Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Am I Eating too Few Calories in a day?

I'm a 29-year-old male who's 6'3" and currently weighs 288 lbs. I decided to start eating cleaner near the end of January to start feeling better. Weight loss and having shirts that fit right were a big factor, but my biggest is just that I wanted to be winded less, sleep better and just feel better all around. Which has happened, and it's only improving.

I hadn't weighed myself since June of last year when I went to a doctor and was 311 lbs. I then proceeded to still eat a bunch of junk food, go to McDonalds for a quick lunch and order 1500 calories worth of cheeseburgers, mcchickens and soda on a regular basis. So at the end of January, I had just signed up for Factor Meal prep delivery and decided to download the MyFitnessPal app and start just logging my food. I put in 300lbs because I had no idea what I weighed and my main focus was feeling better, so I figured that I hadn't done anything that would have made my weight change in a positive light since June, 300lbs is probably a fair estimate. I put in that I'd like to lose 1 lb a week and that I'm fairly sedentary. I go to the gym 3-4 times a week and do 3 weight training days that are full body workouts and one day where I spend some time on the stationary bike. The app spat out a calorie goal of 2,510 a day to lose a pound a week. (I do not account for the "free calories from working out " by the way. That sounds bogus.)

I track what I eat daily, but I'm not being hyper-restrictive or anything. If I feel like going to Panera and getting a warm bowl, I will. If I want to go try the new sauce at McDonalds I will go get a 6 nugget to try with the sauce as a little snack. I eat when hungry and snack on things like cottage cheese or Harvest Snaps instead of door-dashing some Taco Bell. I also don't drink soda anymore. I'll have a little coke zero from time to time if I'm feeling the pull. This usually puts me at 1900-2000 Calories a day, Averaging over a week 2000. Sometimes, I have a 1600-calorie day where I feel full and never really feel the pull of hunger. Sometimes, I eat dinner with my inlaws, and my Grandma-in-law cooks with "a lot of love," and I eat 2400 calories in a day. I typically hit my goal of protein intake at a minimum of 150g , maybe going for a little more on training days. I'm feeling amazing, and I only just recently was given an older scale from my brother-in-law where I weighed myself and was blown away to see I was 288 lbs. Generally, I'm feeling awesome. I'm just curious if I should be forcing myself to eat a little more or if my 1900-2000 calorie diet is totally fine if I'm feeling great and I appear to be losing weight.

Thanks in advance for your input!

submitted by /u/Goldnturtle
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/UoGJpzc

What’s your unpopular diet or weight loss opinion?

Mine is that you shouldn’t calorie count non-starchy vegetables. Weight loss shouldn’t come at the cost of fibre and micronutrients 🤷‍♀️

I also think everyone is overly concerned with protein quotas these days and not concerned enough about their fibre intake.

Fat is good for you.

Now tell me yours!

Word count word count word count Word count word count word count Word count word count word count Word count word count word count Word count word count word count Word count word count word count Word count word count word count Word count word count word count

submitted by /u/FaithlessnessPlus164
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/Cblc0RE

Monday, March 11, 2024

Is this unhealthy?

I am a 29 year old 5ft 9in male, and my starting weight was 92kg (203lbs). Since Feb 11, I have lost 7kg (15lbs) in a month at a pretty consistent rate. I am limiting myself to 2 meals a day (Intermittent Fasting) and try to limit myself to around 1500 calories a day. I also picked up playing Squash for around 1 hour a day on average most days of the week, and according to my smart watch I am burning 2100 calories to 3800 calories a day depending on how active I may have been.

Does anyone have experience with this rate of weight loss and should I be concerned about anything in particular?

I am probably not getting as much protein as I should be as a vegetarian, but I am trying to take multi-vitamins, Omega 3, vit C/Zinc, and Vit D supplements.

submitted by /u/Mediocre_Coder94
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/E9b1R8g

Looking for a free Meal Plan w/ EASY to Make Recipes

Hi everyone! First post here. Sorry if it's a bit long. So I started my weight loss journey back on 9/1/23 with a goal of 60 lbs lost. I'm halfway there!

