Saturday, October 12, 2019

NSV and First SV: Fitting Into My Fat Suit

My first scale victory: I started this journey 12 weeks ago at 280 pounds. 12 weeks later I am now at 244 pounds. This is my first scale victory as its my first goal on my weight loss journey. My remaining goals are 225 in 7 weeks (In a rush for Thanksgiving), then I will recalculate timelines to hit 200 lbs, 185 lbs and a final goal of 175. I fully expect that once I get down to 205 my weightless will slow significantly, probably to 1.5 lbs a week.

My none scale victory was twofold, first is that people I know have noticed my weight loss and people at the grocery store that I go into weekly keep asking me how I am losing the weight so quickly. The second and more important NSV is that I fit into my 'fat suit' and XL shirts again. I say this is my 'fat suit' because as I gained weight I had to buy new work clothes at different stages in the weight gain journey. The new clothes actually correspond with my weight goals listed above and this was the last fitted suit that I purchased. So I am very happy about this development.

How am I losing the weight? Well, I started August 1st and began eating the keto diet. I use this diet only because it suppresses hunger due to the high fat content and no other reason. I eat between 1600-2000 calories a day. The first 2 months I only dieted and walked roughly 5-10 miles a day. The last week of September I began to lift weights again and have been doing so 5 days a week religious. I probably only walk 3-4 miles a day now that I am working out, but I do spend 45 minutes to 1.5 hours on some type of cardio at the gym. As I get less fat, I will start to do HIIT, which will reduce my cardio time even further, down to 45 minutes a day maximum.

Finally, there have been ups and downs during this process. Until two days ago, I had been stalled for 2-2.5 weeks and that was very discouraging. I kept following and trusting the process and woke up 2 days ago having lost 6 lbs. So for anyone worried about stalling out, just keep accurately counting your calories and trusting/following your process.

submitted by /u/WhiteCollarSober
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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