Hi guys. First of all, sorry for the long post. When I was writing the post, for some reason, I felt like I wanted to tell my story. This post might feel like a rant and not properly constructed. If so, please forgive me. If reading a long post is problematic, please skip the whole body of the post and look at the final paragraph for the question.
I am new to this forum, I am not going to lie. I was not even a lurker beforehand but some recent experiences in my life has pushed me this way. I am a 27 year old Man who is obese. I was not worried about my health but was conspicuous about my looks. I wanted to slim down so that my clothes would fit well and I would look smart. I wanted to go out without avoiding the looks of others. Even though others might not be looking at me, for some reason, I feel like many people are looking and judging me all the same. I have been obese all my life. At a younger age, I was very active and the amount of activities I did went down over time. I started getting fat from when I was 10 or so. I could not understand why I was getting fat. I was playing sports (mainly cricket) with others for hours, bicycling to school and back, reduced the amount of food I intake etc. but to no avail. I just kept on putting weight. I was not bullied or anything for being overweight but my friends did have some slight funny comments. I do not think they understood that I was trying my best to slim down. Years passed and I lost all motivations to even try to slim down. Nothing I did worked. I even skipped all but breakfasts for days and never lost even a single Kilo gram. I hated going out of the house, not wanting to be in the public. Due to this, I started sleeping around and became lazy.
Around 18, I started going to the gym but I did not have the discipline to stick around for it much. I started bicycling for fun, and in 3 months,I lost about 30 Kgs. I am not even sure why or how I lost the weight. When I lost the weight, I became motivated and tried to emulate the things I did during the weight loss period. I was eating in moderate amount (all three times of the day), cycling as fast as possible - as far as possible etc. I even started going to the gym. I was motivated and excited to finally lose the weight, but for some reason I was gaining weight. This was not even the muscle weight but just fat. I could not explain what was going wrong and I lost all motivation then and there.
Now, I am 27, depressed and anxious. I did not have any motivation to lose weight. I have even started the habit of smoking to clear my mind. But recently, me and my friends went on a hike. Normally, I would have been able to do it but this time, I was panting and wheezing like a coal train at the end of the hike. Looking at my friends and the old people above 50 years old climbing the mountain like it was a simple task, made me rethink my life.
Now, I decided that enough is enough. I was not disciplined enough to lose weight earlier but I think I can start again. As the first step, I am on the path to quit smoking. I have greatly reduced the number of cigarettes I take on a daily basis and do not feel the urge to smoke everyday. I am sure I can quit it in near future. The only problem is my weight. I feel like my mental health would also improve If I was able to get in shape. My confidence will surely improve. So, I searched for help from reddit and landed here. Looked around the posts with questions and answers and I thought maybe I can start here.
I feel like you guys would be able to help me figure out what to do for me to get fit. Currently, I weight around a 100 KGs whereas my target weight would be around 60 - 65 Kgs. If you have any advice for a starter who wants to lose weight, please be kind enough to lend me your help
Thank You
[link] [comments]
from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Lnd8zy
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