But I could also use some help. Sometimes I have setbacks because I just don't feel like going through the effort of making something healthy so I grab something unhealthy.

And hey, know thyself right? Well I'm a lazy f*ck, so anything I can do to get healthy meals easier, I'm all about it!

I've found weekly/monthly meal plans but they are almost always full of recipes with tons of ingredients for each meal. Worse is that most of these recipes don't share ingredients. That's great if you're a food blogger with infinite time to shop and cook, but for the rest of us... not so much.

I don't want to be buying 10 ingredients for 1 recipe that aren't called for in any other of that week's recipes. So I'd love to find a meal plan with a reduced ingredient list and that shares the ingredients among multiple recipes for the week. I don't mind being repetitive as long as I'm getting all the nutrients I need. I also don't mind doing some freezer meals.

I know I'm asking for a lot, but if you don't ask you never know right? Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/Fire_Marshall__Bill
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/V6eW0Ov

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Gonna document my progress

I made a secondary account so I can track my weight loss and get help from this sub if needed! I completed my first full workout today. It was hard but I feel good about it! I'm in the bath to make sure I can at least move tomorrow lol. I'm using the Caliber app and I've found it really helpful in giving me workouts because I know next to nothing about working out. I'm also sticking very strictly to my diet, I meal plan the beginning of the week (this week is baked tilapia, protein pasta and mushroom sauce, broccoli) and I'm going to keep strength training 3 times a week! Wish me luck yall, tomorrow I may add some photos! (F 25, 5'4, 175lbs) ETA: *I don't know how I made it look like this! But it's pretty cool lol* ^^ 
submitted by /u/hopeful_beginner182
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/JVavuYK

Protein ideas please

So, I’m trying to do this thing (CICO). I’ve tried so many times and failed miserably for many reasons, one of which is the dual challenge of being 5’ 3”, 265lbs and having mobility issues due to past damage to my legs pairs with a naturally slow metabolism. I’ve always been the curvy girl, even healthy and working out twice a day as a competitive athlete as a teen - which I am now decidedly not. But I’m here again and looking for support (something new).

I’ve been avid tracker of food intake during past periods and currently, and after review, I need help with ideas on how to get more protein into my diet. I’m struggling with feeling hungry as I reduce intake. That, and tracking what I’m eating (I struggle to get to 50 grams), says I need to try.

My problem is this is the one food area I get picky about. I could be a vegetarian 80% of the time, except I love the parts that aren’t great for weight loss like cheese and milk in my coffee. Meat is challenging - some of it is a taste preference and some of it is mental. Nothing on bones, nothing in a can, nothing that swims, nothing that still looks like the original animal. I can do the occasional scrambled egg, but if I try to eat more than two they aren’t staying down because it’s mentally triggering. Eggs with cheese and veggies are ok.

Does any one have some kind suggestions for high protein items to add to meals/snacks that may help? My goal is dual: add protein but also feel full to help eat fewer calories by warding off poor snacking choices.

submitted by /u/Lady_Dgaf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/5nLdKY0

People have started to notice my weight loss

I’ve never posted before but have really found support and comfort from this subreddit!

I’m 5’8 F, and since September 2023 have gone from around 170lbs (I never had scales at the begging of my journey) to under 150lbs, after years of struggling with my weight/body image and doing calorie counting on and off but never being able to stay at it for longer than a month or two.

Something seemed to have stuck this time round and I have been consistent with CICO, whilst trying not to be too restrictive when it came to the weekend and socialising. I have been noticing steady progress in myself which has been motivating to keep going, but last night I was at a party with people I haven’t seen for a while and got multiple comments on how good I look and how much weight I have lost. As much as (for the most part) my weight loss has been for myself and not other people, having other people noticing my hard work has been such a rewarding experience and I think has been the moment I’ve been waiting for on my weight loss journey.

I’m now so close to my goal weight and I’m now shifting my focus more on my fitness and start to tone and see hopefully progress in other ways!

submitted by /u/mwils16
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/DjpUWEP