Monday, January 13, 2020

Dating after weight loss!

TL;DR: I’d love to hear some feedback and how your dating life has changed after losing weight.

Low key/high key … this is a tough one to come to terms with!

I’ve had the unfortunate experience of more than one person telling me that I was a "nice girl" but I was just not fit enough. I don’t want to attack anyone for feeling that way—in fact, props to the ones who came out and said it rather than the ones who used another excuse. I will say, for the most part, men have truly been kind.

I personally have definitely noticed a huge change after dropping 30 pounds – 250 to 220. It’s kind of awful, but I feel like dudes don’t look straight through me anymore. Lol it’s hard being a human. I also have the confidence to wear less makeup and wear my hair un-styled and just air-dried. I'm sure there is a level of natural confidence coming through as well that people pick up on. You know, we feel each other's energies and what not.

I carry my weight in my midsection which is dreadfully hard to get rid of. But it seems to be fairly well hidden until … the clothes come off! Haha!

I’ve mostly used dating apps with the very very very occasional date coming from *gasp* real life. This is D.C. in 2020! We are unwell!

Anyway, let me know what your experiences have been. Very curious.

submitted by /u/elem1989
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I need help and I’m embarrassed

I apologize in advance for the length of this post, but I need help and don’t know where to turn. This sub has been amazing for me, so hopefully someone can give me a little help.

A little background. I was never overweight as a child, but my dad had a fear of me being fat so at a young age (7) I was relegated to the basement to run on the treadmill alone and my food was heavily restricted. In high school I would hide in my room to eat (I didn’t want to disappoint my dad, so even though I was doing it in secret, I made sure they were “healthy” foods, so basically any fat-free cookies or goodies). My weight ballooned when I was well into adulthood. I ballooned up to 270’s/5.9 F. Over the last 13 months I’ve lost 100 lbs, gained 25 back, lost 30, gained 27 again and I’m down 10 of those again. If anything, this tells you I have a lot to work on. I don’t have my binge eating under control. I still don’t like to eat in front of people. Just a lot to work on. I have a horrible relationship with food, but am aware what a healthy relationship should look like.

What I need help with is my kids. I have two young kids. 5 and 8. Their whole lives I spent trying to instill good eating habits and trying to instill a healthy relationship with food: You don’t need to clear your plate, you should only eat until not hungry (not eating until full). Plenty of water. We talk about calories, how eating different types of food makes you feel physically, etc. What foods give you energy, strength, etc. So this is not every time they eat, but I want them to be cognizant of what goes into their bodies. Although I don’t typically buy junk food to keep around the house (chips, cookies, etc), I also don’t restrict any foods; however, I do moderate it (for example, I’d rather have them eat 4 M&M,s occasionally as a snack, than prohibit any chocolate and they binge on it at someone else’s house..or worse develop my horrible habit of eating in secret). They make sure to always have something healthy on their plates, and they know what it is and what it means. The problem is that they are both overweight. I feel like I’ve failed as a parent. I feel like a horrible piece of shit. I see teenagers post on here about their amazing weight loss stories and most know that the their horrible habits was their parents fault initially. They weren’t taught the proper things to eat, etc. Because of how I was raised, I’ve worked so hard to at least instill the right habits, but I’m failing. I’m a horrible parent and I don’t know how to fix it.

My oldest eats very healthy, but has an issue with portion control. For example, he’ll eat a whole avocado. He could probably eat 3 avocados if I let him. My youngest I think may have a sensory issue with food and will only eat a very limited number of foods (either that or just really stubborn). I talked to his doctor about it this morning and he suggested we give it a 3 month trial trying to get this under control and hopefully it’ll help with his digestive issues as well (problems going to the bathroom, I’m assuming for lack of fiber in veggies, since the only veggie he eats is spinach. The only fruit he’ll touch is oranges). If this doesn’t improve he will be sent to a specialist that deals with sensory issues.

I need help with helping them lose weight, especially with my youngest since he’s so stubborn on what he’ll eat. Usually if he doesn’t want to eat I won’t give in to let him have crap, but he’ll just live on milk. I’d rather die than have them face the struggles that I’ve had to face having such an unhealthy relationship with food and being obese.

