Wednesday, January 8, 2020


First post here. I lost about 20lbs 3 years ago over about 6 months. I felt great and maintained for about 6 months and gained about 10 back over another 6 months. Since then I have gained the other 10 back and have started trying to lose weight a couple times and failed. I gave myself breaks and cut myself too much slack. Not this time. I’ve been planning my meals for the day in the morning making sure I have room for snacks. Then choose a few snacks throughout the day to stay under. I’m making a habit of working out again consistently.

I know many others have much larger weight loss goals and longer journeys, but hopefully this one will be a lifelong journey in the sense of maintaining my weight loss. I know the best thing for my health is to maintain a healthy weight and continue to exercise. Also I’m not super happy with how I look right now and from previous experience I know I will have more confidence when I reach my goal.

submitted by /u/chrisndroch
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What changed to make it work long term for you?

It's easy to start a weight loss program and to feel all gung ho about it in the beginning. I've done it before, and am there again, almost a week in to Weight Watchers. Of course I want to stick with it, of course I want the weight to come off, but I keep thinking of all the times I tried before and then gave up after 5 pounds because it got boring or difficult or I started using food as a coping skill again.

So, I'm trying to figure out now (while I feel good about it) what supports I can put in place so that I do stick with it.

For those of you who are a year or five or ten (are you even on this sub anymore?) into changing your habits and sticking with it, what made the difference?

submitted by /u/garbageuser948
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

New Year, New You! Lose the Weight with Nutrisystem

Happy YOU Year! Now’s the time to lose the weight and become your healthiest self. Whether you have significant weight to lose or just want to shed a few pesky pounds that showed up over the holidays, the new year is a great time to tackle your weight loss goals. Nothing says clean slate like tossing last year’s calendar in the trash and hanging up a brand new one.

But if you’re like most people, setting a goal and putting a plan into motion are two very different things. Even for those who get off to a good start, life can end up getting in the way. For a weight loss resolution, that could mean finding yourself reverting back to old eating habits or skipping workout sessions. Without structure and support, it can be really hard to keep working toward those healthy living goals.

Trust us; we get it. Here’s the good news: The Nutrisystem weight loss program was designed for people like you–people who want to lose weight but aren’t exactly sure the best way to go about doing it.

Together, Let’s Make 2020 The Best Year Yet!

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With Nutrisystem, you’ll be set up for success from day one. Research suggests that eating smaller, balanced meals throughout the day promotes greater weight loss and maintenance. On the Nutrisystem weight loss program, you’ll be doing just that. You’ll be eating a variety of guilt-free, nutrient-dense foods every two to three hours. Enjoy a mix of Nutrisystem breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks along with some of your favorite grocery add-ins like fruits and veggies.

And because we know that any weight loss meal plan that’s overly restrictive is bound to fail, we’ve also built Flex™ meals into our program. These are healthy meals you prepare at home (with our guidance!) or order while dining out. Flex meals give you the freedom you crave while keeping you moving along toward your weight loss goals.

And here’s the best part: Because everyone knows that weight loss isn’t always a one size fits all approach, Nutrisystem now offers personalized weight loss plans! With this option, you can receive a weight loss meal plan that’s based on your activity goals, food preferences and body type.

So, how much weight can you actually lose on our program? If you stick with your Nutrisystem meal plan, you can lose up to 18 pounds and 10 inches in your first two months!*

Ready to start the clock? Click here to sign up today! >

5 Reasons Nutrisystem is the Best Diet Plan to Become Your Best You

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Want a little more info before you take the pound-trimming plunge? Here’s everything you need to know about losing weight with Nutrisystem:

What You Get

lose the weight

We know how eager you are to see results after starting a weight loss program. That’s why we include our Body Reboot kit in your first shipment. This kit contains everything you need for your first week on the program and is formulated to deliver fast weight loss results.**

In the Body Reboot kit, you’ll find:

  • 7 shakes packed with protein and probiotics
  • 7 days of specially selected breakfasts, lunches and dinners
  • 7 days of tasty snacks designed to help curb your hunger
  • A helpful Quick Start Guide to help maximize your results

In addition to your Body Reboot kit, your shipment will include your Nutrisystem meals and snacks for the remainder of the month. If you selected our Basic package, you’ll get our most popular picks. If you opted for one of our other packages, your shipment will include the foods you hand-picked when ordering.

