Saturday, November 16, 2019

Trying to go from Overweight to Marine

This decision is something that I have been thinking about for a while now. I had lost a sense of purpose in myself, felt stuck in my situation. I have always had the thought of the Military as a good option for me. I went to obese to overweight (75lbs) as I was a junior in high school. 3 years later I have stagnated at 225 lbs from almost 300 lbs. I am so proud of myself. I am ready to make the commitment to lose weight and bulk up and make this happen. I just don't know where to start. I'm working on starting meal planning and cutting ALL fast food I can consume. I was hoping if there was anyone on this sub that is trying to do what I am doing or has done what I want to do to give me some tips and help me in my journey to achieve my dreams.

All of you wonderful people in this sub do wonderful work for the struggling people on this sub, I appreciate any and all help you can give.

DISCLAIMER: Please leave all reservations that any might have about the military and the Marines. I am here to ask for advice for weight loss and strength building to join the Marines. Thank you.

submitted by /u/zakhumphrey00
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Earlier in my weight loss journey I cried happy tears when this skirt finally fit again.... 6 months later progress photo

here’s the skirt

A few years ago I lost a bit of weight after getting my wisdom teeth removed and bought this skirt (okay yeah I know it’s ugly, it’s part of its charm). I wore it a few times that winter and then put it in my closet. Then I started gaining more weight without really noticing. Then I couldn’t zip this up anymore at all and it became a symbol of how much weight I gained. I started losing weight in January and around March the skirt fit again. I wore it and cried because I was so happy to finally be as thin as I was when I wore it the first time. Now, it falls off my hips if I let go of it. I have lost 70 pounds since January, women’s XXL/XL, 14 pants and 34HH. Now I wear S/M, 2-4 pants and a 30F. Mostly intuitive eating, walking and recently started going to the gym. Just wanted to share because I feel so proud and amazed.

submitted by /u/torilor
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting my journey... 17 F/5" 8'/ 173 lbs

Recently, I've been looking at myself and my school environment differently, I look around at me and other girls at my school to see if I am the fattest person in the room. I suffered mental breakdowns and episodes of emotional and binge eating because of fall outs with people. I gained 45 pounds in only 3 months and was incredibly disappointed in myself. I want to lose but every time I try to start going into calorie deficit or dieting and exercising daily/often, I get tired and make excuses. I want to start weight loss now because I feel if I get older, I will not be able to lose weight and want to adopt healthy eating and exercising habits now so I won't have problems with gaining weight in college. Does anyone have any advice in staying motivated or how to stop making excuses for yourself? Thanks so much.

submitted by /u/hell0mynamejeff
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Self conscious after weight loss - negative feedback

Last year I graduated grad school at my heaviest weight. I worked out during school but was also working full time so I didn't pay attention to my nutrition like I should have which resulted in my gaining a little bit of weight during those 2 years. I got pregnant right after graduating and had my son 10 months ago. I am 5'4.25" and prepregnancy I weighed 162 lbs, right before delivery I was 182 lbs. Since having my son I have been active (rock climbing, running, hiking, and weight lifting) and have watched what I ate and have lost 70 lbs. I now maintain between 112 and 114 lbs, and have been maintaining there for a month. This is a healthy weight for my height.

I keep receiving negative feedback from friends/family/coworkers about my weight. I don't bring my weight or diet up as I find it uncomfortable to talk about, yet I am constantly receiving negative comments. This is really doing a number on my self confidence.

I am getting my body fat percentage tested Monday just because I am curious where I am at. If I am unhealthy I will definitely do something to change that, but I don't think that will be the case.

How do I manage these self conacious and uncomfortable feelings? It's not just one person, and it's not always the same people. I receive comments all the time and it is so upsetting. I don't think I look that bad, but others are saying I'm emaciated, I must not eat, or I must be anorexic.

I am performing my best at rock climbing, I am happy, and I'm at a healthy weight. I have worked so hard to get here and now all of these comments are so discouraging and making me feel like there is something wrong with me. Do I just not see what they see? Or are others just overreacting? It's just weird because these comments are coming from people in every aspect of my life (work, friends, family, etc.).

I just feel that the likelihood that I am a healthy weight but have an unhealthy body fat percentage is so low, and if my body fat percentage is fine and my weight is fine I don't think there can be an issue. Does anyone have any advice or insight?

submitted by /u/aes628
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My CICO Weightloss Journey is driving me crazy but I’m not giving up

So I gained about 100 lbs over the years and I finally got into tackling this weight gain of mine to feel healthier and more confident. Also I’m the type of person that thrives on reaching goals and accomplishing them. Andddd I’m kind of using this health kick as a way to distract myself from constantly thinking of my ex. Not in a bad way, more like a taking care of myself way, and letting her go type way.

