Friday, December 20, 2019

Lost almost 10lbs and could use advice to stick with it.

Hi there! I'm relatively new to this subreddit, but I've been lurking in the sense that I regularly watch the read aloud of this subreddit over on LukeNarwhal's channel on youtube, and it's been inspiring me each day while I'm on the treadmill or elliptical. I'll start off with a little bit of background, but quick warning, I tend to overshare and tell much more than necessary.

As you can probably see in my flair, I've lost about 9 lbs in the past two weeks, but I was never severely overweight. I'm 16 years old with relatively high cholesterol and triglycerides due to a poor diet, and it has been devastating to hear my doctor give me the weight talk after that blood work came in. I was always skinny up until I got a job and started having my own money to spend, which almost always went directly to buying junk food and snacks. Now, I've been doing research and using MyFitnessPal consistently, and a lot of my fat has seemed to melt right off. As my motivation dwindles, however, I want to make sure that I stick with my weight loss "program", so to speak. My TDEE is about 2,073 calories per day because I exercise 6 days a week. My goal intake, as decided by MFP, is 1360 calories, so I do maintain a somewhat steep deficit. As I continue logging my food and exercising (mostly HIIT sprint workouts with some weights on the off days), I realize that mentally I do better with a cheat day. My first question, then, lies in how should I try to limit my calories on my weekly cheat day? Currently, my cheat days have stayed around 1800 calories, which is still a deficit. Since this deficit is smaller, however, will it cause weight gain? Or will it just slow the loss for that week? I've never been good at math.

Next up, macros. How do I know what I need? I'll admit, I have done very little research on macro and micronutrients, and have no idea what my body needs or should be getting in terms of daily/weekly nutrition. I've been trying to get in as much protein as I can because I can physically feel my muscles getting weaker as my cardio obsession grows deeper, and have been incorporating weights for this very reason. Also, is there any way to build strength/muscles whilst in a calorie deficit? I'm not planning on maintaining this steep of a deficit for any longer than I need to in order to get back down to my pre-high school 125lbs, but until then I don't want to lose all of my muscle rather than my fat.

If you read all of this, I greatly appreciate it and any advice anyone has to give. Thanks in advance for any help, and I hope you're all doing great!

submitted by /u/zuzumoomoo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Recruiting Moderators, Rule Announcements, Winter Survey Open, & More!

Hello there!

Buckle up for a multi part post today. We’ve got a lot going on due to the holidays so bear with me and hopefully I’ll get this format right.


Some of you might be aware that the moderation teams of r/loseit & r/progresspics are one and the same. Over the last 8 years both subs have extraordinarily increased in size and activity.

Here’s some numbers just for fun. Keep in mind that they aren’t perfect but give an idea of how far we’ve come. (Numbers pulled from snapshots as close to the end of year as available rounded to the nearest thousand.)

Year r/ Loseit r/ Progresspics Total
2011 43,000 3,000 46,000
2012 106,000 17,000 123,000
2013 182,000 67,000 249,000
2014 247,000 116,000 363,000
2015 300,000 156,000 456,000
2016 370,000 190,000 560,000
2017 708,000 274,000 982,000
2018 1,300,000 603,000 1,903,000
2019 1,973,000 910,000 2,883,000

As you can see, both subs have gained a total of almost 1M subs in a year; we’ve grown by leaps and bounds. For the last month we’ve seen an avg of 1300 daily subscribers to r/loseit and 1200 for r/progresspics. While we know it’s the end of year and traffic will be higher due to the holidays, those numbers are staggering to look at.

Exciting but leads us to the next part of this post... We need more mods.

Moderator Recruitment

The team is made of volunteers. We each have lives going on outside of reddit (surprising I know). We’ve begun to feel the strain of the subs growth. We rely on reports from users to take care of items that detract from the amazing support community composed of all of you. Spammers trying to prey on people’s vulnerability, creeps being pervs to those sharing progress, trolls popping in with nothing better to do, bitch fights in the comments getting out of hand, etc... it can get a bit hectic at times.

We’ve opened applications for those interested in helping out by becoming part of the mod team. Experience with automod is a plus. It is preferred that you are active. If you have no activity participating, yes we check profiles, then your application will most likely not be considered.

Here is a link to the moderator application.

