Friday, April 12, 2019

Insatiably hungry since coming close to goal weight, hindering my progress

Hi r/loseit! I need some very specific advice that I wasn't really able to find when I searched on here. Sorry for the long post!

I'm a 23 y/o female who started doing CICO (1200cals a day) and 16:8 IF late in January at 69kgs (I'm 168cm) and have made it to my lowest about 3 weeks ago at 63.5kgs. My goal weight is 60kgs. I haven't been exercising except for walks here and there and I started power yoga 2 weeks ago. Ever since I hit 63.5kgs I have become INSATIABLY HUNGRY. It's not specific cravings, but I feel like I need to eat carb intensive, tasty food in order to feel actually full. Because of this, it's been a lot easier for me to slip and end up buying food from restaurants even though I would have eaten a full meal a few hours before. I have been feeling so hungry I want to cry. I'm so hungry food is the only thing I think about and I can't even focus on my lectures even though I eat right before. The only way for me to feel somewhat normal and full ish is if I eat a massive calorie intensive meal - think a whole pizza or burger with fries. I NEVER used to finish an entire meal like that, and suddenly I do, and have room for more! What the hell? I thought it was supposed to be the other way around! Haha. I tried upping my cals to 1300 and eating mostly whole foods and lots of protein in order to remedy this but since I'm mostly sedentary I'm afraid that it's not very effective for weight loss plus the added calories of my sporadic feasting put me somewhere around maintenance. So, for the past 3 weeks the scale has been going up from 63ish kgs to 66! So I've been set back about a month and a half :( I would really appreciate some help with this. Thanks!!

submitted by /u/Appollonia1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Need some encouragement. Re-gained weight because of ED recovery, feel like it’s going to be impossible to lose again & that I’m nothing without my ED.


I don’t know if it’s appropriate to be posting this here, so forgive me if it’s not, but I’m feeling pretty low at the moment and could use all the support I can get.

I have struggled with my weight for my entire life, I have never known what it feels like to be ‘skinny’, and I have always had a large, overhanging stomach. This looks worse on me because I am also pretty flat chested, so basically I hate my body. Due to various trauma I went through during my childhood & before I left home, I was a binge-eater as a teenager (and completely unaware of that at the time.) My highest weight was around 110kg at one point. I was diagnosed as insulin resistant when I was 17 in 2010 and was put on a drug called Metformin. This helped me lose a bit of weight and my new average became around 90-91kg.

In 2013 I was doing really well with calorie counting and going to my university gym, and I managed to get down to about 87kg, which is still a lot but was the lightest I’d ever been in my adult life. Then due to various reasons, in 2014 I regained a bunch of weight and ballooned back up to 105kg. I then developed Bulimia after experimenting with purging meals to cut calories. I’ve had a fucked up relationship with food my entire life, so it was kind of always inevitable that this would happen - I used to look at ‘thinspo’ even when I was 14 and used to attempt very restrictive diets (and would always fail).

In 2015 I attempted to stop the purging by doing a keto diet. I felt like shit but I did lose weight and got back down to 87kg. Around 87-89kg became my new norm; I was still occasionally purging when I slipped up or had to eat foods I deemed ‘bad’ (at social events etc). In 2016 some really messed up stuff happened to me and I relapsed completely; eating garbage, purging all the time, etc.

In between 2016 and now, I made the switch to a plant based diet and felt a lot better about myself. I no longer needed metformin and was no longer insulin resistant. 2018 was a really difficult year for me, and I had some health issues unrelated to weight (I have a brain tumour and a chronic neurological condition) which meant I had to cut down on my hours at my retail job & also often had to be sick off work for weeks at a time. I started CBT therapy for depression & anxiety & eating disorder behaviour. The therapy went really well and I’ve done a good job of stopping the purging, but due to all of the above combined, I’ve gained weight. I had gone up to 96kg as of March 11th, and I’ve lost 1kg since then.

I feel like my body hates me and it’s going to be impossible to ever reach my UGW. I’m so frustrated because I got so used to my ‘norm’ being around 87kg so I’m so ashamed and frustrated that now I’m back to here and I have to work hard to just get back to my still-fat old norm, which doesn’t even feel like it will be progress, just getting back to ‘slightly less fat’. I did manage to get down to 94kg but the scale is now saying 95kg after a couple days of me eating SLIGHTLY over my calorie limit (1500) which is just such a frustrating setback. Is my metabolism that bad?

I eat an extremely healthy whole-foods plant based diet and make sure to balance my macros, drink water, avoid junk. I am going to have to drop my calorie limit. I work part-time retail (20 hours a week). Exercise for me is difficult to implement right now due to my health condition but I’m hoping to introduce it gradually after I have treatment.