So I’ve been working out 4 times a week by biking outside in my nature trail infested neighborhood. I go on the sidewalks and also out on the dirt trails too so I my muscles can work harder if you will like with the variety. I’m biking around 2 miles a day. On a scale of 1-5 (1 being mild- 5 being “I wanna die I’m working out so hard” ) on the strenuous scale I’d say I’m about a 3.5. I’d say that’s good from basically going from couch to constantly working out. And I didn’t wanna push myself too hard to where my muscles hurt so bad that I’d have to take a rest day.

Eventually I decided what the hell, since I’m working out more and loving it. Why don’t I finally try to lose weight? So I pulled out this nice food scale I bought and never used. In the past my preferred method of staying in shape was calorie counting, because it’s easy for me to keep track of calories now that we have modern technology. For example My fitness pal app is my fave because you just scan the barcodes of most things. The stuff I can’t scan, I take a pic of the nutrition label or a pic of the food on the scale and just enter it in later so I don’t forget. Not to mention I’m very number’s oriented.

So I did what worked in the past (before I gained 100 lbs) which was 1200 ...that was my calorie allowance that I would see results with. 2 weeks of 1200 cals, and I lost just 1.6 lbs. I know most of you would say...muscle weighs more than fat...but I also took waist measurements and hip measurements and they were the same. I didn’t let it defeat me though, I just researched ideas on how to proceed. And obviously I kept seeing the ole: If you’re not seeing results cut down more on the cals. And pay more attention to tracking your cals. Also my resources said if my weight loss continues to be slower than usual despite doing everything on point as possible that I need to see my primary care physician.

So now I’m down to 1000 cals and I’m becoming more diligent on measuring everything on the food scale. It’s exhausting but I’m in between jobs and a fire has been lit inside of me haha. So it’s kind of good in a way too bc I’m happier with the biking and eating healthy. We shall see what happens, I know for a lot of people 1.6 lbs in 2 weeks isn’t so bad but I’m a female 27 year old who is 5’8 and over 200 pounds. And it’s abnormal in my lose weight that slow. I don’t know, maybe I’m wrong. I’m just annoyed because I’ve been eating so clean. Like the cleanest I’ve ever eaten haha. And working out more than I have in years. So I’m like what the f- haha.

I’m not giving up though!!! And maybe there’s something wrong with my hormones or thyroid or something. Last time I had a physical everything was fine...but sometimes us as humans get hunches about our own bodies that something is off. Maybe they need to check more levels in my blood like do a different panel who knows? I have a feeling something is off.

Has anyone had results by lowering their calories when they weren’t seeing results? Any thoughts? Anyways, good luck everyone on your own journeys!! Don’t let the number on the scale defeat you, just keep going!! On my end, I’ll keep you all posted. Wish me luck lol.

submitted by /u/cal01212991
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

So... does anyone else find that baking satiates their sweet cravings?

Just baking, not actually eating any of it (aside from a single-bite taste test)?

If I have a craving for chocolate and want to eat a sleeve of tollhouse cookies, I’ll go buy some ingredients (chocolate chips, m&ms, anything I might not have on hand at the moment) and I’ll make cookies from scratch. I might also get fancy and do a coffee cake or caramel pretzel brownies or something... tonight it was a chocolate cake. And somehow the process of making the dough and batter and icing, baking it all, and cleaning it all up just takes care of the cravings that I had. I rarely have, and rarely want, more than a single bite of anything that I bake. I usually bring most of it into work the next day and leave it out and it’s always gone before I leave for the day.

I love this strategy and I think, oddly enough, baking has helped my weight loss AND made me a better baker (my fiancé is another story—he jokes that I “transfer” my cravings to him, since he’s the one who ends up eating a lot of what I make lol. He’s 10x more active than me and super lean, though, so I don’t feel too bad about it).

submitted by /u/lizard_windowpane
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I was blind for so long.

Starting at 335lb, i never truly understood how fat i was, or how bad my eating was. Now weighing in at 275 I am mortified. How did i let myself get so bad for so long? It doesn't help that i was raised by obese parents and was never properly shown a healthy lifestyle but my worst weight was in highschool, and thats on me. I feel so ashamed of myself. I have crossed the path of no return and my body will never look remotely normal unless i have skin removal. Nevertheless i am at the same time sooo proud of myself. I've been excersing on a regular basis, and calorie counting. I physically feel stronger than i did 2 months ago, and my weight loss is being noticed. I know i am sad via what my physical apperance will be, but i can only imagine the mental and physical benefits of losing another 50. Thanks to anyone who listened to my ranting.

submitted by /u/MicheleCha
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from loseit - Lose the Fat