Friday, December 20, 2019

Lost almost 10lbs and could use advice to stick with it.

Hi there! I'm relatively new to this subreddit, but I've been lurking in the sense that I regularly watch the read aloud of this subreddit over on LukeNarwhal's channel on youtube, and it's been inspiring me each day while I'm on the treadmill or elliptical. I'll start off with a little bit of background, but quick warning, I tend to overshare and tell much more than necessary.

As you can probably see in my flair, I've lost about 9 lbs in the past two weeks, but I was never severely overweight. I'm 16 years old with relatively high cholesterol and triglycerides due to a poor diet, and it has been devastating to hear my doctor give me the weight talk after that blood work came in. I was always skinny up until I got a job and started having my own money to spend, which almost always went directly to buying junk food and snacks. Now, I've been doing research and using MyFitnessPal consistently, and a lot of my fat has seemed to melt right off. As my motivation dwindles, however, I want to make sure that I stick with my weight loss "program", so to speak. My TDEE is about 2,073 calories per day because I exercise 6 days a week. My goal intake, as decided by MFP, is 1360 calories, so I do maintain a somewhat steep deficit. As I continue logging my food and exercising (mostly HIIT sprint workouts with some weights on the off days), I realize that mentally I do better with a cheat day. My first question, then, lies in how should I try to limit my calories on my weekly cheat day? Currently, my cheat days have stayed around 1800 calories, which is still a deficit. Since this deficit is smaller, however, will it cause weight gain? Or will it just slow the loss for that week? I've never been good at math.

Next up, macros. How do I know what I need? I'll admit, I have done very little research on macro and micronutrients, and have no idea what my body needs or should be getting in terms of daily/weekly nutrition. I've been trying to get in as much protein as I can because I can physically feel my muscles getting weaker as my cardio obsession grows deeper, and have been incorporating weights for this very reason. Also, is there any way to build strength/muscles whilst in a calorie deficit? I'm not planning on maintaining this steep of a deficit for any longer than I need to in order to get back down to my pre-high school 125lbs, but until then I don't want to lose all of my muscle rather than my fat.

If you read all of this, I greatly appreciate it and any advice anyone has to give. Thanks in advance for any help, and I hope you're all doing great!

submitted by /u/zuzumoomoo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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