felt this or am I just weird?

TLDR: new body after weight loss and feeling like I don’t physically know myself anymore.

submitted by /u/ElectricCollars
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

steps per day

i don’t know if this is the right place to ask, but if i walked 10,000 steps a day would i lose a semi noticeable amount of face fat? or should it be a high impact exercise? i’ve heard mixed opinions on how walking can affect weight loss, and i try to aim for 10k a day but it doesn't seem to be making a huge difference. do you think running would be more worth while? the thing is i specifically want to lose weight in my face more than anywhere else to try and fix some asymmetry, other tips to help with this would be great

submitted by /u/desolemoment
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do I stop losing weight when I reach my goal weight?

So I'm a 16 year old male, probably around 5'8 and have decided to commit to losing weight a couple months ago

Flash forward to today, I'm getting quite close to my goal weight of 72kg (currently at 74.5kg)

Over the course of my weight loss I've made sustainable life choices like cutting out fizzy drinks and exercising everyday.

My problem is that whilst I did cut out fizzy drinks and exercise, I still eat whatever I want (like chips and chicken) just at a deficit which has made me lose the weight. What would happen if I continued doing this when I reach 72kg? I would just keep going lower right?

How do I stay at 72kg without going back up or even lower?

submitted by /u/PermitExternal3740
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Monday, November 27, 2023

Post-Thanksgiving Slump

I need some help here. As the title says, I’m in a bit of a slump after thanksgiving, as I expected.

For about 3 months leading up to thanksgiving, I was doing very well, even losing around 35 pounds of fat while building muscle (started around 250-255)! I had tried keto a few times before, all with the weight coming right back on when I stopped. Now, I’m getting in shape, eating in a calorie deficit, and trying to eat close to 50% of my calories in protein. Despite a few weak moments and occasional fast food urges, I’ve stayed on the horse and my weight is trending down. It’s finally feeling sustainable, much different than the keto diet (which is very bad for your health long term in my opinion).

I share my progress with some family, mainly my mother, who I seemingly inherited my weight fluctuation/slower metabolism from. My younger and older brothers are twig skinny all while eating whatever they want. I’ve never had someone tell me outright that I have patterns of an eating disorder, but I would not be surprised if my occasional inability to control my urges is because of that.

Anyways, I left to see family for thanksgiving last Tuesday, around 217lb (6’2 23 y.o. male btw). I conceded that I would enjoy myself and eat whatever I liked on thanksgiving (looking good and feeling good isn’t worth it if you can’t indulge in a family holiday every once in a while, right?). The day came, and I had a very light lunch to prepare. I had two servings of mashed potatoes, turkey, stuffing, and whatever else my grandmother told me to eat. It felt freeing, but at the same time I was scared on the effect this would have. For the first time in awhile, I didn’t have someone asking me why I wasn’t eating as much as usual or why I wouldn’t be having seconds. Before dinner began, anyway, most of my family noticed my weight loss and said I look great. Mission accomplished. I’d earned some freaking turkey!

The spillover came when I joined my family for some drinks, which turned into late night pizza, which turned into a hangover burger for lunch the next day…

This morning, I weighed in at 219, after having eaten the night before, so I suspected I was not under the same GI conditions as I usually am with my diet. The problem is, I can’t stop my self from eating in the evening, feeling I am never satiated. I feel fine intermittent fasting in the morning, but I am on a slippery slope and hoping for some words of encouragement or strategies to get back on track. I can’t stop myself going in for more snacks after I’ve had a meal which would normally be filling. And of course it has to be chips or something carb heavy…

I feel better than I have in a long time, and I really want to ride the high!

TL;DR After allowing myself some leeway over thanksgiving, I am struggling to get back on track with my insanely successful weight loss. Help!

submitted by /u/robertchase5
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from loseit - Lose the Fat