Monday, July 15, 2019

Looking for advice on how to lose weight

Hi guys. First of all, sorry for the long post. When I was writing the post, for some reason, I felt like I wanted to tell my story. This post might feel like a rant and not properly constructed. If so, please forgive me. If reading a long post is problematic, please skip the whole body of the post and look at the final paragraph for the question.

I am new to this forum, I am not going to lie. I was not even a lurker beforehand but some recent experiences in my life has pushed me this way. I am a 27 year old Man who is obese. I was not worried about my health but was conspicuous about my looks. I wanted to slim down so that my clothes would fit well and I would look smart. I wanted to go out without avoiding the looks of others. Even though others might not be looking at me, for some reason, I feel like many people are looking and judging me all the same. I have been obese all my life. At a younger age, I was very active and the amount of activities I did went down over time. I started getting fat from when I was 10 or so. I could not understand why I was getting fat. I was playing sports (mainly cricket) with others for hours, bicycling to school and back, reduced the amount of food I intake etc. but to no avail. I just kept on putting weight. I was not bullied or anything for being overweight but my friends did have some slight funny comments. I do not think they understood that I was trying my best to slim down. Years passed and I lost all motivations to even try to slim down. Nothing I did worked. I even skipped all but breakfasts for days and never lost even a single Kilo gram. I hated going out of the house, not wanting to be in the public. Due to this, I started sleeping around and became lazy.

Around 18, I started going to the gym but I did not have the discipline to stick around for it much. I started bicycling for fun, and in 3 months,I lost about 30 Kgs. I am not even sure why or how I lost the weight. When I lost the weight, I became motivated and tried to emulate the things I did during the weight loss period. I was eating in moderate amount (all three times of the day), cycling as fast as possible - as far as possible etc. I even started going to the gym. I was motivated and excited to finally lose the weight, but for some reason I was gaining weight. This was not even the muscle weight but just fat. I could not explain what was going wrong and I lost all motivation then and there.

Now, I am 27, depressed and anxious. I did not have any motivation to lose weight. I have even started the habit of smoking to clear my mind. But recently, me and my friends went on a hike. Normally, I would have been able to do it but this time, I was panting and wheezing like a coal train at the end of the hike. Looking at my friends and the old people above 50 years old climbing the mountain like it was a simple task, made me rethink my life.

Now, I decided that enough is enough. I was not disciplined enough to lose weight earlier but I think I can start again. As the first step, I am on the path to quit smoking. I have greatly reduced the number of cigarettes I take on a daily basis and do not feel the urge to smoke everyday. I am sure I can quit it in near future. The only problem is my weight. I feel like my mental health would also improve If I was able to get in shape. My confidence will surely improve. So, I searched for help from reddit and landed here. Looked around the posts with questions and answers and I thought maybe I can start here.

I feel like you guys would be able to help me figure out what to do for me to get fit. Currently, I weight around a 100 KGs whereas my target weight would be around 60 - 65 Kgs. If you have any advice for a starter who wants to lose weight, please be kind enough to lend me your help

Thank You

submitted by /u/disaba92
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sheet Pan Shrimp Tacos with Creamy Cilantro Sauce

Shrimp Tacos with Cilantro Crema

Every day should be Taco Tuesday! And it can be with this super easy and delicious Sheet Pan Shrimp Tacos Recipe with Real California cilantro crema. The best part is the cilantro crema – and you only need a handful of ingredients to throw it together.

Sheet Pan Shrimp Tacos with Cilantro Crema Sauce

Shrimp Taco Ingredients:

1 lb. shrimp [peeled, deveined, tail off]

2 Tb. olive oil

1 Tb. lime juice

1 Tb. minced garlic

1 tsp. chili powder & cumin

salt & pepper to taste

Plus – tortillas, lime wedges and Real California cotija cheese

Cilantro Lime Crema for Tacos Recipe

Cilantro Crema Sauce Ingredients:

3/4 c Real California Crema Mexicana

2 Tb. lime juice 

1 tsp. lime zest

1/4 c diced cilantro

salt & pepper to taste

shrimp tacos recipe


Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees.

Mix olive oil, lime juice, garlic, chili, cumin, salt & pepper. Pack shrimp dry and combine with marinade.

Place shrimp on foil lined baking sheet, leaving room on one side to add tortillas.

Bake until shrimp are cooked through about 8 to 10 minutes.

Stir shrimp half way through and add tortillas to baking sheet for remaining cooking time.

When shrimp are done and tortillas warm – build your tacos.

Top with cilantro sauce and cotija cheese. Serve with lime wedges.


shrimp tacos recipe

Tip: The Real California Crema can be found in the refrigerated Hispanic foods section or cheese section.

It’s similar to sour cream, but with a milder tangy flavor. The consistency is thinner than sour cream so it’s easier to drizzle as a topping on Mexican food.

Cilantro Lime Crema for Tacos Recipe

Did you know California is the leading producer of Hispanic-style cheese and dairy products? From 25 cheese varieties to tangy cremas and drinkable yogurts, Hispanic dairy products offer versatility in both everyday dishes and Latin cuisine. You can learn more about crema on the Real California Milk site on their Cheese 101 page.

Remember to look for products with the Real California Milk seal when grocery shopping, which means it is made with milk from California dairy families. 


Real California Milk logo new Oct 18

Want more?

Check out these recipes featuring crumbly cotija cheese!

