Saturday, October 12, 2019

Moving past excuses and starting again.

I’ve been lurking for a while, but it’s taken me a long time to set my mind to really focus on weight loss and feeling like myself again.

I’ve been overweight most of my life, since childhood. I’m 32(f), 5’6 and the heaviest I ever weight as a teen was around 90 kgs/198 LB. A few years ago I managed to go down to 65 kilos/143LB, which on my frame was very slim and I wasn’t feeling the healthiest. I got aggressively into sports - I enjoyed it but it definitely was obsessive. I weighed my food, took multiple exercise classes and then got into weight lifting. I built muscle until I was 72 kgs/152LB- and I felt wonderful. I loved being strong and athletic, I loved and respected my body for once and felt at peace.

Over the past 3 years, I’ve completely lost all of my hard work. I still have some muscle, I naturally build and keep it quite well, but I’ve gained so much extra weight that I’m now pushing 95 kgs/210LB. I had an extremely toxic job and a lot of personal struggles, stopped working out and I fell back into emotional binge eating and I feel like I’ve woken up with all this extra weight and no memory of how I got here - or how I lost it in the first place. I have a closet full of clothes that don’t fit me, and I’ve failed at every attempt to go back to sports because of how alien my body feels and how slow and tired I am.

Today, I’ve decided to try again. Nothing works the way it did, my metabolism is a struggle and it’s exhausting to try again after so many attempts. But today I’m fed up, and determined. Any feedback or advice from anyone who had to dust off and try again would be appreciated - and any tips on kickstarting a metabolism that has been through a lot of self inflicted unkind behaviour. My biggest struggle is night bingeing, and I know I have to take ownership of this weakness. Thank you to all in this community, it’s been a wonderful resource!

submitted by /u/znzn987
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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