Saturday, October 12, 2019

Recently had some weight loss success two years ago and I'm seeking advice.

tl;dr at the bottom.

I'll try to keep this as short as possible. So around 2 years ago I(at the time I was 22m, now I'm 24) was at the heaviest I ever was, which was 312 pounds. Over the span of about 7 months, After employing a strict caloric intake regimen of 1200 calories a day, intermittent fasting, and drinking only water and black coffee. I dropped the weight like it was nothing. I never went to any health sub-reddits or went to any doctors. I just saw myself in a picture one day and decided I needed to do it. Fast forward those 7 months and I got down to 174. Now fast forward 2 years and I'm 206.

Don't get me wrong I'm still super happy. I go through spurts of running and exercise every now any again, but I'd obviously like to get back down to 175-180.

Only one problem, I've been trying to do that for the past year. I've maintained my weight at around 199-207. I've tried countless times to do what I did back in those 7 months and I can't do it. Every single time I try to limit calories, or intermittent fast, I give up. The longest I've ever made it into my old calorie restricting diet was 2 weeks. One thing that I'm well aware of is the diminishing returns. The main thing that kept me going back when I was 270+ was just how QUICKLY my appearance was changing and how much motivation I had back then. Now, obviously the changes aren't as drastic and that intense motivation I had is no longer there. So sorry for making this so long but does anyone have any advice at all? Literally anything would be cool. Not looking for mindblowing advice, just maybe if you've been in a similar situation as me and have any tips.

tl;dr was 312 pounds, dropped to 174 in 7 months. Kind of maintained that, have been 200 for the better part of a year and a half and can't seem to stick to a diet, looking for tips.

submitted by /u/AFKlay
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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