Easy Black Bean Soup with Cotija Cheese

Elotes at Home – Make your own Mexican Street Corn!

and save this recipe for later…

Shrimp Tacos Crema Cilantro Recipe

This post is sponsored by Real California Milk. All opinions are that of the author.

The post Sheet Pan Shrimp Tacos with Creamy Cilantro Sauce appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Lost motivation and gained it all back.

I lost 10 pounds when I started my weight loss journey at the end of last month. I was super proud. I don't know what happened. Entering July, I spiraled out of control and let my B. E. D get the best of me. Now I have gained it all back plus an extra 3lbs. I want to lose weight, but I have zero motivation to. I keep saying "ill start tomorrow again" And then tomorrow comes and I keep the same cycle: start the day good, end the day binging. At this point I feel worse than what I felt before I started to lose weight. I feel gross, disappointed, fat and ashamed. Even my family has noticed and I've been getting picked on for gaining. I want to lose a noticeable amount of weight before august 26th but at this point it seems impossible. If you have any advice, I would love to hear it. I'm 15, 5'3, and weigh 180lbs. :/

submitted by /u/JojiLin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

M30 - SW:118.4kg CW:113.5kg GW:98kg

Hi all,

Been lurking on here for a very long time.

I have been embarking on a weight loss attempt, i'm a horrid for yo-yo weight gain. At 25 I weighted 125kg, at 26 I weighted 79kg.

Every since getting married and having kids, I have crept back up to 118.4kg.

Over the last 4 weeks I have been doing IF and lifting at the gym every second day. Thus far I am down 5kg, while not fast, I am not struggling with the diet choices.

My biggest issue is red wine... I suspect that is the main reason I got so fat to begin with, a glass turned into a bottle and boom, an extra 700 odd calories right before bed.

I would really like to get to 85kg, but I have set my medium goal to weigh less than I did when I got married by my anniversary, which is the 13th of December.

All up my goals are:



98kg (By December 13th)



Anyway, thought it was just about time I started participating in this group rather than just lurking.

submitted by /u/caz12241224
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Monday, 15 July 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

Need some questing buddies?

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight Loss as a Teen with a “Traditional Diet” Parent

Hi, r/loseit! This is my first post here so apologies if I come across like a N00B and violate one of the rules

So I’ve been trying to get fit for the past year with simple things like cutting sugary drinks and fast food out of my diet and doing a simple push/pull weightlifting routine and have made some progress (198lbs starting weight, 176 current weight, height is 5’10, 15 y/o male) These last couple of months I seem to have hit a plateau with the weight loss yet I am still a bit overweight (and look ridiculously skinnyfat) To top that off I’m starting to get comments from my parent about how I should loosen up on my exercise and eating habits, he’s a pretty traditional eater who likes food in large portions with generous helpings of butter (he’s also at a borderline obese BMI and refuses to admit it). Any suggestions on ways to lose weight that aren’t too extensive to interfere with puberty or upset family?

submitted by /u/Cocoa_Addiction
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Choose your unhappy

I’ve been pretty much maintaining my weight loss since December. I have had a small gain, (5lbs) but nothing that can’t be worked out with healthy eating. I still go to my CrossFit gym regularly, I still mealplan, and I still associate with fit people. One thing my CrossFit coach said to me when I told her about my 5lb gain (mind you I lost 50+lbs) was “I think you’re being too hard on yourself. Relax and and enjoy life.”

So today, after the gym I went to the grocery store to pick up some ingredients for seafood soup (I am a huge sucker for shellfish). I went to the veggie section to pick up the veggies, and there was a woman there, about my age and height, who was as heavy as I used to be. The person who she was with tried to nudge her towards the vegetables. She said “what’s the point of being pretty if you’re unhappy all the time?” And she walked away.

If any of you ever felt like that on this journey, I want you to know you’re doing it wrong. If you are unhappy all the time on your diet you are not eating properly. Perhaps you need to adjust your macronutrients, maybe you need more protein in your diet, maybe you need a cheat meal/day or 2 a week. I repeat, if you are unhappy ALL THE TIME you are doing it wrong!

On the spiritual end of things, yes she is right. Being “pretty” does open some doors and makes life slightly easier, but at the end of the day you still have to deal with yourself. You will most likely have the same ride or die friends at the beginning of this transformation to the end, or you may lose some friends even. You still have to work on your inner beauty. Your career won’t be handed to you on a silver platter. So many things you still have to earn.

On the other hand, her statement could be a defense mechanism, one I used myself when I was heavy. Choose your unhappy: you can be unhappy while being “pretty”, or you can be unhappy while being unhealthy. There is nothing happy about sleeping uncomfortably, or some heavy people I know have sleep apnea and fall asleep at the most inappropriate of places. There is nothing happy about being pre-diabetic at the age of 22 and having to take all sorts of meds. There is nothing happy about not being able to go swimsuit shopping with your friends because nothing in the plus size area will fit you.. and so on. There is nothing happy about minding your own business in public and kindergartens pointing out your size to everyone in public and laughing loudly. There is nothing happy about having to run to Wal-mart the morning of your grandma’s funeral because your biggest pant size, that you wore to a wedding 6 months prior, won’t fit AT ALL. Finally, there is nothing happy about your feet hurting to the point you need to sit and rest while no one else is having issues.

Choose your unhappy. Keep working on yourselves, and eat right. Don’t give up everyone! It’s so worth it!!

submitted by /u/psychgirl88
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from loseit - Lose the Fat