New Rule Announcements & Mod Statements


Recently there was a thread regarding what types of diets are allowed to be discussed. It got heated to say the least.Rule 11: “...We are not a Pro-ED community. Any diet or routine that falls consistently below the medically recommended minimums must be supervised by a healthcare professional and may not be recommended here.”

After r/proed was banned we had an influx of redditors attempting to use r/loseit as an alternative; this is not the place.To clarify, this is not a community for promoting VLCDs. We understand that people might need to go below those minimums when their height demands it; that is not what the rule is intended for.

To assuage some people’s concerns, we aren’t referring to discussions on IF, OMAD, or other timing window based diets as long as they follow the above mentioned minimums. Since it always comes up: Yes, you can still follow the minimums and it not be healthy if your diet is composed of foods lacking in nutritional density. That’s not what we are discussing here.


After some discussion, there’s a new rule dropping into place. Submissions should be reasonably spaced apart. We’re leaning towards restricting frequency of posts to once per month. If you want to weigh in on this please use the comment section.

Additionally, we’re not going to add a rule dictating what order pictures should go in. We understand that some of you prefer a certain order and that’s fine. It’s not something that we as the mod team are willing to do. We aren’t going to add more work for something purely cosmetic. (I like using overlaid comparison gifs but ain’t the best giffer.)

To reinforce a rule that we’ve taken a hard stance on in the past and will continue to do so.

Rule 2: “...Progress comes in many forms other than weight loss such as addiction recovery, fitness transformations, gender changes, etc. As long as there is a clear before/after of human progress it is accepted here...”

If you think something falls outside of this then report it. Don’t try to backseat mod in the comments. It’ll earn a ban. We’re not the nicest in modmail if you give us extra work by causing drama regarding this very simply worded and easy to understand rule.

As a reminder, social media sharing prohibited in r/progresspics. There's a thread on r/loseit called Track With Me Thursday where it is allowed in the provided section.


It’s been 6 months since we last took a survey. It’s time to open up again for feedback regarding everything above and more. If you wish to make suggestions or provide feedback regarding the sub the survey is the place to do it. We go over all responses once the survey closes and will use the feedback towards tailoring further subreddit moderation.This post will be up for about a month and close in the later part of January. After everything has been reviewed we will follow up with a summary post detailing findings and decisions made.

Here is a link to the survey.

Rules & Reporting

Lastly, we want to reiterate that we rely on user reports. We thank everyone that takes the time to bring issues to our attention as we want the subreddit to remain a place of support. To each and every one of you who participate and do so in the interest of supporting your fellow redditor, we wish to say…Thank you. Thank you for being awesome. We’re proud of these communities and look forward to what the future may bring.

For those looking for the r/loseit Daily Directory please see below copied for your convenience.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

Need some questing buddies?

submitted by /u/ClaytonRayG
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m a heart transplant patient and the daily meds combined with my new reality really cause weight loss barriers, and my surgery left me very sedentary.

I’m not complaining at all, I just thought some perspective from a different kind of weight loss story might be refreshing. I’m a 56 year old male and I live in Massachusetts. I was transplanted at Brigham & Women's hospital in Boston. And yes, I now know my donor’s family and they are wonderful.

I’m 5 years out from my transplant and I lived on an artificial heart for a year before that. This all started at 48. The artificial heart surgery left me with a permanent kind of “activity induced nausea” that can double me over in pain if I push too hard physically. I get around very well, but if I walk more than a few hundred yards, I get crazy nauseas and have to sit down to rest. It’s very disheartening when trying to lose weight.

So, I’ve been losing weight by counting calories and restricting myself to 1,100 to 1,400 calories per day. I began at exactly 300lbs and I got down to 250... but even at my restricted diet, I’ve climbed back up to 258. Gaining 8 pounds while eating 1,100 calories a day would seem impossible on paper, but my daily medication combined with how damaged my body is has made this journey anything but normal.

My goal weight is 190-200. The daily battle is real. The nausea stops my from exercising, so as the weight comes off, it will be harder and harder to lose weight the way I am now.

