Saturday, August 17, 2024

What do you think?

I was 205lbs and lost by eating less & working out to 180lbs and was stuck there forever. I went to the weightloss center and finally lost some more and now at 165lbs. The reason I went to the weight loss center(low carb/sugar/fat) is because I am going home(Korea) for a month and I want to enjoy time there eating whatever i want since it's been almost 5 years.

But now that I am at 165lbs, I feel like I don't want to gain all that 10lbs I've lost last month but also I do want to enjoy my 1 month vacation I will probably not have for next 5 years. So I am thinking about taking a weightloss pill just for 1 month. What would you recommend?

I never have taken weight loss pills because I don't believe in them. But I am thinking why not? If my goal is to just stay at 165lbs while I eat whatever I want in Korea....for 1 month. Thank you.

submitted by /u/gkduddl0852l
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

14 days of vacation was the best thing in my weight loss journey!

I (F 19) started my weight loss journey around 4 months ago when I saw the scale is telling me I'm 163 pounds (74 kilograms). I'm five feet tall so I was technically obese. I've officially lost 21 pounds and I'm so happy for that.

I had a vacation coming up that i could NOT avoid. I was TERRIFIED of this vacation. I was afraid that i was gonna overeat and fuck up all my hard work.

I weigh everything with a kitchen scale and that was NOT available during my vacation. And I couldn't eat one big meal a day bc my extended family were there and i guess you all know how most people react to dieting. I decided that I'm gonna try my best to just eat small portions and I'm not gonna count the calories of my main meals. (I guess i should mention i rarely had any snacks during my vacation and when i did have snacks, I counted the calories of those snacks.)

Well the results were amazing. I realized that I'm not bad at guessing how much I should eat and I can maybe stop obsessing with my kitchen scale.

Keep in mind that I'm NOT saying using a kitchen scale is bad. It's a life saver and IMHO it's a MUST for people that wanna start their journey. But for those of you that have OCD (like me) and tend to obsess over weighing food, using a kitchen scale after some time MIGHT not be the best choice.

I realized that when I was so obsessed with weighing everything my brain was conditioned to believe that "if I eat less than 200 grams of white rice I'm not gonna be satisfied".

(In my culture, white rice is in ALL of our meals. So i basically cannot avoid it or "quit it")

But when i couldn't weigh my food, i ate way less than 200 grams of white rice and guess what? I was happy AND satisfied.

I did have 2 maintenance days on my vacation and unlike before i didn't feel guilty. (In my 4 months journey I only had 3 maintenance days). Also I did get to enjoy some ice cream on 2 days (didn't eat as much as everybody else though).

I came back from my vacation happy and satisfied. I also lost 2.5 pounds DURING my vacation. And I'm pretty sure it's not water weight or constipation weight bc i was not constipated and also it's been 6 days since I'm back and that 2.5 pounds is still gone!

submitted by /u/Upbeat_Taste_8653
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is losing 1-2lb a week at 361lbs good or should I go faster?

So I’ve been on this journey for two years. I started off at 500lbs and am down To 361lbs currently after two years. I only just started tracking calories after going through a year of hovering from around 374lbs down to 361lbs. I wasn’t calorie tracking in the last year and therefore I think I didn’t lose anywhere near as much as I probably could have.

I only just started tracking calories recently and what I’ve noticed is both on the scales and in myfitnesspal I’m averaging out to 1lbs or just over 1lbs lost a week.

Currently my TDEE works out to 3100 cal. I’m averaging about 2500-2800 cal a day. I walk at least 15k steps every day (about 7km) and Gym it at least 4-5 days a week for an hour or so.

At 361lbs, is losing just over 1lbs a week considered good? Or should I be aiming to drop the calories even lower. Say aim for 2000cal a day.

I don’t know, maybe this is just me being too hard on myself. Lord knows based on other posts I’ve made I am WAY too hard on myself at times. I just see other people around me in the same weight range losing 4lbs in a week meanwhile for me, I see it fluctuate up and down and usually by the end of the week it seems to level down at just over 1lbs a week

And then I get down on myself thinking I’m not as good as others because I barely lost anything in a week by comparison and I think I should be melting it off at my size. At least that is my negative thought. It’s not a good way to look at this, I know. But it’s so hard not to compare yourself when social media shoves every weight loss journey in your face.

Good for those people btw, don’t get me wrong. I’m always happy to see people succeeding. But it does sometimes make me wonder “does that make me a failure because I’m barely losing over 1lbs a week and everyone else is killing it and doing it in half the time.”

I know, it’s a really bad mindset and it’s something I’m still trying to break as I continue to focus on me. I know comparison robs you of your joy. But fuck it’s hard not to compare when social shoves it in your face.

submitted by /u/danmann8611
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feeling tired, should I take a maintenance break?