Obviously what I’ve been doing isn’t working. And I feel horrible. Does anyone have any advice, tips, etc to help kids lose weight. Any meal plans for kids? What about meal plans to incorporate veggies? How do you get your young kids to eat veggies?

Any help, advice, tips would be appreciated. And maybe reinforcement that I’ve done a shitty job parenting is what I need to hear!

submitted by /u/LegallyRubia
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

C25K: Or, the First Time I’ve Ever Enjoyed Running

Hi everyone,

Over the last 6 months, I’ve lost just about 100 pounds (M25, Starting weight: 320, Current weight: 225, Goal weight: 180 for now - but I’m gonna keep going). It was all through strict calorie counting and 3 hrs a day in the gym, which I’ve really enjoyed. However, the gym has gotten a bit boring (since I’ve exhausted my podcast and YouTube to-watch/listen lists). Just after The new year, I joined the Loseit Challenge, and I started C25K to add more intense cardio to my routine, which is something I’ve avoided my whole life. For those who don’t know, C25K is a program that aims to make a couch potato 5K-ready in a measured program that starts with alternating walks and jobs that trend toward more and more running over time.

Today’s run was the first time I ever actively enjoyed running, in any capacity, at all in my life. After every run in the first week, I could feel how intensely my heart was beating while I was left absolutely panting for the intermittent walks. Today, on Week 2, Day 2, the runs felt smooth, and I wasn’t nearly exhausted. The kicker: I decided to run through the 5 minute cool down walk before doing my own cool down. This felt like an absolute marathon compared to the 90 second bursts I was doing for today’s run. Going to the gym and working out have made sense to me for a long time now, but this is the first time running has really clicked with me (as someone who spent all of middle and highschool gym classes absolutely miserable).

I’m not someone who agrees at all with the “if I can do it, you can do it” mantra - I see it on a lot of posts across the usual fitness, weight loss, and motivational subreddits. I disagree for one main reason: all of our situations are different. I have some lucky situations that have made my weight loss and my C25K experience easier than some have it: I have a job with a flexible schedule so I have time to go o the gym, I can afford the gym membership and healthy foods, I have supporting friends and family, I don’t take any medications that would make it difficult to lose weight, I don’t have any physical or mental/emotional differences/difficulties that would make going to the gym more challenging, etc etc. etc. Just because I lost weight one way (with a lot of hard work and dedication, but not without some helpful privileges), that does not mean the same strategies or advice would helpful everyone else.

However, I have felt for the longest time incapable of fitness or healthy living. The person I was at 320 is drastically different from who I am now almost 100 pounds later, and I still have a lot more to go. For those who feel like they are not capable, or that things will never work for them, I know how that feels, my advice is this: losing weight and getting healthy is for one person only: you. You live in your body and you know what it would mean for you to accomplish the goals you set up for yourself. Staying accountable to yourself and for yourself is the main key to staying on track. Eating healthy for just one day, working out for 10 minutes, and losing just one pound is still progress, and you should be proud of yourself for any success along the way.

I just wanted to send out a quick thank you for everyone here for being such positive, motivational people - especially those who are struggling since they let me know that it’s not just me. A special shout-out to the folks at /r/C25K and /r/CICO for their help too!

submitted by /u/Zagnaros94
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Maintenance Success

I was 280 lbs back in May and down to 260 as of November and still. I managed to not fall completely off my weight loss wagon because lessons I've learned from r/loseit talking about maintenance. Truly to make it through the holidays and four weeks of low energy illness. It's totally interrupted my meal planning. I have a lot of issues around binge eating and when I'm feeling unwell physically or mentally, it's a trigger to stuff that "void" with "nutrients" in a desperate overcompensation type of way. I had to keep reminding myself, I don't need an ENTIRE box of crackers and it's ok that I'm not following a meal plan. Just because I stopped meal planning for these weeks doesn't mean my weight loss journey is over. While I still did eat an entire box of crackers in one sitting, I'm pretty sure that was my only binge session, I managed to control my other binges by spreading then out and eating smaller portions. Force myself to ask my body whether or not I really need that food and acknowledge I don't really need it, but I'm still going to eat a little and to forgive myself for my little failures.

