Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Tired of being fat and unhealthy.

33F, 5’5” and currently weighing in at 228lbs. I’m not really sure how I let myself get to this point, but here we are. I’m having troubles staying consistent, and I’m not really getting anywhere with my weight loss. All I know is that I’m really tired, I feel unhealthy, and I don’t feel confident at all. I see photos of myself and want to cry…

At what point did you finally say “enough is enough,” and actually stick with your journey? Any helpful tips to fight urges or days where you’re generally just “not feeling it?” I’ve tried so many things and I’m at a loss.

submitted by /u/sailboatssink
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/ZEc8Waj

Friendly reminder that goals are great but you it's a lifestyle change you need to achieve to succeed, it's an infinite game

This is just in reference to the countless amount of people who lose weight ahead of things such as a wedding, holidays etc you get the gist.

To be successful in your weight loss journey you need to change your current habits + lifestyle, you're probably eating too much and not doing enough activity right now, I'm sure you're aware of this, however one thing it took me awhile to realize while on my journey was that there's no end game, it's an infinite game. Sure, goals are a great way to start the process and keep you on track and motivated but just remember you will someday hit that goal and unless you set new goals or embrace the new way of living you are likely to fall off and have to hit the reset button again with regards to your weight loss journey. I'm speaking more to people with a substantial amount of weight to lose here, your lifestyle choices will need to change, this isn't something to be worried about of course, you're changing for the better.

submitted by /u/Conor_Ryan1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/ZOJ9qio

Monday, August 26, 2024

Posting for accountability and advice..

Link of progress: https://imgur.com/a/kyKAQld

Hopefully it can help give advice

I’ve been on a weight loss journey for the past year. You can see the difference in the pictures. About to get back into it after having to take a month off of working out but I feel stale. I still feel like I look like the old me. I’ve focused on cardio and eating right but it’s getting boring. Looking for gym advice and food advice. Something to mix it up.. anything and everything is helpful and I appreciate your time! Looking to drop about 40 more pounds which will put me at 220 I believe my ideal weight is 190 for being 5’9 but 220 looks good on me.. Heck drop your fav Taylor swift remix to keep me going in the gym…

I’ve got this!!๐Ÿ’ช

submitted by /u/Lunaloove
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/SZFb95D

Instead of worrying about loose skin...

I got mad about it. Like loads of people, I was frustrated at the idea of doing all this work, to only end up with loose skin to try and get rid of in the end.

And then something clicked in my brain. Maybe I will have loose skin...but I've got other things I need to get rid of now. Sooooo many more things, that the balance scale of loose skin vs all my other issues, was comically lopsided.

I thought to myself "You're worried about this one thing, when there are so many issues to deal with now?!" And it all just seemed silly then.

So, I made a list on a notes app on my phone, of things I can cross off/get rid of as I lose weight. Like:

-Getting winded walking more than half a mile

-Seatbelt buckle digging into my thigh in the car (seriously, I'm shaped like a pixar mom)

-Thigh wedgies when wearing shorts, iykyk

-Belly in the way/smashing the air out of my lungs when shaving my lady bits. Hygiene shouldn't feel like cardio damnit.

-Avoiding being in pictures/seeing friends

Everytime I get discouraged,or mad about some limitation or annoyance I'm dealing with because of my weight - it goes on the list. Some if the items have come from reading other peoples NSV posts.

I'll see something and go "I cannot wait to say that seeing my gut stick out further than my boobs isn't a problem for me anymore". And so I:


Because one day, Imma cross all that stuff off. Then there will be fewer things to worry about; so if loose skin does happen, I'll have room in my head to deal with it. The scale will be more balanced, if you will.

Listen folks...at the end of the day, many people here have encountered loose skin after weight loss. Most posts I see are people saying they'll take the loose skin over the weight anyway.

So maybe I won't have any. Maybe I will. If I do, I'll have my list to look back on as a plethora of reasons why some extra skin can't overshadow all the bad shit I'll have gotten rid of.

submitted by /u/QueenofNewVegas
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/QGsdJB2

Where to go ?

32 yo male - 6 foot, 17 stone (240lbs) - 28% body fat - high muscle mass and high protein mass (according to scales !!)

Been working out for around 4 years as covid hit hard and couldn’t do anything for a long time. I’ve always thought of myself as slim but look huge in pictures. Want to lose weight to get back in decent shape but am scared of losing any potential progress with weight loss. Rugby type build and Ive been described as ‘muscular but with a bit of fluff’. I have weights at home and enjoy lifting heavy. I guess my lifts are good for my size etc. i don’t want to lose muscle, so worried if I start to strip weight and lose body fat I will look super slim!

Any ideas on what to attack first to keep a good shape ???

submitted by /u/Fantastic_Trade7047
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/36FQGZt

Any meal ideas high in protein that has helped you reach weight loss goals without going crazy?

I am 25F and almost hit a weight that I have been terrified of hitting for a long time! I am currently 195lbs, trying to drop back down to 140lbs (I used to be 120lbs). My job requires me to be able to have big burst of movement, energy and strength at any given time, but the rest of the time it is a sedentary job full of paperwork. I started being healthier almost two weeks ago, stopped drinking and started eating healthier. Finding meals high in protein and lower in calorie, carbs and fats (without excluding them) has been tough. I have been eating the same thing over and over and am struggling coming up with other meal ideas! I am in a calorie deficit (1564) and need to intake 129g of protein a day, please help! I am mostly eating ground turkey with no fat shredded cheese and eggs, with some low carb wraps.

submitted by /u/xBlackJaguarz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2k1PqRQ

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Lost 6kgs, feeling amazing

For context, I am 18F and I just joined college as a freshman. Of course haven't been able to hit my macros and all, but my appetite is less since I joined. Plus the campus is huge so you have to constantly cycle all day and we get in 10k steps pretty easily around here. I started college 22nd of July and I weighed in around 89kgs then. Just visited home and checked myself on the scale, im down to 83kgs. One month!! Feels amazing honestly. I can see the difference around my upper belly, my neck fat and my arm fat right now. Im fitting into my old jeans now and I feel so confident, it's insane. I can't wait to keep the weight loss going!! Haven't had time to exercise much this first month of college, but gonna start making time for the gym and some sports to help me more with my journey. Just wanted to share this with the people on this sub, weight loss does make you feel happier and more confident when it's done right! Definitely worth it. Looking forward to it getting even better!

submitted by /u/CuriositySurvivor23
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/nUNaLGu