Friday, April 12, 2019

Insatiably hungry since coming close to goal weight, hindering my progress

Hi r/loseit! I need some very specific advice that I wasn't really able to find when I searched on here. Sorry for the long post!

I'm a 23 y/o female who started doing CICO (1200cals a day) and 16:8 IF late in January at 69kgs (I'm 168cm) and have made it to my lowest about 3 weeks ago at 63.5kgs. My goal weight is 60kgs. I haven't been exercising except for walks here and there and I started power yoga 2 weeks ago. Ever since I hit 63.5kgs I have become INSATIABLY HUNGRY. It's not specific cravings, but I feel like I need to eat carb intensive, tasty food in order to feel actually full. Because of this, it's been a lot easier for me to slip and end up buying food from restaurants even though I would have eaten a full meal a few hours before. I have been feeling so hungry I want to cry. I'm so hungry food is the only thing I think about and I can't even focus on my lectures even though I eat right before. The only way for me to feel somewhat normal and full ish is if I eat a massive calorie intensive meal - think a whole pizza or burger with fries. I NEVER used to finish an entire meal like that, and suddenly I do, and have room for more! What the hell? I thought it was supposed to be the other way around! Haha. I tried upping my cals to 1300 and eating mostly whole foods and lots of protein in order to remedy this but since I'm mostly sedentary I'm afraid that it's not very effective for weight loss plus the added calories of my sporadic feasting put me somewhere around maintenance. So, for the past 3 weeks the scale has been going up from 63ish kgs to 66! So I've been set back about a month and a half :( I would really appreciate some help with this. Thanks!!

submitted by /u/Appollonia1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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