Saturday, October 12, 2019

My goal weight seems so far away and sometimes I feel hopeless

I've come really far. My highest weight was 340 and I'm currently at 289. However a few months ago I was at 273 so I'm starting to feel a little discouraged. My doctor put me on phentermines to try and kickstart my weight loss journey again, I've lost 8 pounds since starting so I should be feeling more motivated yet I feel like nothing has changed and I have this irrational fear that just because the number is going down doesn't mean I'll ever slim down enough. The negative feelings are causing me to binge, granted I'm binging on healthy items but its still calories I dont need nonetheless. Has anyone else experienced that fear or the urge to binge? How did you overcome it?

submitted by /u/HereticalHorseFucker
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

TW How an amazing body weight loss and diet community has changed me

Hi, so foremost i would like to say that English is not my first language, but I will be trying.

Okay, so I was overweight for every part of my teenage years, I weighted about 70-72 kg and I'm 160 cm. I was kinda fine, I mean at age 10-12 my boobs were definitely bigger than most girls, my mom is also like this so im guessing hormones? Yeah, but that made me go from very skinny little girl to bigger girl. I was always insecure, I hated PE, I was comparing myself to my friends who are still as lean as they always were.

And so, as any other person trying to lose weight I was going back and forth on so many diets I can't even begin to count how many there were, trying to exercise was always a struggle, cause I tried but I always failed on my 2nd day already. I was so tired, out of form. But it's not like I layed around on the couch and ate and just ate, nah i was very energetic child and a teenager, meeting with friends, never avoiding PE. But I'm not gonna blame anything else other than my love for food and love for just not doing anything....much lol

As I said I tried going on diets, one time during around the summer I switched to soy products mostly, that DID made me lose weight, a bit and clear my skin but after 2 months, I was back in with too much food. Then again nothing nothing, and i guess i just stopped dieting


I started just changing my eating habits around when i was 19 years old?? but mostly around 21-22 years old, cutting of sugar, cutting of soft drinks, juices, even diary cause lactose intolerant i guess, chips, sweets. I didn't weight myself for a LONG TIME, then i met a boy, he loves every inch of me lol, then we went for ski trip and the ski trip guy asked for my weight and i said 65kg cause thats a safe number, BUT when i actually weighted myself I was 58kg!!!! I was very happy, I actually then started seeing myself differently, like yes most of my clothes are much bigger than I actually am!

So I then I started the journey that kinda now destroyed me.

Exercising finally! Like 5 times a week? Yes, it was finally happening, I was taking care of my body, started looking more on what I put in my mouth. I didn't count calories at all, I was just intuitive eating and it did work on me, I weighted less and less, 54kg at the end of the 2018!

Then this year at the first half of the year, I had an accident, head trauma, very badly, that led me to mostly living in my bed for quite of time. I looked bad, my face was purple around the eyes. I hated how I look. I became also very obsessed with how i eat, how much, started calorie counting, started controlling my portions for less and less. I joined twitter community and started reading more of ED community tweets. Everyone noticed, and it became more apparent that I became something I never wanted to be.

I'm not going to tell you how much I lost, cause it wasn't much in terms of weight. I became super depresive, super over thinking about food, from the time i woke up to the time i went to sleep, I even tried working out but I yet can't.

It became something that truly ruined me, something I am much stressed about. I tried stopping, I tried become more old me, but right now I can't. Im very happy about my success, but I gained something that I'm afraid isn't gonna leave me for a while.

Thank you for reading!

submitted by /u/coughsyrup8169
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Extreme Hunger

Deleted earlier because I wasn't sure if this was in the right sub, since I'm not asking about weight loss, but it looks like there may be people here who have some experience this this.

Does anyone else, particularly (female) athletes, deal with constant, insatiable hunger? Like, you'll sit down for a meal with friends or pack a meal for lunch, trying to eat a normal amount of food, but you end up eating more than everyone else put together, yet still somehow feel ravenously hungry? For the past few years, I've been experiencing extreme hunger, where I'll eat more than twice as much as my 6 foot, 170 pound national level powerlifting boyfriend, and still go to bed unable to sleep because of how inexplicably hungry I am, even if my food is predominantly high protein, high fiber. I largely try to ignore this hunger because I don't think it's normal for anyone, especially a 5'3'' 115 pound girl, to be needing 5000+ calories a day, of largely nutrient dense food in order to stop feeling hungry. But it's been getting harder and harder to just ignore my hunger signals and it's pretty unsustainable to being a functional human being. And it's so frustrating being with a group of people who can just put their plates away after a normal amount of food, saying they're full and actually mean it. A regular meal honestly feels like a joke or an insult to my hunger. I can go to a restaurant, eat a full meal that makes a regular person completely stuffed and feel like I can eat the same thing three times over and still be hungry.

If you've experienced this, or have any kind of insight, I would absolutely love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Or if you happen to have knowledge of some literature on the subject, that would also be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

submitted by /u/ddmar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’ve gone down three pants sizes!!

I (23F) started my weight loss journey at 178 pounds and at a US size 18 (I’m 4’11 btw). At the beginning I was barely fitting into my size 18’s, and I remember my mom struggling to zip me into my size 18 bridesmaid dress a couple months before I started losing.

It’s been almost 1 year since I’ve started, and I’m now 145 pounds, and today, for the first time since I was 19, I fit into a size 12 pair of jeans perfectly. I’d lost my motivation to keep going for a few months while I was at a temporary office job and didn’t get a whole lot of exercise in. Now that I have a retail job again, I’m back on my feet and constantly moving and the weight has been dropping steadily!