If anyone has any words of encouragement or similar stories that might inspire me, I’d really appreciate it.

TL:DR I gained weight back due to life changes and recovering from an ED, and now weight loss progress is so slow that I feel like I’m at war with a body that hates me and will always be fat.

submitted by /u/minks97
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, April 11, 2019

It's going to be a grind

My weight hadn't changed in two weeks.

I thought I set reasonable goals. I started at 239 pounds. My first goal was the 210's by June 1. I wanted to be sub 200 by August 1. I ordered two meals a day from a meal prep service out of convenience so I didn't have to worry about them. I stopped snacking. No food except my mandated 3 meals and nightly post workout protein shake. I go to the gym 5 days a week doing my old strength training regime (minus deadlifts due to a disc injury I got doing crossfit and front squats instead of back squats). I hadn't strength trained in about two years.

The idea was two pounds a week. That was my normal cutting weight loss when I was fit. I didn't want to weigh myself the first two weeks. I didn't want to be tied to "the number". Week three and I had lost 12 pounds. I was ecstatic. I figure that half of that was water weight since I felt so much less bloated which left 6 pounds in 3 weeks which is exactly my goal. Perfect.

Then week four and my weight was stagnant at 227. I didn't freak out though, I was strength training again and was definitely starting to build muscle. It could have been water retention from the creative I take or muscle building. I carried on.

Week five and I stepped on the scale and it was 227 again. It was actually 227.8. I was so deflated. Was I doing something wrong? Should I start doing my dreaded cardio? Was I eating too much? Should I cut the banana out of my protein shake? Was I not sleeping enough? Should I try doing deadlifts again? Should I go to the gym fasted? It's funny the things you start thinking about when your expectations are shot and your plan goes awry. You start mixing rational explanations with superstitions and just irrational thinking.

I decided against every fiber of my being to just stay the course and continue. I was doing everything the right way. I wasn't cheating on my meal plan. My weekly photos didn't seem to show any progress other than less bloating but my dress shirts for work seemed to start fitting better. I didn't feel like a sausage. Or was that just misplaced confidence and I looked like a fool?

Week 6, two days ago, I stepped on the scale. 224. Im on the right track. Losing weight is a grind. Basically I'm trying to say, don't panic when you hit a wall. Keep grinding away. Had I changed things up, who knows if I'd keep the same momentum. Don't get discouraged.

submitted by /u/FormerFitGuy1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Friday, 12 April 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My weight loss journey + results with Keto

Officially 8 months Keto, down 65lbs and have been in maintenance since March.

Before & After Pics

I have decided to kick my butt back into gear with a 8lbs loss goal and incorporating some serious gym time. I’ve lost a significant amount of weight and want to push towards some fitness goals.

Having an online community of cheerleaders has been so helpful and motivational for me, I can’t thank everyone enough.

I hope to update you all in the new year of reaching my goal weight of 135lbs, and total weight loss of 80lbs.

Again I repeat, my only regret is not starting sooner.

submitted by /u/ukpvtvac361
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I remember how I used to cry over how I looked...

The things people used to say to me. How much I hated myself, and wished I was somebody else.

It’s taken me almost 21 years to finally accept myself for who I am.

I am still in awe that I get to wake up and be so proud of myself and what I’ve done everyday.

My Pics

I’m still not perfect, inside or out. But I’m a work in progress and I always will be.

Weight loss isn’t some magical cure all to depression, or self hate, or anything of that nature. However, my fitness journey, and things I’ve been through lately, taught me what this body can do.

The things this body can handle amaze me and I thank god every day I found Keto dieting

It has been through hell, it has felt more pain than I would wish on my worst enemy. So please even for a second, be proud of your body. Be proud regardless of how it looks, how you feel about it, what people say about it...

Thank god you get to live this life because it’s the only one you have.

submitted by /u/gwvvbfdj5136
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Someone finally noticed I’ve lost weight!

27/F/5’8 SW: 199 CW: 167 GW: 145

I’ve lost 32 pounds since January 4th. With how much my lifestyle has changed pretty much all my friends, family, and coworkers are aware of the efforts I’ve been putting in. While it’s always wonderful to receive compliments about my weight loss from people who are aware... I have to say today’s compliment felt even better.

I posted a selfie on my snap story. A coworker from my former job (I left this job about a year and half ago and haven’t seen her since then) replies to my story saying “wow girl you look great!”

It was the first time someone who isn’t aware that I’ve been trying noticed that I look different. On top of the fact that her and I don’t talk at all. More like acquaintances who happen to have each other on Snapchat/insta.

There’s something about someone going out of their way to compliment me that feels extra affirming that my efforts are finally starting to become noticeable!

submitted by /u/luckylua
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from loseit - Lose the Fat