You’ll also have access to our awesome weight loss app, NuMi. NuMi is the perfect companion to your weight loss program since you can use it to track what you’re eating, how much you’re moving, how much water you’re drinking and more. And don’t forget to follow our Facebook and Instagram pages! We offer up tons of tips and tricks for navigating the program plus awesome giveaways and exclusive offers.

Of course, you’ll also want to check back here daily since The Leaf is your healthy hub! We are always adding fresh content, Flex meal recipes and fool-proof tips for making the most of your Nutrisystem weight loss program.

What You Do

lose the weight

During your first week, we keep it super simple. You’ll eat only those foods included in your Body Reboot kit–breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack and shakes. Just enjoy the foods provided, referring to your Quick Start Guide for assistance navigating week one. The only things that you will have to add are non-starchy vegetables and water.

Once you’ve completed your first week (congrats!), you will continue losing weight with Nutrisystem® meals and snacks. Every food item is color-coded so you know if it’s intended for breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack. Since all of the food has been formulated to deliver weight loss results, you can feel free to choose any of the breakfast items in the morning, any lunch that sounds appealing during your mid-day meal and any dinner you are in the mood for. You don’t have to stick with certain meals on certain days. This helps to ensure that this experience is an enjoyable one. After all, the best weight loss plan is the one you can stick with!

After your first week on the Nutrisystem weight loss program, you’ll also start to add in a few of your favorite grocery foods (think fruits, veggies, nuts and nut butters, eggs, etc.). Plus, you’ll get to enjoy Flex meals–healthy meals you enjoy cooking at home or ordering out at your favorite restaurant. Don’t worry, we will give you all the guidance you need to make smart and healthy selections. That’s what our weight loss blog, The Leaf, is for! And get this; you can even relax with a glass of wine while on the Nutrisystem weight loss program.

Alcohol on Nutrisystem: Everything You Need to Know

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Does it Work

lose the weight

One look at all of our awesome Success Stories and you’ll know; Nutrisystem works. And not in the quick fix, crash diet kind of way. Our customers tell us all the time that they love Nutrisystem because it’s a sustainable lifestyle after you lose the weight. Even when they’re ready for life after our weight loss program, they are successful because they’ve mastered the skills they need to eat healthy for life.

Are you ready to become our next weight loss success story? Click here to sign up! >

* In a study on the standard Nutrisystem plan, avg weight loss was 15.4 lbs and 9.8 inches.

**In a study, avg weight loss was 5.4 lbs in the first week. The avg weight for the study participants was 207.3 lbs. Results vary based on starting weight and program adherence.

**Usage of this kit for more than one week in any consecutive 4-week period may lead to health complications and is not recommended. Please be sure to eat all of the food recommended for this program. Failure to follow the program protocol and eat all of the food recommended may involve developing serious health complications. If you have diabetes, are under 18 years of age, are pregnant or a nursing mother, or following a specialized diet for health issues, you may not use this kit. Please consult your physician before purchasing (or beginning) this kit.

The post New Year, New You! Lose the Weight with Nutrisystem appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

How do you keep going after a binge?

How do you keep going after a binge?

Hey guys, wishing you all the best with your weight loss and fitness goals. I’m fairly new here. Yesterday I ended up binging but stopped myself mid binge and obviously still feel rubbish about it. To those of you who are losing the weight or have lost weight, do you have any tips or advice on how to keep going with the journey and not completely fall off the wagon after one binge?

Also, wanted to know how often you all weigh yourselves if you do?

After a few months on anti depressants I managed to gain a lot and not lose it so I am back on this fitness journey. I’ve accepted that this is a lifestyle thing as opposed to a quick 1 month extreme dieting then binging kind of thing. I haven’t had to focus on fat loss for almost 3 years and have I suppose forgotten what really helps and what worked.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you! X

submitted by /u/b_rainx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

All Aboard The Post Holiday Weight Loss Wagon!

I've been on and off of "diets" for the last couple years, and every one of them but this last one I've started on has not been able to stick. (Most of them were variations on the keto diet but this time it's just calorie counting.) My 18th birthday is just days away at this point and since the holidays are over and I'm back at school I stuck to my promise that I would weigh myself at the end of it and keep on going just like I had been. I was expecting to have completely ruined my progress but to my surprise I actually only gained four pounds! Which, yeah, is pretty bad for a two and a half week span but it's much less than I was expecting to have to deal with.