While all of that might sound like a failure to weight loss journey it's the best failure I've ever had and I'm incredibly proud. Successful people don't avoid failure, they learn from it. I am not just climbing a mountain, this is not a peak to be conquered and moved on from. I am a mountain woman; I will navigate the mountain range and climb many mountains.

I know I can do this, little success by little success. Better (but not great) is still better and the proof is in the pudding (or my weight chart in this case).

I love you all.

submitted by /u/Faeleena
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The benefit of a Friday weigh in

Hi Loseit!

Like many of you, I’ve been on this weight loss journey for a long time, and along the way I’ve learned what works for me and what doesn’t.

One thing I recently started doing that I wish I had done sooner is weighing myself on Friday (or the day before your ‘weekend’). It was easy to stick with my goals during the work week, but when the weekend came I would drink, eat more, and log calories less. I finally figured out that I wasn’t losing weight (and sometimes gaining) because of this bad weekend behavior. So, I weigh myself on Friday, the day before the weekend, the day before I often eat out and drink and binge.

On Friday, if my weight loss progress is good, it motivates me to keep doing better over the weekend. And if my progress is slow or not where I want it to be, it motivates me to tighten up my efforts a little more. No more being disappointed when I step on the scale on mondays!

Hope this helps someone like it’s helped me. Cheers to y’all!

submitted by /u/CraterCrest
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Calorie intake help

Hey friends! Im sorry if this isn't welcome on this page. I am hoping for a little guidance on my weight loss journey.

Stats: Height: 6'0 Weight: 244 Age: 25

So I am about half a month into my weight loss journey and I am worried that I am not consuming enough to support my exercise.

My routine looks like this: Gym: M, W, T, F (three days consists of 45 minutes of superset strength training and an hour of steady state cardio on an elliptical, Friday is yoga and cardio)

Brazilian JiuJitsu: M, T, W, T, S Each class is about an hour and a half, except for Saturday. 20 minutes of warmups and technique. The rest is normally 5 minute rounds of rolling (pure cardio with 30 second rest)

My goal is to lose around 2-3lbs a week. I have no idea how many calories I need. I'm estimating on off days I need 1800-2000. When I train is when it gets a little murky. The calculators I have used seem really high on their estimates.

Any tips or resources you can share are greatly appreciated!

Again sorry for any formatting issues or if this isn't allowed.

submitted by /u/kota366
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Looking for Advice with a New Obstacle! Cut Calories but Weight won't Budge

Hello everyone!

I am 5'2, 140 pounds on my home scale (150 pounds on the doctor's scale) and female.

I exercise consistently with cardio and weightlifting. (Roughly 4 days a week for weights and 5 days a week for cardio) I burn around 400+ calories per workout according to my Fitbit.

I have cut calories in the past and used the MyFitnessPal app to help me, which worked great! ... Until now.

I realized a few weeks ago that I had developed a bit of a belly. It sticks out further than I'd like, which bugs me, and is the catalyst for why I set out to lose 5 pounds.

I've been weighing myself when prompted by the app and I haven't moved at all in my weight loss over 11 days.

I'm pretty good at staying right around where my calories say I should be, but this is the first time I've had this big of a problem. Sometimes I'm under and sometimes I'm over, but never by more than 200, and even that is rare as hen's teeth.

I'm wondering what's going on? Am I gaining muscle and it's causing my scale to not move? Am I heavier than my scale says I am (there's a 10 pound difference at the doctor's office)?

I am concerned that if I am actually heavier than what my scale says, maybe I am not eating enough and that's contributing to my problem. I do get hungry a good bit and have very little wiggle room with my calorie restriction.

Some important notes! I am weighed whenever I arrive at the doctor's (morning, mid-day, afternoon) and also while fully clothed with wallet, keys, shoes, the works. At home I weigh myself in my PJs when I first get up.

I am also a vegetarian and going vegan as I have food sensitivities and have recently become lactose intolerant.

Any thoughts or advice is welcome and thank you for having me! You have a really cool community! I hope everyone continues to meet goals and get that healthy life!

(On mobile, so I apologise if anything looks odd)

submitted by /u/AlwaysHadCats08
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from loseit - Lose the Fat