Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Having a hard time

I was doing so well a few weeks ago. I was working out 4 days a week religiously. Then I tried adding in CICO with MFP to help further along the weight loss.

I stopped exercising to see how to eat CICO without it because it was hard to do it while exercising (I assume because that makes you more hungry?). Then I just got frustrated because whenever I would do CICO, I would always go over. (I'm F, 5'4", CW: 161, GW: 120). Then I caught a stomach bug last week and now I've been feeling really tired and insanely hungry all the time. This isn't my first time trying to lose weight.

How do I stay disciplined? How do I make myself motivated to push myself and not have to restart again?

submitted by /u/Blue_Turtle_18
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Kv0zAi

Go Nuts for Nuts: 10 Nuts to Add to Your Diet

If you want to lose belly fat and improve your heart health, go nuts—literally. Adding more nuts and seeds to your diet can give your daily nutrition more monounsaturated fats, according to research conducted by Penn State University. Diets rich in these “good” fats, like the “Mediterranean diet,” have been shown to reduce belly fat compared to diets where other fats are eaten instead—which is why we’ve come up with a guide to choosing the healthiest nuts to add to your weight loss diet.

Those same monounsaturated fats have also been shown to control blood pressure. And according to a 2013 Spanish study, eating a diet supplemented with nuts and olive oil reduced the risk of stroke, heart attack and death by 30 percent.

So your health—and your belly—want you to go nuts. Just don’t go too nuts: Because they’re calorie-dense foods, it’s easy to go overboard. Consult the Nutrisystem Grocery Guide to make sure you’re keeping your portions in control when choosing the healthiest nuts.

How to Know How Many Nuts You Should Eat

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Here are 10 of the healthiest nuts to help you get these heart and belly-healthy benefits—as well as bonus benefits for disease prevention, appetite control and more:

1. Almonds

green goddess salad

Even if you don’t lose weight, eating almonds can help your belly shrink. In a study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA), people with elevated LDL cholesterol—the “bad” cholesterol—those who ate a daily snack of almonds dropped fat in their legs and bellies, even if they didn’t lose weight overall—which is why this little powerhouse made our list of healthiest nuts.

How to enjoy them: Sprinkle some on a salad to make it more filling and fight fat. This surprising Green Goddess Salad features 1/2 cup of shaved almonds with Brussels sprouts, edamame and kale for a flavor you’ll love.

2. Pistachios


Those shells are a savior for portion control: If you keep the pile of pistachio shells near you as you snack, it could help signal to your brain that you’ve eaten enough. In one study of students published in the journal Appetite, those who had to shell their pistachios ate 41 percent fewer calories than those who got pre-shelled nuts—but both groups felt just as satisfied and filled up from the snack.

How to enjoy them: With the shells on! On Nutrisystem, 2 Tablespoons of pistachios is one PowerFuel.

Superfood Saturday: The Power of Pistachios

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3. Walnuts

walnut oatmeal

Feed not just your body, but your brain: Like salmon, walnuts have omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to help with memory and brain functions. In one study published in Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, rats who were given walnuts for 28 days ate less food overall while increasing their ability to complete a maze—making them fitter in both mind and body.

How to enjoy them: Add crunch to your oatmeal with a serving of walnuts. This bowl of Banana Nut Overnight Oatmeal even takes the morning rush out of making them—mix oats, almond milk, bananas, walnuts and other ingredients together before bed, and wake up to a sweet, crunchy, delicious breakfast you can feel great about.

4. Cashews

blueberry balls

While all tree nuts can help with hypertension, cashews bring some extra help to your blood pressure (BP): Magnesium. According to the National Institutes of Health, this mineral helps lower blood pressure and aids in blood sugar control. These little elbow-shaped nuts don’t stop there, though. Cashews are also loaded with copper, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, which can help your body use iron from your diet to form more red blood cells.

How to enjoy them: In our antioxidant-packed Blueberry Burst Energy Balls. Cashews help keep these sweet orbs together, while blueberries bring the sweetness in this easy, snackable recipe.

Superfood Saturday: Get Creative with Cashews

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5. Pecans

healthiest nuts

According to Loma Linda University Adventist Health Sciences Center, Georgians must have fantastic cholesterol scores: Eating a daily snack of their favorite nut can help lower “bad” cholesterol by as 16.5 percent, more than the American Heart Association’s “Step I” diet. It’s thought that this cholesterol-lowering result is due to antioxidants—these compounds block oxidation of blood lipids, whch doesn’t let your cholesterol levels go up.