I’m so excited to get down to size 10. I never knew I was capable of pulling weight loss like this off!

submitted by /u/majorzeroh
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Moving past excuses and starting again.

I’ve been lurking for a while, but it’s taken me a long time to set my mind to really focus on weight loss and feeling like myself again.

I’ve been overweight most of my life, since childhood. I’m 32(f), 5’6 and the heaviest I ever weight as a teen was around 90 kgs/198 LB. A few years ago I managed to go down to 65 kilos/143LB, which on my frame was very slim and I wasn’t feeling the healthiest. I got aggressively into sports - I enjoyed it but it definitely was obsessive. I weighed my food, took multiple exercise classes and then got into weight lifting. I built muscle until I was 72 kgs/152LB- and I felt wonderful. I loved being strong and athletic, I loved and respected my body for once and felt at peace.

Over the past 3 years, I’ve completely lost all of my hard work. I still have some muscle, I naturally build and keep it quite well, but I’ve gained so much extra weight that I’m now pushing 95 kgs/210LB. I had an extremely toxic job and a lot of personal struggles, stopped working out and I fell back into emotional binge eating and I feel like I’ve woken up with all this extra weight and no memory of how I got here - or how I lost it in the first place. I have a closet full of clothes that don’t fit me, and I’ve failed at every attempt to go back to sports because of how alien my body feels and how slow and tired I am.

Today, I’ve decided to try again. Nothing works the way it did, my metabolism is a struggle and it’s exhausting to try again after so many attempts. But today I’m fed up, and determined. Any feedback or advice from anyone who had to dust off and try again would be appreciated - and any tips on kickstarting a metabolism that has been through a lot of self inflicted unkind behaviour. My biggest struggle is night bingeing, and I know I have to take ownership of this weakness. Thank you to all in this community, it’s been a wonderful resource!

submitted by /u/znzn987
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

First major milestone accomplished! Under 300 lbs for first time in 5+ years

Hey there, 29 male here. Started my weight loss journey appx 7-8 months ago. My doctor told me that I was bordering on having high blood pressure, I had chest pains, and was constantly out of breathe. I decided that I was going to be a different person in my 30's than I was in my teens and 20's. I got motivated to make a lifestyle change and decided it was time to stop making excuses.

Here's a pic of me last year on Christmas. I was at my heaviest here (365 lbs)

I started off slow. I cut out soda, fried foods, and most processed carbs/sugars. This brought me down to 345, but I was stuck on that weight for about two months. During this time I was exercising about 2-3 times a week, but not intensively. I was mainly doing a little bit of light lifting and cardio.

4 Months ago was when I really kicked it up into overdrive. One of my good friends convinced me to sign up to a local Planet Fitness. The membership is cheap (10$ a month) so I decided to give it a go. Ever since I signed up, I've been sticking to 4-5 times a week, mainly doing full body weight workouts, gradually increasing the weight and progressing at a solid pace. I've also been eating super clean and not eating past 8pm. This allowed me to drop another 35-40 pounds which brought me to around 305-310.

Here's a pic of me at that weight range:

Over the past two weeks I started intermittent fasting, giving myself an 8 hour window to eat (12pm - 8pm). This was easy for me, as I already didn't eat past 8pm, and fasting for a few hours in the morning isn't that big a deal (I skip breakfast most days anyway). I am happy ta announce that as of this morning, I have officially dropped down under 300 lbs for the first time in over 5 years!

I feel better than ever, and although I still have another 85-90 pounds to lose, I am in the best shape I've been in years and am thankful to this community for the daily inspiration and motivation. Don't give up on your goals and dreams. I was utterly hopeless and depressed less than a year ago. It's amazing how much one can change in a short period of time if the will is strong enough. Best of luck to everyone trying to better themselves!! cheers.

submitted by /u/Isaac51290
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Recently had some weight loss success two years ago and I'm seeking advice.

tl;dr at the bottom.

I'll try to keep this as short as possible. So around 2 years ago I(at the time I was 22m, now I'm 24) was at the heaviest I ever was, which was 312 pounds. Over the span of about 7 months, After employing a strict caloric intake regimen of 1200 calories a day, intermittent fasting, and drinking only water and black coffee. I dropped the weight like it was nothing. I never went to any health sub-reddits or went to any doctors. I just saw myself in a picture one day and decided I needed to do it. Fast forward those 7 months and I got down to 174. Now fast forward 2 years and I'm 206.

Don't get me wrong I'm still super happy. I go through spurts of running and exercise every now any again, but I'd obviously like to get back down to 175-180.

Only one problem, I've been trying to do that for the past year. I've maintained my weight at around 199-207. I've tried countless times to do what I did back in those 7 months and I can't do it. Every single time I try to limit calories, or intermittent fast, I give up. The longest I've ever made it into my old calorie restricting diet was 2 weeks. One thing that I'm well aware of is the diminishing returns. The main thing that kept me going back when I was 270+ was just how QUICKLY my appearance was changing and how much motivation I had back then. Now, obviously the changes aren't as drastic and that intense motivation I had is no longer there. So sorry for making this so long but does anyone have any advice at all? Literally anything would be cool. Not looking for mindblowing advice, just maybe if you've been in a similar situation as me and have any tips.

tl;dr was 312 pounds, dropped to 174 in 7 months. Kind of maintained that, have been 200 for the better part of a year and a half and can't seem to stick to a diet, looking for tips.

submitted by /u/AFKlay
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from loseit - Lose the Fat