Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Lost it, Gained it, Overwhelmed

I am writing for advice and words of encouragement. In 2018 I lost over 70 pounds. I started off losing weight through exercise and then saw drastic results with the keto diet. At the time I was 22 moved back home after college and was very focused on starting my career and losing weight. I am now 29 I have probably gained 40 pounds since that time. I can hardly look at pictures from when I was smaller. I envy the mindset and determination I had. It's not as easy for me living alone and working full time to focus so much on weight loss. I am not interested in doing Keto again and being restrictive with food. Although, Keto did make the weight melt off. I want to eat mindfully and move, but it feels so impossible. I feel like I have spent the past 5 years fantasizing over when I was smaller and wanting to go back. Does anyone have any advice of how to get back in the mindset. I don't feel comfortable living in a larger body. I miss how easy it was to move when I was small and how energetic I was. I also don't want to spend the next 10 years hating my body. I am tired of living in shame of the way I look and sadly I think losing weight previously makes it worse.

submitted by /u/Due-Significance5967
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

almost complete loss of appetite after significant weight loss?

hey everyone! hoping someone has gone through something similar and can offer advice. i went from a healthy weight to morbidly obese from ages 17-21. for the last year (im 22 now), i’ve been losing weight and have gone from 245lbs to 179! ive noticed my appetite decreasing a good amount along my weight loss journey, but it’s becoming more significantly a problem. and it’s kind of a combination issue of appetite + food i guess? my stomach rumbles and i get hungry 2 or 3 times a day. i want to eat to feel better, but the thought of putting food in my mouth and chewing it and swallowing it makes me feel like im just going to throw it right back up. i’m nauseous cause im not eating and then i can’t eat cause im nauseous. food sounds disgusting about 70% of the time, so im currently having about one decent meal a day and then supplementing with one or two protein shakes and energy drinks for the rest. i know it’s not making me feel good but i can’t stand the thought of eating most times :(

submitted by /u/AfraidLeader7938
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Why did I lose weight without trying and is it normal?

(i didn't know which place to post this, so i chose here.)

Hello, i just want to clarify that I am 15 years old and a girl so maybe that could be factors on why i lost weight for no reason.

At 13 (5'7-5'8) i was 63KG. Then at 14 early summer, i was 68KG to 70KG at the same height and i literally looked the same as I did when i was 63KG.

Turned 15, did not really diet, rarely exercised besides the 4 basketball practices i had in one month which really isn't much, ate crap but did not overeat, and slept a LOT. I decided to check my weight and it got to 64kg within 2 weeks. (63KG in mornings, 64KG before i go to bed.) Is this normal? I'm not losing any more weight and it is just staying in place at 63kG to 64KG. (My goal is not to lose more weight. 63kg is as fine as it can be.)

Please note: I have never been very muscular and ever since i hit puberty, i became relatively skinny but at a healthy weight.

I just would like to know if this sudden weight loss is normal or not, thanks!

submitted by /u/No_Extreme2361
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Monday, August 19, 2024

Favorite shirts

I've been lifting consistently for 18 months and while I'm still fat I have muscle definition, most noticeably in my arms. My husband jokingly calls me the Queen of Trap City cos they be poppin'. Sadly this means my shirts fit hella awkwardly. Now my arm wholes are getting tight cos my bi's & tri's are too swole. Plus, I'm still fat in the middle so got the pooch issue. For all my friends on a weight loss journey that have body recomped - what shirts do you like wearing? Cos mine ain't fitting the way they used to.

submitted by /u/CoCoMcDuck
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My experience with tapering off of antidepressants in relation to weight loss

I’m making this post to see if anyone relates. I’ve been on a weight loss journey since 2023 but just recently have I actually been able go below 169. I’m 26F 5’8 and 166 for reference but just a month ago I was 179. I weighed up to 195 when I originally started my journey in early 2023 and the lowest weight I was able to maintain was 169 but it honestly felt impossible to stay that weight. After tapering down to lowest dosage and then just eventually getting of the medication altogether I experienced a whooshing effect without even trying that hard. This meant seeing a dip in number on the scale ever few days. I’m curious to know if there is a scientific explanation behind antidepressants making weight loss slower? because I honestly feel like I have been eating more recently.

submitted by /u/Instantshame789
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

People “jealous” of weight loss

Hello! Around January 2023 I started to lose significant amounts of weight without any explanation. In January 2024 I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that was determined to be the root of the weight loss. I took this as an opportunity to change my eating habits and lose weight healthily. Because of my disease I cannot eat most foods and eating has become a miserable experience for me. I'm stuck eating the same 3 meals everyday and cannot keep food down some days.

I started at 195 and have now reached 140, so 55 pounds of weight overall.

After I dropped a noticeable amount of weight I started to receive comments on it from so many people. On one hand they felt validating, but the way people talked about it made me very upset and uncomfortable.

People would ask me how I lost the weight and I was always honest with them-- I am sick, and my disease prevents me from eating almost everything, and that has caused me to lose the weight.

This is almost always met with comments like "I'm sooo jealous; you are lucky; that seems like a blessing; I wish I had something to prevent me from eating the foods I like; etc" People have also started to be rude to me about it and comment on my eating patterns at social events.

I don't understand why people say these things. I am not lucky to have a disease. I am not lucky to miss out on eating foods that taste good.

Even though my weight loss has been intentional to a degree I just wish people would understand and take me seriously when I tell them that it wasn't "easy".

submitted by /u/catsforthewinn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Trying to recover

Hi i’ve been on a weight loss journey for a while now and i’ve been making progress which is really great but there’s a big problem that came with that. At one point during my journey, it felt like I had reached a point where all I thought about was how if I were to just eat one food that wasn’t in my diet i would lose all my progress. For example, last week i had gone out with family and had a couple of tacos (which i hadn’t had since i started my journey) and i felt extremely guilty and tried doing excessive amounts of exercise just to burn them off. I’ve been seeing on this app people trying to recover from feeling and thinking like that and I wanted to ask if anyone had any ideas or ways to try and get better from feeling guilty when I go a bit off my usual diet. Would really appreciate the advice.

submitted by /u/Far-Message503
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