How to enjoy them: In pie, duh. To stay on plan while getting your pecan pie fix, opt for these mini Maple Chocolate Pecan Pies, which have just 90 calories per serving.

6. Pine Nuts

healthiest nuts

People have been eating pine nuts since before Greek times, but science is now showing how they can help control your appetite: In one study published by the American Physiological Society, women who had pine nut oil had significantly less desire to eat 30 minutes later. The polyunsaturated fats in the nut oil are theorized to be the reason for this appetite suppressant effect.

How to enjoy them: Add pine nuts to the filling power of Greek yogurt’s protein in this surprising Savory Tahini Yogurt Parfait.

Air Fryer Spiced Nuts

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7. Macadamia Nuts

healthiest nuts

These Hawaiian wonders didn’t used to be included on the list of healthiest nuts—macadamias were considered too saturated to be healthy. But one study conducted by Penn State University found that they still lowered cholesterol by 9.4 percent when eaten in moderation each day. Scientists believe there’s “something else” in macadamias that lets them do this trick. Maybe it’s deliciousness.

How to enjoy them: In this Tropical Shrimp Salad with Lemon Herb Dressing. It’s got mango, pineapple, macadamia nuts, shrimp … all kinds of delightful ingredients that make it feel like a treat.

8. Hazelnuts

healthiest nuts

They’re usually masked in chocolate, but hazelnuts have the nutritional power to stand on their own: According to a study conducted by Oregon State University, not only do they have the healthy fats you’ll find in other tree nuts, but they help older adults increase their micronutrient levels, which has been associated with lower risks of age-related health problems like Alzheimer’s.

How to enjoy them: In your own custom nut butter! Follow these instructions to use your food processor to whip up your own, healthier hazelnut spread.

How to Choose Your Nut Butter

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9. Soy Nuts

healthiest nuts

If you’re on the hunt for a one of the healthiest nuts with protein, look no further: According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), crunchy little soy nuts have 12 grams of the filling, muscle-building nutrient in every ounce.  And according to the USDA, that’s twice as much protein as an egg!

How to enjoy them: Snack on them! A half-ounce of soy nuts—about 2 tablespoons—counts as one PowerFuel on Nutrisystem.

10. Peanuts

healthiest nuts

Yeah, yeah, we know: Peanuts aren’t nuts. But peanut butter makes everything better—it adds sweetness, helps ingredients stick together, and just makes everything more yum. No wonder it’s in so many of our readers’ favorite recipes on The Leaf. Recipes like smoothies, homemade candy bars  and poppable peanut butter cups. This versatile butter is a Nutrisystem favorite—even if it’s not a real nut!

The post Go Nuts for Nuts: 10 Nuts to Add to Your Diet appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf https://ift.tt/2N20nKK

I finally decided to start. . . but i have some questions

Yes, you heard it, FINALLY, maybe after 5-6 years of putting it off for all sort of bullshit reasons but now I'm determined and that is it. But, I have a few questions first.

Firstly, I've heard a lot of peoples stories of significant weight loss, but it leading into a relapse of sorts. Them not eating right made them gain the weight quickly. What sort of food should I be eating. I know the usual response, eat less carbs, fat, more protein. But is that it? Is there something more to it?

I've heard someone saying, you don't want to lose fat cells, what you want to do is reduce their size. So how do you do that? Do you just exercise more, eat less fatty foods or something else?

And a final one, people constantly say that it's pretty simple, less in more out, calories I mean, is it really that simple, would you be able to lose weight by just eating less? As I understand it, yes, you would be able to lose WEIGHT, but you wouldn't lose fat, you would also lose muscle mass, and by exercising you would lose fat instead of just weight. Correct me if I'm wrong.

submitted by /u/LoneEye
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2OSffOh

Anyone use Apple Cider Vinegar to suppress hunger? Do you ever grow tolerant to its effects?

I'm currently on my 2nd "dose" today (I use 2T). It's been a godsend, I can't believe how well it diminishes hunger. For anyone who's used it a while do its effects fade over time, or can you basically use it to suppress hunger whenever you want without tolerance concerns?