I've decided that I really wanna try hard this year to have a clear weight loss goal and plan, and to FINALLY get down to 200 pounds. I honestly legitimately cannot remember a time when I was below that number after about 5th grade when puberty kicked in. I don't want this to just be a number that I get to, I want it to be a legitimate lifestyle change and finally feel confident in my body for once.

Here's my plan: since I started in late August my calorie limit has been 1800 a day, which worked out just amazingly for me and got me down to 239 in October from like 253, combined with a huge increase in exercise from having to bike to work and school. I'm going to start out again at 1800 this week, then every week decrease 100 calories until I'm acclimated to about 1500 calories a day, then do my best to stay at that intake until I reach my goal. I will also be eliminating my "cheat weekends" as they absolutely aren't helping me any.

I'm really hoping that by July I'll be there, but honestly one of the most important things someone's ever told me on this sub is that it doesn't matter when I get there just that I'm actively working towards it. My dream is to be one of those people who look back and say "yeah I was really overweight back in highschool, but I put in the work to lose it and now I'm finally okay with myself."

It's a new decade, and now I finally have the means to financially and physically control what and how much I eat, which I plan to take full advantage of this year. Wish me luck, and best of luck to anyone else on the same journey I am!

submitted by /u/kawaiidonut_suit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A Year of Getting Better Physically and Mentally

Hi everyone, 22 almost 23 year old guy here. At the beginning of 2019 I wasn’t happy with who I was as a person physically and mentally. I was pushing around 270 pounds and had been at some of the lowest points in my life losing to my depression and anxiety. I had a history of extremely low self confidence, I had years of self harming and just truly hating who I was. I finally decided to try and make my life better, one step at a time.

I’m proud to say I’ve lost 65 pounds this past year and am down to my lowest weight since I was in 8th or 9th grade, ending up at around 205 pounds. I also went down from a 38 to 36 waist size while also going from an XXL shirt to mostly XLs and even some Larges. I honestly just started simple with walking everyday around my apartment, cutting pop (soda) and certain snacks out of my diet, and reducing my portion sizes. I eventually added strength training and the Coach to 5K app with jogging to that which helped me taking the next steps to losing more weight.

While I know this sub is more focused on weight loss, I’m also the most mentally healthy and happy I’ve been in a long time, with things like group therapy at my university, keeping track of my mood, and FINALLY finding a good therapist helping me get a whole lot better than I have been in the past. I knew I needed to get healthier in more ways than one, with me even just at first barely finding motivation to lose weight.

I still have goals that I want to reach as I continue to become more healthy mentally and physically, but I still am damn proud of what I did in 2019. I’m in repair, I’m not together but I’m getting there.

Pic of me on January 1, 2019 versus December 23, 2019:

submitted by /u/vukotich21
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to focus on weightloss without feeling defeated and humiliated?

I have always struggled with weight loss, and the one thing that bothers me the most is the mean comments about my weight. They're not said to encourage me or express concern for my health. Its just cruel jokes and humiliation from family, and the comments come from people who are overweight themselves. In the past I have dieted and lost weight in really bad ways in order to please them and they still weren't happy. I gained it back and the mean comments continue, and it really discourages me. I feel like I need to not diet in order to not let them win if that makes sense.

I have started keto, because I need to lose weight once and for all, but how do I shake the feeling that I have "lost" somehow by dieting? The family members who are overweight and bully me are a lot older, and nobody can make them diet, but I am expected to. Its such a complicated feeling for me. I know I need to lose weight, but I want to do it in peace. I have been holding myself back from achieving my goals in order to hold on to my pride, because its all I have at this point. If I lose weight, Im scared of becoming even more insecure, and feeling like a loser all over again like I did the last time I lost weight.

How do I focus on the fact that I need to lose weight and also stand up to my family and make sure they get it through their heads that I'm not doing this for them? How do I let go of my pride? This has been a problem for 12 years. I have been overweight since I was 7, and I don't even remember how I became overweight in the first place.

submitted by /u/BlueChickenNugget
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