By the way, ask me anything about heart transplants, organ donation, or how it all works!

submitted by /u/Odd_craving
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The Worst Part About Losing Weight

Current Stats: 23yr old 5ft female SW: 175 CW: 130 UGW: 105

So I decided to start losing weight this February when I reached my highest weight of 175lbs. All my clothes were getting tight and I hated how fat my body looked. I knew I needed to lose weight and actually stick with it this time. To kick off the weight loss, I started cooking my own food rather than eating at the college dining hall so I could know what I was actually eating. I tried tracking calories but couldn’t stick with it so I focused on healthier meals and smaller portions. Also started going to the gym a couple times a week.

After getting a Fitbit in March, I had the push I needed to start tracking calories consistently. I also increased my exercise to 5 days a week. I maintained a 500 calorie deficit and graduated college in May at 153lbs. It was great to feel so confident graduating and I still feel happy looking back at the pictures. Over the summer, I took a break from weight loss and only lost 3 or 4lbs over 3 months.

When I moved to grad school in August, I knew I’d have to get strict with my calories if I wanted to keep losing weight. But I just didn’t feel like I had the time for the gym with classes and a graduate assistantship job. Or that I had the money (the school gym cost $100 per semester) so I decided to stick to 1200 calories a day and transitioned to low carb to stay in my calorie budget. So far, I’ve lost about 45lbs with healthy cooking and CICO. The last semester really helped me see how much of weight loss is nutrition because it’s so true that you can’t outrun your fork. 90% of weight loss really happens in the kitchen.

At the beginning of the year, I never would have believed I would actually lose this much weight. Originally, my goal was simply to lose any amount of weight. Then my goal was to lose all the college weight (hit that milestone 2 months ago.) Now my goal is to get to 105lbs or whatever weight gets me a flat stomach. I’ve finally gotten to a point where I actually know that I could be as skinny as I’ve always wanted to be. Before this year, I just thought I’d eventually lose the high school weight and stay thick.

Going into this journey, I knew it would be hard but worth it. My confidence has gone up with each pound lost but the one thing I didn’t expect was how many new clothes I would need to buy as my body shrinks. I knew my clothes would begin to get loose but it never occurred to me that I’d have to keep buying clothes as I lost weight since I never expected to lose this much. 45lbs on a 5ft body really adds up. But you don’t always notice 45lbs gained over 6/7yrs, I think I was a high school junior the last time I was this small. Dropping that much weight in under a year made a drastic difference in how I look and how clothes fit.

I’m still able to wear a lot of the tops/t-shirts I wore before I started losing weight since I didn’t buy clothes at my highest weight. But so many crop tops and bodycon clothes look too baggy. I’ve had to buy pants and jeans as I’ve slimmed down because the waist starts to ride down and the fabric on my thighs folds over. It’s funny because I still think my thighs are too big but they must be getting smaller, according to my pants. Also had to buy a whole set of new bras because my boobs finally got smaller - something I never thought would happen. Went from a 38G to a 38DDD and my back is definitely happy about it. I still want a reduction once I’ve reached my goal weight and maintained for a while but very happy to know that when I have the surgery, my boobs will become the perfect size for me since I won’t have any more weight to lose.

My suggestion for anyone actively losing weight is to buy cheap clothes until you’re close to your goal and put off buying clothes until you have to, so you aren’t constantly buying. You don’t want to invest into a new wardrobe until you’re close to the end of your weight loss journey. However, I definitely bought business casual tops for work as I slimmed down so I would look professional. My advice would be to prioritize spending on office/work clothes over casual clothes. I’m holding off on buying new jeans until summer/fall since I should hit my goal by then. However, a lot of my shorts are way too loose so I’ll have to buy new shorts in a couple of months. Despite the money spent (mostly on bras cuz those are pricey af) it’s so worth it. I have more confidence, look better and am way healthier now. And I can’t wait to go shopping for a new wardrobe once I hit my goal. Shopping gets a lot more fun as you lose weight, feel better and have way more options.

TLDR - I didn’t think about it when I first started losing weight but if you’re planning on losing a significant amount of weight then be prepared to replace clothes as the pounds drop. Try to prioritize buying work clothes over casual clothes to look professional. With casual clothes, try holding off on buying till it’s necessary so you aren’t buying too many clothes that will get baggy in a few weeks/months.

Progress Pic:

submitted by /u/KittyMinty
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do I break through this final plateau?