Another possible mechanism for vinegar as an appetite suppressant is its effect on fat and glucose metabolism.

A 2009 study published in "Metabolism - Clinical and Experimental" found that when obese rats consumed a ginseng-vinegar extract, it resulted in a beneficial effect on body weight and metabolism, resulting from a change in how genes involved in metabolism worked.

This suggests that vinegar causes metabolic changes leading to weight loss independent of suppressing appetite. However, more studies are warranted on the association between vinegar, changes in gene expression and appetite.

submitted by /u/javascript_dev
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2TvVmv5

1200cal over maintenance yesterday

Specifically, 1200cal of alcohol and pizza. I had a night out with friends, had six drinks and ate a third of a large pizza. Surprisingly the pizza was mostly while I was sober.

I’m getting back on track today. Despite being hungover, I plan to eat at least at my deficit, ideally 200cal less than normal over the next few days if possible to try and compensate. I’ll also be hitting the pool a bit more.

This is actually the second time I’ve eaten over maintenance in 7 weeks of dieting. The previous time was 200cal over, though; not great, but not a disaster. This feels a little bit like a disaster. If it had JUST been the pizza or the drinks, it would have been ok, but both is really derailing.

I’ve lost 12 pounds in these 7 weeks. I know that one bad night will not cause me to regain everything. I’m seeing water weight on the scale today because after 7 weeks of a mostly high protein low cal diet, I ate and drank a billion carbs. But even the water weight I’m seeing is nowhere close to where I started.

It’s kind of hard to fight my “fuck it” tendencies. Because on previous stints with calorie counting, something like last night would lead to a full on binge week. So I’m trying to be like, “OK, it’s fine, I fucked up and basically lost 2.5 days of diet gains, it doesn’t mean that I’m a disgusting pig and everything is hopeless.”

Ironically, the night before last I had a minor mental breakdown, because I sat on my boyfriend and he made a comment about “gravity increasing” when a really skinny friend of ours was right there, and I basically cried in bed that night because even though I’ve lost 12 pounds and I’m 175 now I’m still a fat pig. Then I proceeded to eat and drink in a way that turns me into a fat pig.

Like I’ve gone out drinking and had fun before and stayed at maintenance. The issue last night was the fucking junk food before drinking... even the one slice of pizza I had after drinking wouldn’t have been horrible, it was the other stuff and the fact that I didn’t “compensate” earlier in the day like I usually do.

I literally just wish that I had an ok body. Like not even my ultimate goal weight, just not overweight anymore. If I was 150 it would be a lot harder for me to get into this headspace. But no, I have 25 pounds left to lose where I can even be considered medically healthy let alone physically pleasing.

I honestly feel really fucking ashamed of myself right now. I hate that I did this. I can’t even say anything about having to eat at more of a deficit than normal to my boyfriend today because it will start a fight so I just have to begin another fucking day of saying “no thanks sweetie I don’t want the Mac & cheese, no thanks sweetie I don’t want the chips, no thanks sweetie I don’t want the beer, no thanks sweetie I don’t want the popcorn, oh wow sweetie you cooked a burger for me and SLATHERED it in mayo how sweet of you, now I can’t eat anything for the rest of the fucking day because of that, yes thank you I know I am a fat disgusting pig, love you.”

It’s so god damn hard to lose weight. I’ve lost 12 pounds and I have to stay on top of things every day, I have to calorie count every day and make the right choices every day. One night of bad choices set me back 2.5 days in terms of weight loss unless I try compensate by eating at a higher deficit than normal. I feel like nobody has even noticed the weight loss. I’ve noticed, I know I have some clothes that fit better and some small face gains and I’ve lost fat on my back and my stomach must be slimmer even though I don’t see it because some shirts that used to be tight in the stomach aren’t tight anymore. But I’ve gotten literally no positive feedback whatsoever. It’s just business as usual to my boyfriend and he’s the only one that really sees my naked body. All I get are veiled comments about weight that “totally aren’t what he meant,” but then when I try to lose weight somehow I’m still wrong.