30F, 5'2", SW 177 lbs, CW 157 lbs, GW 135 lbs

Basically title. I've read that it's okay to stay in a (reasonable) daily deficit until you're underweight, but I'm curious if folks tend to feel more energized if they take the occasional maintenance break.

Here's my situation:

I've been in a daily deficit of ~500-600 calories since I started tracking 73 days ago. 20 lbs down (11% weight loss, yay!). Of those 73 days, I've only eaten over my TDEE twice.

Besides calories, I also track my macros and pretty much always hit my targets. I eat very little processed food, get at least 100 g of protein every day (a huge win as a vegetarian), and take a daily multivitamin specifically formulated for a plant-based diet. I also exercise about twice a week (usually rock climbing) and walk my dog around an hour every day. Sleep-wise, 7-8 hours is the nightly norm.

In terms of nutrition and lifestyle, I've done better these last few months than ever before. Maybe too much screen time, but I have a desk job and love to veg out with a good show or video game, so what can ya do.

Nevertheless, I've been feeling quite worn out for the last two weeks and can't figure out why. Maybe it's hormonal, but I'm wondering if it may be because my body needs a short maintenance break. Is that a thing? Or do you think I should just keep on truckin' and hope the fatigue sorts itself out? Or (perhaps counterintuitively) should I try to exercise more and see if that helps to invigorate? I'd love to hear some outside perspectives/experiences!

submitted by /u/gretchl3r
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, August 16, 2024

I don’t know how to stop my binge-eating disorder.

(Before you read, please note that I’m an English learner, so kindly forgive any spelling errors.)

I’m 22F, and I can’t stop thinking about dieting. Back in the day, I was a perfectly normal size, but I thought I was fat. So I started dieting, and I haven’t stopped since. It’s a recurring issue for me.

As time goes on, my obsession with dieting has become more and more negative. Three years ago, I lost about 60 lbs, but a year later (in 2021), I gained back over 88 lbs. So, I went on another diet and lost about 88 lbs in 6 months. But now, I’ve gained the weight back, and I'm currently over 220 lbs. I feel like I’m getting worse and worse since I started dieting. What’s wrong with me? I think the way I diet is effective for short-term weight loss, but it’s not sustainable. During my diet, I eat only about 700-800 calories a day and work out for at least 2 hours daily. I know it’s too hard on my body.

Now, I can’t stop eating. I feel insecure all the time. I keep trying to diet and even succeed for a while, but then I fail again and again. Lately, I’m afraid to go outside. I’ve also tried diet pills and fat-dissolving injections, but they haven’t worked. As an Asian woman, it’s especially hard because all my friends are so skinny, and it’s difficult to find clothes in bigger sizes in my country. Sometimes, I feel like society rejects me because of my size.

Anyway, I don’t have the energy to go on another diet, but ironically, I STILL want to lose weight. What should I do now? Can anybody give me some advice?

submitted by /u/espresso_j0805
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What are some low calorie high volume breakfast ideas? (NO EGG DISHES)

SW: 338 CW: 312 GW: 180 So I'm changing up my eating for the better and it's not super restrictive but I'm just in a calorie deficit.

I have been able to change my lunch, dinner and snacks but it seems that I don't eat breakfast then get insane cravings late at night.

I know protein is super important for weight loss and it seems to be working for me so far. I'm so happy with the weight that I've lost since May but I've been stuck the last few weeks. I just need some advice on how to keep myself full throughout the day so I don't feel temped to binge at night. Like finding a way to quiet the food noise.

Any and all advice is greatly appreciated!!

submitted by /u/Psychological_Swan58
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

No change in thighs after 40 pound loss

Hellooo, I’m 21F and my cw is 146 lbs. My sw was 185 lbs around 3-4 months ago. I don’t weigh myself very often but I do measure myself and I’m at a loss over my thighs. My waist went from 32 inches to 27 inches. My hips went from 47 inches to 42 inches. My bust went from 40 inches to 34 inches. But my thighs have barely lost 2 inches. They look the exact same from when I started. I feel like my weight-loss is barely even noticeable and I’m so exhausted because my thighs were one of the main reasons I decided to start losing weight. Now I feel like my weight loss was pointless because atleast when I was bigger my thighs looked proportional?? Now I’m somewhat thin up top and humongous down below. I’ve looked everywhere for any kind of solution and at some point thought I had lipedema but my doctor said I don’t have any symptoms (no pain, no nodules, no swelling, etc). I know I’m bottom heavy when it comes to distribution but there has to be some kind of limit to it right? I’m 10 pounds away from a healthy bmi (i’m 5’2) but my thighs look bmi 33. Should I get a second opinion? Are there any other medical issues that could cause this kind of distribution?

submitted by /u/ctrlhoya
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from loseit - Lose the Fat