I've had a great dieting run so far, losing 90 pounds since this past mid-May 2019 (about 7 months) at a rate of around 3-3.5 pounds per week with daily strength training and serious diet changes. I am now at the 200 mark, the final stretch of a weight-loss goal of 185-190 for a 6'0", 40yo male. However, losing these final pounds been TOUGH as I've hit major plateaus over the past couple months that bring my weight loss to a crawl. I've been reading that I have to cut even more calories, so I decided to get rid of bananas, stop adding oatmeal to my yogurt, no more popcorn (plain even) as an evening snack, no more peanuts, and I am counting my lunch and dinner portions like a miser counts his change. Here are the changes I've made since the start of my diet:

  • Cut alcohol completely (temporarily, that is)
  • All but completely cut added sugar
  • Been physically active every day with walking, cycling, and strength training
  • Cut all processed foods from my diet (except for condiments like salsa and hot sauce)
  • Make all meals from scratch
  • Used only complex carbs and whole grains, so only whole grain bread (Ezekiel's is amazing), homemade whole wheat tortillas, brown rice, etc
  • High protein in the form of whey protein isolate, 90/10 beef, chicken, and occasional fish

I've been teetering between 198-203 for the past 26 days and cannot break through this plateau. What do I have to do to get back on track with my goal?

Edit: I'll add that the bulk of the remaining weight is in my chest, gut, and mid-section (ie, love handles).

submitted by /u/kekkersket
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV - I survived my first trip to the gym

A new gym opened in town on Saturday, and has baby sitting (well, it will soon). The childcare option means the times I can go workout are greatly increased, as I have two young monsters. I pay more for it, but that's expected.

I planned on going Tuesday, but we had an ice storm, and Wednesday I was visiting my mom. Today I have dinner with my SO, so really, it was last night or waiting until Sunday.

I made dinner for the family, put my big ol' salad in the fridge so it would be ready when I got home and headed out, nervous AF and out of excuses. I had cheap sneakers, a new sports bra, and a new episode of my favorite podcast ready to go.

1) There were not many people there because it is so new. I felt less intimidated. That said, almost everyone was more in shape than me.

2) I asked about a spin type class I was interested in later in the week. The woman working spent time with me on how to set up the bike AND told me if I come a little early they'll help me again so it's at the right position. She also showed me how they work, so i'm not a total dope. She was reassuring that while it would be a tough class, it's doable.

3) Because it's a new facility, I felt less dumb wandering around looking at the various machines for what I wanted to do. The empty-ness meant I didn't need to wait for anything.

4) I didn't fall down. No one said "no fatties". No one threw anything at me.

It was definitely an opportunity to not let perfect get in the way of good. My plan worked, though took longer than I expected. I had to experiment some to figure out what weights I needed for what exercises, and how to adjust some of the machines. The elliptical gave me a little trouble, but next time I will ask if it happens again.

I expect it will pick up in January, of course, but by then i'll have some better ideas of what i'm doing! Thanks for folks who have shared their stories and inspired me to take a new step on my weight loss journey!

submitted by /u/ellemenopeaqu
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost weight but still have belly fat?

Hi everyone,

I’m a 21-year-old 5’0” female who recently just lost about 10 pounds of weight. I was ~120 pounds, and now I’m 110 lbs. This was my goal weight; however, I still have a noticeable amount of belly fat, and I don’t know what to do about it.

Some background: My whole life, I used to be very fit and thin. Up until recently, I was 110 lbs with little belly fat. Because of some health issues I was dealing with, I gained 10 lbs, thus starting my weight loss journey. I have finally lost all that weight to be back to my old weight, but now I have all this belly fat, too.

When I was losing the weight, I was sticking to a calorie deficit (eating 1200 calories a day) and running for about 20 minutes 4 times a week. However, I never did any strength/weight training, and I saw online that this is key to getting rid of the belly fat.

Do people here think that strength training would be a good way to eliminate some of this belly fat (especially because I’ve never strength trained before)? If so, I’m unsure of how to create a new regimen - I don’t want to lose any more weight at this point, so should I be eating at maintenance while also doing strength training a few times a week? Or should I be doing something else? Basically, I don’t want to lose more weight but I want to get rid of the belly fat...

submitted by /u/silverflower1998
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from loseit - Lose the Fat