I’m so god damn tired of it all. I literally just want to binge all day. The only reason why I’m not doing that is I’ve finally seen some small yet undeniable bit of results, I’ve seen the scale change and I know my body is just a little bit different and i want my old body back so desperately. I want to feel like a woman again so so badly. I’m so tired of feeling like a pig.

submitted by /u/throwawayacct5962
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2OTxyCR

I lost 7lbs in a month... but I did it unhealthily

I started my weight loss at 22nd June this year, since I’ve gained 12lbs from uni stress and boredom binges. I’m 5’5 (19F) and was at 158lbs when I started, which is the heaviest I’ve ever been, which is why my parents pestered me non stop to loose weight when I got home.

(If you want more background on my story or want to know some of the smaller details, feel free to look at my (only) two posts done on this topic on other subreddits)

At first I tried to ignore their comments and told myself I’ll do things healthily by doing more exercise weekly and cutting back on my portions. But when I was only loosing one pound during my first week, they started making more comments on me ‘not exercising enough’ (Though I jogged 4-5 days every week) or me having cheat foods (ie. having ice cream occasionally).

I was weak and couldn’t take their comments and let them get to me, so developed a habit for purging around the second or third week of my weight loss. I’ve purged whenever I can after meals, I’d purge at least once a day and would only rest when my throat started to hurt.

After my visit to home, I went back to uni and started going on calorie restriction (1200-1300 kcal max every weekdays), my purging has continued for the most of July. At the 22nd of July, I lost a total of 7lbs, but I wasn’t too happy because I still have body rolls, felt that I could’ve lost more and I’ve played dirty for this.

Just last week when my mom called me to check up on me (cause I had a councillor meeting but she didn’t like some of the things being said). When I mentioned I’ll be seeing a general practitioner soon and might get referred to a dietician (she doesn’t know about my purging), she started talking about my weight gain like it’s something ‘cute’ or ‘funny’, despite knowing I’ve lost 7lbs and has been continuing loosing since. I’ve had it, I snapped and yelled at her to shut up and I’ve been loosing consistently and that what she’s doing is making me potentially having an eating disorder. I then hung up on her and had a breakdown at 3 am.

I’m currently at 147-148lbs, still on calorie deficit, I run jog occasionally when the weather is good/ have free time and I’ve been taking fencing classes. I wish I could say I’ve completely stopped purging, but I’ve been doing it less frequently. I’ve went through a week without purging at the start of this month, but I purged twice last week and once today. And I still have a slightly unhealthy relationship with food, as I’d feel uneasy eating out without knowing the calories or I skip meals from time to time. I hope that I could get down to 144-145lbs by the 22nd.

I’ll be seeing my campus’s general practitioner soon to get checked on some other mental health problems and hopefully I could get referred to a dietitian for my eating problems and daily weigh in habits. As well as finding a more sustainable weight loss (and maintenance for the future) methods than calorie deficit.

I hope my story could serve as a warning to any of you who are also loosing weight but have some negativity around you at the same time. Please stay strong, don’t let people’s words get to you and PLEASE do things the healthy way. Do not end up like me, okay?

Best of luck to all of you trying to loose weight and trying your best! I hope everyone is doing things healthily and taking care of themselves properly!

Note: Please don’t attack my parents. They might seem ‘bad’ in my stories, but they do provide for me and are good people. They’re just a bit too obsessive about weight and insensitive to my feelings.

submitted by /u/some_uni_student
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2ZaA5wp

Looking for a weight loss buddy

I don't know if anyones gonna respond but... Hi. I've been trying and failing to lose weight for the past few years. Currently I'm 5"4 weighing around 74kg. Last year, I used to yoyo around the 68-70kg range from restrictive dieting and binging. This year, I completely let myself go and despite joining a gym and trying to eat better, I have been unable to lose any weight. I was doing pretty well for a while, not restricting myself as much but not overeating and I lost 2kg. Unfortunately this past week, I lost it again and I believe I've put it back on.

I really want to hit my goal of 55kg by the end of 2020. I'm really sick of feeling this way, of being the fat one, and I really want to finally make some progress. So I'm hoping to find a few online buddies who are also looking to lose weight. We can chat about our progress and how our day went in terms of keeping to good diet and exercise, and hopefully it can motivate us to stay on track and reach our goals.

Do message me if you'd like to be my weight loss buddy! I really hope that I can meet new people and we can work towards our weight loss goals together :)

submitted by /u/littlebroccolis
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2yZJIyU